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How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 1:56 pm
by Mr.Shadow
I mean very smart. IQ test, books, puzzles, chess. Study math for fun possibly.
Listen to NPR perhaps. Yes this is a stupid question. Yes I am new here.
And, yes I am asking these questions because I am trying to expand my knowledge.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:01 pm
by Carl G
Glad you asked, Mr Shadow, and very glad you are here. Simply put, avoid fluoride. That's right, do not ingest this poisonous chemical and your prospects for becoming very smart go up astronomically.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:07 pm
by Mr.Shadow
Thats funny I will have to remember that. But, can this question be answered please.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:36 pm
by Blair
How does one become smart?
By emulating you, obviously.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:53 pm
by Tomas

I mean very smart. IQ test, books, puzzles, chess.

Surely the above gets boring but if you already got it you know it.

Study math for fun possibly.

On second thought..

Listen to NPR perhaps.

Charlie Rose (late night public tv program) is interesting. Yuh gotta read between the lines on his show to get the deeper meaning.

Yes this is a stupid question. Yes I am new here.

Don't worry about it already!

And, yes I am asking these questions because I am trying to expand my knowledge.

I'd suggest you read (scan) a couple-few different threads to get a hang of this place.

There is also - Worldly Matters Forum - to explore.. it's a bit more laid-back.

This joint has its up-and-down days, lots of posts then a couple the next.

Ask questions, but beware, there are a few quasi-trolls that inhabit this place :-/

PS - Carl is correct - (no kidding) avoid fluoride.

Don't confuse it with the plant-based fluorine.


Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 4:02 pm
by Dan Rowden
Mr.Shadow wrote:I mean very smart. IQ test, books, puzzles, chess. Study math for fun possibly.
Listen to NPR perhaps. Yes this is a stupid question. Yes I am new here.
And, yes I am asking these questions because I am trying to expand my knowledge.
Why do you want to be very smart?

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:51 pm
by Blair
Here's how to be smart;

1. Get off the drugs, they only make you feel you are smart.

2. See 1

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:56 pm
by Jason
You're such a prick prince, and stupid to boot.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:02 am
by Renaissance
Agent 86

The best way to become smart
is to Get Smart

Actually: an ignorant person is one who just doesn't know something. Once he learns that something he is no longer ignorant in that particular area. A stupid person, on the other hand, is one who can't retain the knowledge given to him. No matter how many times he is told he just can't seem to remember and so continues to make the same mistakes over and over again.

This being the case you 'get smart' by researching and applying techniques to strengthen your memory

Also, if you are still in school, I would recommend researching into speed reading and maybe speed math techniques.

There are different methods and I feel it is best to find the one that works best for you.

Decide what exactly you want to become smarter at and apply the techniques that have strengthened your mind to whatever it is you want to become smarter at. That's the best advice I can offer at the moment. I'm truly surprised that of all the people in this forum it seems my advice in this matter is better than anyone else's. Hey, it's the obvious truth. If the rest of you are smarter than I am you sure haven't proven it on this thread and you know it!

SPECIAL EDIT: Sorry about that silly photo, Chief

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 4:16 am
by Renaissance
prince wrote:Here's how to be smart;

1. Get off the drugs, they only make you feel you are smart.

2. See 1
Your technique obiously hasn't worked for you, prince. I guess the damage done is permanent, eh?

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:37 am
by Matt Gregory
Mr.Shadow wrote:How does one become smart?
I don't know how everybody else does it, but the way I learn something is by examining it very fucking carefully. If I feel any confusion about it, I look at it again and again and again and again until it clears up. Practice makes perfect. When I walk away from it, I at least want to know exactly what it is I know about it and what I don't know about it. Knowing what you know and what you don't know may not be a position where you're actually smart, but it's a position where you can approach smartness.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:07 pm
by Steven Coyle
Study your dreams. Know all things are empty of inherency. Learn to enter other dimensions through semantics.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 12:48 pm
by Mr.Shadow
Thanks everyone that answered my question On how I can become smart.
This has shown me who I can ask questions and who I can not ask questions.
Repulsive stupidity is bliss when you ask a vague question.
Even though I didnt not give exacts on my question I got a rounded out response.
This is good to know I am currently a mid 30ish gentleman that has some college under my belt.
I plan to go back very soon to futher my studing .
I am an obsessive reader,Example I have currently 58 books I have yet to read.
I am told by my wife I am a tad obsessive when it comes to reading lol.
I buy a new book roughly once a week.They range from Peotry Philosophy Mathmatics Computer History Puzzles and Great Literature Works.Im sure I have left out an item or two but you get the picture.
This is how I get some of my knowlege.I hope chatting with a few other people can help me along the way.
Thank you for your help and hope to comment back soon

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 2:59 pm
by Dan Rowden
I need to know why you want to be very smart so as to establish my interest in helping you - or not.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 3:15 pm
by skipair
Mr.Shadow wrote:I mean very smart. IQ test, books, puzzles, chess. Study math for fun possibly.
Listen to NPR perhaps. Yes this is a stupid question. Yes I am new here.
And, yes I am asking these questions because I am trying to expand my knowledge.
IQ, book knowledge, puzzles and chess are superficial forms of smartness, IMHFO. A deeper kind of smartness comes when you enjoy your own mind so much that you put all activities aside so you can just sit and think. It's not so much a thing that can be planned as something that just comes naturally when you want and need it.

