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My theory of personality types

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 10:15 am
by Kimani
Math and synergy can be used to understand human behavior. Metaphysics and modern psychology are explored using a formula. This formula transcends those beliefs. It reorganizes Carl Jung's concept of archetypes. It involves synergy in that it combines types until they assume a new meaning and can be viewed and classified under a larger umbrella.

All feedback is welcome and appreciated

Re: My theory of personality types

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 11:09 am
by Shahrazad
Interesting. I did read your web pages. Do you have the math to back that up?

Re: My theory of personality types

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:03 pm
by Kimani
6 divided by 3 = 2

6 archetypes divided into 3 sets is 2 archetypes in each set

The 2 archetypes in each set are equivalent to mental conditions.

or I guess it could be

A divided into S = C

Archetypes divided into sets equals conditions.

Re: My theory of personality types

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:57 am
by Ryan Rudolph
Based on these archetypes - I would suggest that a wise philosopher interested in enlightenment matures to 'Wise Old Man' through the understanding of the inferiority of all the other archetypes. He basically transcends the other 5, achieving the 6th state.

Although, some archetypes are still present in the Wise old man, but in a different form. For instance: The Child is transformed to keep a curiosity and inquisitiveness about the way things are. And the Mother becomes dedicated and self-sacrificing to the pursuit of all higher forms of comprehension, rather than to the worldly needs of other people. And I personally believe that the Hero is something that should be kept in check, and not focused on, as the Hero impulse can cause hasty and drastic action.