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Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 10:14 am
by Kelly Jones
From "Are 'women' a different species?"
Pye wrote:feelings/emotions are not there for the annihilation of same, but rather, for the speedy transfer of value into consciousness. It is not to squash them, but to see them for what they are; assist them as the e-motion that they are, rather than arresting them as things-in-themselves. And yes, in a feelings-only approach, one's equally in danger of annihilating the consciousness of the value it rests upon. I've often wondered how much therapists and such do, after they bring forth and encourage the feeling itself. Surely they understand this is only a partial success. Raising emotion is hardly an end-in-itself. At some point, one's reasoning process about it has to be hooked back in.

And really cognizant people make this transfer into thought with such naturalness, such rapidity, that they can spend most all of their time in full consciousness of themselves and things. But unless they are completely removed from a world of stimulus, cause, and effect, they can hardly declare themselves done with feeling. There will always be more to sense for the sentient being; more to make-sense of.
Pye, in this post, defines emotions as arising from "values served or offended". In the above extract, she uses feelings and emotions interchangeably. But if all causes and effects are equally valuable, then how can they be served ? or offended?