From there it's really hard to describe the process, but for me it meant constantly improving my base - finding my weak points and bringing them up to par.

After that it's just asking yourself what you really know, and making sure you never trick yourself into thinking you know something when you don't. And if you ask me, you fucked up when you said those two magic words: "I do."

J/k, kinda, not really. Good luck!

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 7:14 pm
by brad walker
Mr.Shadow wrote: I plan to go back very soon to futher my studing .
I am an obsessive reader,Example I have currently 58 books I have yet to read.
Only fifty-eight? There's an entire Library of Congress out there!

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:10 am
by Renaissance
Mr.Shadow wrote: I am told by my wife I am a tad obsessive when it comes to reading lol.
I buy a new book roughly once a week.They range from Peotry Philosophy Mathmatics Computer History Puzzles and Great Literature Works.
I assume that "Peotry" is poetry written by 'peons'.

Seriously, if you truly read that many books I strongly suggest you read books to strengthen your memory, speed reading & speed math (if you intend to take a math course). Heck, it's worth a heck of a lot more to you than...Peotry.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 4:03 am
by Renaissance
Dan Rowden wrote:I need to know why you want to be very smart so as to establish my interest in helping you - or not.
Well, I want to be very smart because I want you to help me to be very smart. Howz that?

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:20 am
by Dan Rowden
I'm pretty sure that doesn't make sense.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:48 am
by DHodges
Put aside all cleverness.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:49 am
by Mr.Shadow
I got you on the poetry misspell lol.
As far as what is my weakness I would say math.
I wish to know more but my problem is I leap before I walk.
I like History alot but it gets old sometimes.
I would like to work on my speech and understanding a bigger vocabulary.
I feel that that can help you out in many ways.
I will say of the books I do have there are some that are over my head but when I read the introductions to them they seem very intresting.
Examples On Th Shoulders Of Giants.
Euclid Geometry
Thats to name a few with out listing all of my collection lol.
I want to understand math alot more and english alot more.
That way when I sit down to read I can get a better grasp on the subjects that intrest me.
I plan on sticking in here a reading and posting alot lol.
No Im not a genius,But perhaps by reading and listening to what many of the wise people in here say maybe I can become batter knowleged in the areas I wish to be.
Thanks so much for you comment everyone.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:20 am
by Dan Rowden
I guess you've answered my question whilst not answering my question.

lol, I have no self respect, lmfao, roflmfao, imho.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 11:32 am
by Carl G
Mr.Shadow wrote: I like History alot but it gets old sometimes.
Especially ancient history, huh.
I would like to work on my speech and understanding a bigger vocabulary.
I feel that that can help you out in many ways.
I will say of the books I do have there are some that are over my head but when I read the introductions to them they seem very intresting.
Examples On Th Shoulders Of Giants.
Euclid Geometry
Thats to name a few with out listing all of my collection lol.
I want to understand math alot more and english alot more.
I would suggest starting with learning how to use the spell check function on your computer.
That way when I sit down to read I can get a better grasp on the subjects that intrest me.
I plan on sticking in here a reading and posting alot lol.
Lol? Well, you're right, it could be funny.
No Im not a genius,But perhaps by reading and listening to what many of the wise people in here say maybe I can become batter knowleged in the areas I wish to be.
Mmm, batter knowleged. And then deep freid, I'll bet.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:32 pm
by Mr.Shadow
I got you didnt I lol.

Re: How does one become smart?

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:42 pm
by Carl G
Mr.Shadow wrote:Why is it that people come on here and think they are someone special by talking down on some one?
How do you know they think they are "someone special"?
I guess being it is the internet it really matters how you spell on a genius forum.
Um, yeah, it kind of does. Communication relies on a modicum of care in how one expresses. Sorry if you don't agree, but you did ask for advice.
Spell check is great if you use it when you are not in a hurry.
So, you're in a hurry to find out how to get smart? What's that about? Such an important subject surely deserves your careful attention I would think.
I sure can tell there is arrogance in here for sure.
You sure sound sure, but is that it really? Maybe it is you who is arrogant coming on here with your slipshod writing and expecting everyone to figure out what such things as "batter knowleged" mean.
It's also great when you read people's comments talking down on you. Make you feel so good.
Do you think making you feel good is what this forum is about?
Here's a novel idea, I don't care how I spell in here.
Now, see? That came across as a bit arrogant.