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The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:46 pm
by huzheng_001
After did much thinking in the past years and written 5 books: ... osophy.pdf ... tTruth.pdf ... aNotes.pdf ... riting.pdf ... yWorld.pdf

I Become a Buddhist now.

I get much progress recently: KaiWu(Enlightened), get the Tao, certified as a Biqibi(small Buddha), keep as a four-level Bodhisattva. My target is become a eight-level Bodhisattva in the next 3-5 years, and find MiLe Buddha, then assist him to "Create The New World".

For "Truth, Courage, Honesty, Logic, Masculinity, Wisdom, Perfection", the pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong. Both Masculinity and Femininity are good and has its effect. Masculinity is Yang, Femininity is Yin, The 100% masculinity man need a 100% femininity woman. If you "need" something outside, how can you become Perfection? A Buddhist is both a man and a woman in fact(so he don't need another woman), the Buddha have 50% masculinity and 50% femininity as his body and spirit, so am I. Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman :) I am working in RedHat Beijing China, and becoming the manager(president) at the same time while becoming a eight-level Bodhisattva.

Hope this sentence can fix one value problem of genius forum.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:42 pm
by Jamesh
My target is become a eight-level Bodhisattva in the next 3-5 years, and find MiLe Buddha, then assist him to "Create The New World".
Masculinity will be required to do this. Rational thinking is achieved by masculine minded thinking. Rational actions are achieved by both masculine and feminine minded thinking
For "Truth, Courage, Honesty, Logic, Masculinity, Wisdom, Perfection", the pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.
I for one, do not disagree with this. Though this depends of course upon how one defines things, such as masculinity and femininity.

It also depends on the time frame - what may be 100% masculine when something important needs to be done, that is when no significant emotional/egotistical thought should intervene, then 100% masculinity is warranted, but after that thinking and the action, one needs to recede into femininity.
The 100% masculinity man need a 100% femininity woman.
Only in the traditional sense of masculinity, rather than masculinity as defined by the QRS - but there is no doubt that I, as a misogynist, desire a highly sexually-feminine woman. As a companion, I do not desire either a feminine minded woman or a masculine minded woman. Feminine minded women are pitiful, but masculine minded women are equally as pitiful as they base their values upon feminine or egotistical ideals. In either case it would ultimately be me playing ego tricks. I haven't met a buddha like woman, namely one who can pick and choose to be masculine and feminine according to the fine choices between exercising reason and using positive emotions for the sake of feeling truly alive, but I have noticed some who appear to live a far more buddha-like than me.
If you "need" something outside, how can you become Perfection? A Buddhist is both a man and a woman in fact(so he don't need another woman), the Buddha have 50% masculinity and 50% femininity as his body and spirit, so am I. Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman :)
I would hope the whatever results is not 50/50 but 100% and 100% at different times according to the circumstances. For example, if someone came at me with a knife and a persona of wild anger, I would wish to be 100% masculine to avoid being harmed. Immediately that I found I was no longer in danger I would wish to be a great deal more feminine. I would wish to let go of my testosterone and adrenalin and seek to instil the peacefulness of feminine calm. It is exactly the same as what occurs with understanding reality - when there is a desire to know something, this is masculine, but once what was desired has been obtained, one treats that knowledge with far less passion. It is just accepted as truth. Mind you, everything is interconnected, including our thought systems, so obtaining a particular desire more often than not leads to other desires. It is not so much that the more one knows the more they realise they no nothing, but that acceptance of knowledge leads to desires to find out more knowledge. It is the desire that creates the sense of unknowningness.

Having a persona that is 50/50 during non-unusual times is fine. If the ratio of masculinity is greater than 50% then a person will be induced to take some action, potentially regardless of the circumstances, while if the ratio of femininity is higher than masculinity, the person will be ill prepared for the post-enlightenment chopping of wood.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 10:45 pm
by Alex Jacob
Jamesh wrote:

"I would hope the whatever results is not 50/50 but 100% and 100% at different times according to the circumstances. For example, if someone came at me with a knife and a persona of wild anger, I would wish to be 100% masculine to avoid being harmed."

Interestingly, your technique could be the wrong one, certainly from the perspective of oriental martial arts. Someone accomplished in one of those arts might instinctively resolve to act 100% femininely, to absorb all the weight of the thrust, employ a small bit of energy to deal with a mass of energy, and thereby deflect the aggression, avoid the enemy, or defeat the enemy.

