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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:53 am
by Shahrazad
Rebecca: Yes but once he gets his fix don't you think he'll need to up the dosage? Keep finding more attractive and more unattainable women to attain. There are always more... I don't see how doing drugs can cure your addiction.

Sher: I hear you. It's dangerous, but it's a risk he has to take. His other choice is to live his whole life bitter because he is a loser; a man who no real woman ever loved. He'd have to kill himself.

Dan: His other other choice is to realise how demented it is to feel oneself a loser because you couldn't convince a woman to love you. If he manages not to be a loser by the terms you cite, he will be a bigger loser, frankly, and will have to live with that all his life!
Excellent "other choice", Dan. Just leave it to you to figure these difficult emotional conundrums out.

I was tempted to post a fourth choice, but then I decided it would not be well taken by most here.
Surely the most evil song ever written is that trash: "You're nobody till somebody loves you..."
I hate that line. As if someone else can determine what I'm worth.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:02 am
by Dan Rowden
Shahrazad wrote:Dan,
Many women continue to enjoy the fruits of marriage after divorce.
How? They collect alimony and child support?
Often along with the house and the friend network - i.e. all the accouterments of the marriage state with the exception of the man, who is kind of redundant then anyway. Women is this position I think tend to be quite slow to go back into the relationship market for the simple reason they don't necessarily need it. I'm sure this varies from culture to culture, depending on how divorce settlements tend to be arranged.
Such women are often slow to put themselves back in the marketplace, especially if they have kids.
Most of them are not that slow, in my experience. In fact, when she is newly divorced is the time that she is the most desperate to find a man. After some years of singleness, decades maybe, she will come to accept that being alone is not the end of the world, and has its side benefits. About at that time she gets bored with the night life.
Hmm, most women I've seen who have done that - and have set Woman aside to a certain extent - have actually been empty shells of people, with no purpose, no life, no energy, sort of zombie-like, since they have nothing with which to fill the void left in them by the absence of striving for or embodying Woman. It's important for any woman who lives alone like this and doesn't seek relationships to find something that engages her brain. If she can, she'll be ok; if not, as far as I can tell, she'll be a proverbial dead woman walking.

Being alone is the beginning of the world, not the end of it.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:12 am
by Shahrazad
Alex, you're a vain con-artist. However, nobody here is fooled by you. Have a little more respect.
Sher. . . please . . . don't . . . say . . . don't . . . say . . . it!

You're almost right, Trev.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:19 am
by David Quinn
Alex Jacob wrote:The term 'absolute truth' is an absolutely absurd abstraction. It really has no meaning, but is used, by losers who conceal themselves from themselves, to represent great things...
I think we need a glossary for this:

Life - pussy.
Loser - anyone who runs away from pussy.
Winner - anyone who openly salivates over pussy.
Neurosis - fear of pussy.
Personal growth - the increasing ability to satisfy pussy.
Absolute truth - the refuge of losers.
Philosophic thought - a pretentious mask donned by a loser.
Enlightenment - a pipe-dream entertained by losers.
Wisdom - the ability to access young girl's pussies.

I have taken a clear stand against the oatmealification of Life, .....


Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:22 am
by Ataraxia
Dan Rowden wrote:
Ataraxia wrote:
Dan Rowden wrote: It's not quite the patriarchal, phallic edifice that feminists would have you think it is; indeed, it's not remotely like that.

This semester I made the mistake of enrolling in a class called 'Text and Culture'; as you may have guessed, it is basically post-structuralism/post-modernism 101.

It is extraordinary the absolute nonsense that is being peddled in some of these subjects. Young minds haven't got a chance, in my view. Just as quick example, please be advised that considering "time" in a linear fashion (ie. as a clock tells it) is a bourgeois and anti-feminist subplot foisted on an unwilling public to oppress working class females and prolong patriarchal dominance.
Holy crap. What's their reasoning behind this?
This is the gist of it. Understand that 'man' and bourgeois are interchangable terms to this particular lecturer (both are always categorized as the oppressor) :
Peter Brooks writes of this linear thinking that it is typical of post-Renaissance western cultures:"The emergence of narrative plot as a dominant mode of ordering and explanation may belong to the large process of secularization, dating from the Renaissance and gathering force during the Enlightenment, which marks a falling-away from those revealed plots - the Chosen People, Redemption, the Second Coming - that appeared to subsume transitory human time to the timeless."

Time ceased to be seen as cyclical, like the cycling of the seasons. No longer was one year seen as a reiteration of the one before in an essentially timeless or infinite universe. And no longer was the year measured in terms of religious feasts that celebrated, in repeated cycles, the Birth, Death and Resurrection of Christ – leading to another Coming of Christ, a recursive concept. Instead secularization brought us the bourgeois concept of time as progress – time measured out in units that could be measured and assigned a value, as in the Bundy Clock. Now, in our bourgeois post-Renaissance world, linear time – rather than the timelessness of recursive cycles – is perceived as 'natural'.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:38 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
Shahrazad wrote: Sher. . . please . . . don't . . . say . . . don't . . . say . . . it!

You're almost right, Trev.
When it comes to Poe's Law, I always err on the side of caution.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:40 am
by Jason
Alex Jacob wrote:Alex has spoken!
Your shtick would work so much better without the puritanical Christianity bit tacked on at the end; such a disconnect. The shamanism fit so much better.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:24 pm
by Ataraxia
Jason wrote:
Your shtick would work so much better without the puritanical Christianity bit tacked on at the end; such a disconnect. The shamanism fit so much better.
I thought he had it pretty well covered when he represented himself as the squawking Tucan.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:29 pm
by David Quinn
Alex has a neurosis? Who would have thought?


Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:55 pm
by skipair
Reb: Yes, but how could you possibly deal with your own fear by engaging in an energetic interaction with another being who has not confronted their own fear one iota?
If I fear them, I'll go to them.

Shah: He wants to get a young, attractive woman to fall in love with him, to choose him over and above all other men.
Fall in lust with me, not love.

Reb: Yes but once he gets his fix don't you think he'll need to up the dosage? Keep finding more attractive and more unattainable women to attain. There are always more... I don't see how doing drugs can cure your addiction.
I've had lots of habits/activites/addictions in my life that simply ended when I was finished exploring them. If they don't end, then they don't.

Shah: I hear you. It's dangerous, but it's a risk he has to take. His other choice is to live his whole life bitter because he is a loser; a man who no real woman ever loved. He'd have to kill himself.
This is hilarious. For all your useless blatherings, sometimes I find you genuinely funny.

I've had enough experience giving and receiving love with women to be done with it. Have I not been clear enough? I have lust, and I'm interested in her lust. "Full stop", as they say in British English.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:03 pm
by Shahrazad
Often along with the house and the friend network - i.e. all the accouterments of the marriage state with the exception of the man, who is kind of redundant then anyway.
Wow, until you posted this, it didn't dawn on me that my divorce was unusual. I lost my bank account, I got no network, no family from his side. No help in raising the children, financial or otherwise. I actually was happy to get out of the marriage with nothing more than a few bruises, two healthy kids and a lot of experience about what not to do.

Kids, being loved is overrated. It is far better to live in peace.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 1:13 pm
by Shahrazad
For all your useless blatherings, sometimes I find you genuinely funny.
As useless as my "blatherings" are, I nailed your plan very well. So what if I wrote "love" instead of "lust"? They are both pretty useless emotions in my book anyway.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 5:48 pm
by skipair
Shahrazad wrote:As useless as my "blatherings" are, I nailed your plan very well.
I'd give it a B/B-.

So what if I wrote "love" instead of "lust"?
I guess there's not much difference considering both make a person's happiness tied to another. It's definitely different how they play out, though.

They are both pretty useless emotions in my book anyway.
For love, I can agree with that from experience. For lust, only in theory.