Also interesting, to me at least: I was thinking recently in general terms about my own understanding of Chinese philosophy and ethics, with its stress on full achievement within the field of life: prosperity, mental achievement, family and children, social position and accomplishment, spiritual and religious achievement or embodiment---and I thought that this idea of roundabout achievement is more or less completely foreign to the ethic and philosophy of our Founders (*blushes* *obeisances*).

Two radically different and opposed 'languages' of self realization.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:39 pm
by Kevin Solway
huzheng_001 wrote:Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman
For this to mean anything you would need to define what you mean by "man" and "woman".

If by "woman" you mean unconsciousness, then you wouldn't want to be 49% unconscious, would you?

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:07 am
by hsandman
Kevin Solway wrote:
huzheng_001 wrote:Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman
For this to mean anything you would need to define what you mean by "man" and "woman".

If by "woman" you mean unconsciousness, then you wouldn't want to be 49% unconscious, would you?
Why would you want to substitute words? What is wrong with words "Conscious and Un-conscious"? If one thinks these words as defined by dictionaries are not suitable for philosophy, why not just re-define them? ie: Make up/invent a new word with clearly defined and explained meaning. Philosophers, Psychologists do it all the time.

Why substitute? Yes, one would not want to be a *insert formula* (Formula: take word with negative connotations such as "unconscious" ,"stupid" ,"crippled" and substitute/associate it with a peeve hate subject word.. "different" ,"woman" ,"love" ,"happy" ,"sane" etc.) Add megalomania and power over information flow.. woala = everyone speaking confused gibberish in a reverse world, unsure about their own sanity. Neet-O.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:46 am
by Steven Coyle
I just read in Joseph Campbell's "The Hero with a Thousand Faces," how a Buddha or Bodhisattva, through time, has been considered androgenous in nature: "More than a man" as paraphrased in the book.

From the book:

"In the economy of Heaven . . . there are no marriages, glorified man, an androgenous angel, being wife unto himself." - James Joyce

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:22 am
by Elizabeth Isabelle
Kevin Solway wrote:
huzheng_001 wrote:Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman
For this to mean anything you would need to define what you mean by "man" and "woman".

If by "woman" you mean unconsciousness, then you wouldn't want to be 49% unconscious, would you?
It's possible that he defined that somewhere in his books that he linked. I doubt that you have read all of that already. I have FIOS, and I'm still downloading.

Huzheng, thank you for sharing your work with us. I look forward to reading it.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:11 am
by maestro
What kind of geniuses are here, that they cannot even recognize somebody obviously psychotic with delusions of grandeur.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 4:49 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
maestro: What evidence is there that he's psychotic? I have no idea what he's talking about, but that doesn't mean he's some kind of maniac.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:53 am
by maestro
I get much progress recently: KaiWu(Enlightened), get the Tao, certified as a Biqibi(small Buddha), keep as a four-level Bodhisattva. My target is become a eight-level Bodhisattva in the next 3-5 years, and find MiLe Buddha, then assist him to "Create The New World".
It is a simple problem of pattern recognition. Further confirmation can be had from clicking any of his book which is filled with gibberish.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:59 am
by RobertGreenSky
I think he's a very clever fellow, to show up here claiming to be a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Bodhisattva.
Master Zheng wrote:

I go to the another place to find a flower shop, asked the couple in a book shop, no ?ower shop nearby, the madam smile to me, just as Otto Weininger described. Every girl i acquaint follows his theory, i communicate to someone i think may be a exception, but just con?rmed it. I dancing there, look at her, i think there must be one thing that Otto Weininger missed, then i can smash his theory system just by this, but it go as him say. This is the fate, all these small probability come together and this is the probability of one genius’s born. I know my fate now, the ago, the future, i will study philosophy more deep in the next years, go to Germany, study more, write down my work, publish it, then two years later, commit suicide, at the house where Beethoven and Otto Weininger died, or where a contemporary art genius died. Otto Weininger is right, woman is mind-less, she is in?uenced all by these weak but numerous worm, if my death can give her a soul... But Otto Weininger have already pointed:”Men, when they love, are partly conscious of this deep injustice to woman, and make the fruitless but heroic e?ort to give her their own soul. But such a speculation is outside the limits of either science or philosophy.” She won’t understand me as mind-less, as all the woman, she can’t help me, my last relation of the world shut o?, as Otto Weininger died by this reason too. When i consider death, there have no trace of fear on my thought, if there have a little, i won’t go this way. I hear that two character clearly speak out by that ugly boy, i am shocked more than her, it break my last hope, which i thought can smash Otto Weininger’s theory. Otto Weininer is the greatest man, more great than Napoleon and Nietzsche, he is the real genius, the philosophy genius, as me. He write down ”Sex and Character” just for me, for the next genius who will continue his work. Kevin Solway’s successive work on Otto Weininger is just misunderstanding. Only another genius can understand him, as me. It is only recently i find i am the genius, for it is only recently so many almost impossible things happened, made me become the genius. There are some many website in the Internet, why i only find Kevin Solway’s and get Otto Weininger’s book? Why Kevin Solway could only find one single copy of this book in the state of Queensland, but find it? This is my fate. I don’t know why i am so wisdom, i was always find me so many flaw, but these flaw turned to be my genius. I don’t know why i can so easily understand Otto Weininger, can so easily point out the fault of Kevin Solway, of Nieztzsche, the limit of Saupenhauer, the fail of Napoleon. I don’t know why i can so clearly understand everything: the history, the social, the computer science, the Linux kernel, the physics, biology, the Buddhism, the Christianity, the universal...and the ego. So i must die.

Hu Zheng, Genius Philosophy, pp. 19-20, emphasis mine.

What Master Zheng knows of Dao I do not know, but like myself he apparently gets a kick out of the old jimhaz ponytail avatar, which was set near the end of the book.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:57 am
by Dan Rowden
maestro wrote:What kind of geniuses are here, that they cannot even recognize somebody obviously psychotic with delusions of grandeur.
Huzheng has been floating around for quite some time. He used to me a lot more coherent. Rather than psychotic I've always considered him rather eccentric - nothing particularly wrong with that. Of late I find his outpourings entirely skipworthy.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 10:07 am
by RobertGreenSky
Probably a very good assessment given Dan's greater experience. There is some humour in Master Zheng but I am not looking through any more of it than I already have.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:38 pm
by David Quinn
He doesn't seem to have any roots, which is why his views and attitudes are wildly inconsistent over time. Sometimes his observations are spot on and quite penetrating, at other times they are conventional and dull. He seems to just write whatever is on his mind without reflecting on the worth of any of it.

That is probably why he identifies with Weininger, who died before developing any roots himself. Aside from his woman writings, Weininger's philosophical observations were basically piecemeal and explorative, rather than consistent reflections emanating out of a coherent whole.


Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:40 pm
by Liberty Sea
Oh dear dear, he was a cute boy, wasn't he? Though he was probably older than me when those works were written.
Excitement oozes from his writing, like that of a child getting a new toy everyday. He is unable to hide his childlike excitement, nor does he want to. There is a kind of purity in his writing that is somewhat touching. No technique, no restraint, no implication, no twisting, no subtlety, just raw excited thoughts put down on the paper, packed with ideas and energy. This sort of restless energy, while certainly motivating and encouraging, hinders him from having truly thoughtful reflection and profound contemplation, and organizing his thoughts systematically. Though sometime sparkling with genuine insights, he doesn't actually understand others as much as he thinks himself to, for such understanding requires a peculiar kind of maturity forged by suffering and experiences, by deep empathy with the hearts of past geniuses, by delicate sensibility and by silence.
It is nonetheless refreshing to watch the growth of someone with that amount of potential.
My apology for digging up a ten years old thread.

Re: The pursuit of 100% Masculinity is Wrong.

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:18 am
by uncledote
huzheng_001 wrote: A Buddhist is both a man and a woman in fact(so he don't need another woman), the Buddha have 50% masculinity and 50% femininity as his body and spirit, so am I. Now I keep my body and spirit as 51% man and 49% woman :) I am working in RedHat Beijing China, and becoming the manager(president) at the same time while becoming a eight-level Bodhisattva.

Hope this sentence can fix one value problem of genius forum.

Yeah, right, and is that measurable or is it just youthful fantasy and speculative statistics? fukoff

I'm 51 % leopard and 49 % cheetah - does that mean I'm going to win the Olympic 100 metres against 100% Yussain Bolt this year? Doubt it!

"Queue here for fantasy island."

...and fukkofff wi yer narcissisticarrogantnonthotprocessess... ha ha