Too bad you can't add nationalism to your list.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:04 pm
by rebecca702
Alex Jacob wrote:
Rebecca wrote:So your idea of success is being a functional member of society?
There is no 'ideal of success', there are just people who find ways to live life with a certain strength or commitment, with 'personal power'. Life is an incredible, extraordinary and pretty much unexplicable event. Why do you seem to assume it can be reduced to a description that could be stated on an internet forum?
Well, you said,
Failure, success...what do you really know about it?
on the post I was replying to and I thought I'd see what you had to say about it. See what your beliefs were, maybe. You seemed to have a lot of worldly goals and I wanted to know what measuring stick you were using on your enemies here.
I teach women by example. My teaching is very personal and carefully catered to their stage of development and their immediate needs. Women, when I am done teaching them, always say, Whew! Thanks Alex. I learned a great deal! I never thought learning could fun. So easy!
Maybe everyone here already knows, but what is it that you teach? Sounds like sugarcoating and spoonfeeding to me, if they're saying -gushing, from the sound of it- that it was so fun and easy. Or maybe they're just swooning because they all want your dick. ?
I get a lot of repeat students who never want to graduate!
Not wanting to move on to the next challenging hurdle in your life, huh, and it's taken as a compliment. Speaking of failure and success and loserishness, that smacks of fairly infantile mommy-I-want-to-stay-in-the-womb behavior. Why would you be proud of playing Mommy?
I am a teacher from 'on high', and I have come down through 7 terrestrial levels to spout my teachings (y'all are in the Third Level), to convert a bunch of boring, monotonous, short-dicked, mono-maniacal assholes to the Good News.
I'm assuming this is a complete joke.
I love pussy and and believe everyone should have one close by!
But you're not mono-maniacal about pussy, right?
Alex Jones wrote:
rebecca702 wrote:What's the purpose of life, Alex? I'd really like to hear.
Really, when you think about it, this is a bizarre question. Only a philistine, I suggest, would even try to answer it. (And I'm sure they do). To approach the 'answer', or to allude to an answer, is to say something that means something to you. You have to be willing to take a personal risk, I would say. No one here has any interest in taking risks, at least that is my impression.
Well, yes. It is a bizarre question. But you seemed like you were oozing with the answer that you wanted to bestow on me. I was being a little tongue-in-cheek and seeing what you might spew.
If you don't mind, send me a picture of your tits. That is, if you'd be so kind. (That is, if you are 18 years of age or older!)
Had one too many today? But no, I'm sure these are your true colors. What was that comment someone made earlier about a rubber-midget-spine or something?

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:07 pm
by rebecca702
You teach women by example. Oooohhh. I thought you actually meant you were an instructor of some kind. I mean, of a scholarly subject. I mean... oh never mind.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:14 pm
by rebecca702
Upon further review Alex I see I must have completely failed to separate sarcasm from seriousness, because there seemed to be some seriousness sprinkled in there somewhere. I don't know what the hell you actually meant by any of that. But now I'm just going to give up because I don't think it's worth my effort.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:25 pm
by jupta

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:34 pm
by skipair
Intense foreplay. Game on.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:08 pm
by sue hindmarsh

No pics allowed. Please create a link to it.



Why act the idiot?
(It is an act - yes?)

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:38 pm
by sue hindmarsh
Rebecca wrote:
Upon further review Alex I see I must have completely failed to separate sarcasm from seriousness, because there seemed to be some seriousness sprinkled in there somewhere. I don't know what the hell you actually meant by any of that.
No need to be confused; Alex's "seriousness" and "sarcasm" are equally insane.
But now I'm just going to give up because I don't think it's worth my effort.
It's not really "giving up" when you decide not to talk to Alex. It's preferring sanity over insanity.

Now you need never be bored by him again. Yay!


Looking over YOUR posts to Alex, it is clear that he is 100% creepy. He obviously has neither love nor respect for women. For him, women are just playthings.

I wonder which institution he teaches at. From what he writes, he has access to many young women. To protect them, the institution should be alerted to the fact that his soul is that of a dirty old man. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them - or young men, for that matter, as he may spread his disease.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:05 pm
by Nick
rebecca702 wrote:Upon further review Alex I see I must have completely failed to separate sarcasm from seriousness, because there seemed to be some seriousness sprinkled in there somewhere. I don't know what the hell you actually meant by any of that. But now I'm just going to give up because I don't think it's worth my effort.
Ha, I've only managed to plow through one or two of his posts since he's been hanging around here. My mind tends to go numb trying to read them. It's disturbing imagining someone as souless as him.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:18 pm
by David Quinn
Sue Hindmarsh wrote:Looking over YOUR posts to Alex, it is clear that he is 100% creepy. He obviously has neither love nor respect for women. For him, women are just playthings.

I wonder which institution he teaches at. From what he writes, he has access to many young women. To protect them, the institution should be alerted to the fact that his soul is that of a dirty old man. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near them - or young men, for that matter, as he may spread his disease.
I think you play into his hands with comments like that. He gets off on causing that kind of reaction.

Alex isn't really a dirty old man, at least not in the ordinary sense. He's much too clever and sophisticated for that. He merely pretends to be one, presumably in an attempt to shock us. He seems to think we are all repressed pussy lovers.

It's the banality of it all that I find off-putting. The way he always dips into the lowest common denominator in order to make his points. The way his cleverness never goes beyond being skin deep. The way he regurgitates sociological cliches in the belief that he is effectively countering what goes on here on this forum.

That's what makes him a bore in my eyes. Not the cleverness or the simulation, but that his source material is so lame.


Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:29 pm
by David Quinn
Of course, he will also be getting his rocks off on the mere fact that we are talking about him. He is someone who loves attention and loves using his cleverness to push people's buttons. So he is a dirty old man in that sense.


Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:35 pm
by rebecca702
Nick Treklis wrote:My mind tends to go numb trying to read them
Yes, that's what I'm feeling.

...*learns from past mistakes*...
David Quinn wrote:Of course, he will also be getting his rocks off on the mere fact that we are talking about him. He is someone who loves attention and loves using his cleverness to push people' buttons. So he is a dirty old man in that sense.
Well, there's always that one kid in gym class who gets his jollies by saying the most disgusting thing he can possibly think of. Because he simply must prove that he exists.

Re: The Problem With Women Today

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:18 pm
by rebecca702
Does anybody feel like tearing apart some Eckhart Tolle? I know Oprah and Tolle's connection has been duly discussed/criticized here already, but thought you might like to read some of his actual drivel on the topic of women.

Brought to you by The Ministry of Thinking
Why Women Are Closer To Enlightenment

by Eckhart Tolle, from his book "The Power of Now"

Are the obstacles to enlightenment the same for a man as for a woman?

Yes, but the emphasis is different. Generally speaking, it is easier for a woman to feel and be in her body, so she is naturally closer to Being and potentially closer to enlightenment than a man. This is why many ancient cultures instinctively chose female figures or analogies to represent or describe the formless and transcendental reality. It was often seen as a womb that gives birth to everything in creation and sustains and nourishes it during its life as form.

In the Tao Te Ching, one of the most ancient and profound books ever written, the Tao, which could be translated as Being, is described as "infinite, eternally present, the mother of the universe." Naturally, women are closer to it than men since they virtually "embody" the Unmanifested. What is more, all creatures and all things must eventually return to the Source. "All things vanish into the Tao. It alone endures." Since the Source is seen as female, this is represented as the light and dark sides of the archetypal feminine in psychology and mythology. The Goddess or Divine Mother has two aspects: She gives life, and she takes life. When the mind took over and humans lost touch with the reality of their divine essence, they started to think of God as a male figure. Society became male dominated, and the female was made subordinate to the male.

I am not suggesting a return to earlier female representations of the divine. Some people now use the term Goddess instead of God. They are redressing a balance between male and female that was lost a long time ago, and that is good. But it is still a representation and a concept, perhaps temporarily useful, just as a map or a signpost is temporarily useful, but more a hindrance than a help when you are ready to realize the reality beyond all concepts and images. What does remain true, however, is that the energy frequency of the mind appears to be essentially male. The mind resists, fights for control, uses, manipulates, attacks, tries to grasp and possess, and so on. This is why the traditional God is a patriarchal, controlling authority figure, an often angry man who you should live in fear of, as the Old Testament suggests. This God is a projection of the human mind.

To go beyond the mind and reconnect with the deeper reality of Being, very different qualities are needed: surrender, nonjudgment, an openness that allows life to be instead of resisting it, the capacity to hold all things in the loving embrace of your knowing. All these qualities are much more closely related to the female principle. Whereas mind-energy is hard and rigid, Being-energy is soft and yielding and yet infinitely more powerful than mind. The mind runs our civilization, whereas Being is in charge of all life on our planet and beyond. Being is the very Intelligence whose visible manifestation is the physical universe. Although women are potentially closer to it, men can also access it within themselves.

At this time, the vast majority of men as well as women are still in the grip of the mind: identified with the thinker and the pain-body. This, of course, is what prevents enlightenment and the flowering of love. As a general rule, the major obstacle for men tends to be the thinking mind, and the major obstacle for women the pain-body, although in certain individual cases the opposite may be true, and in others the two factors may be equal.