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Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 4:33 am
by David Quinn
There is little doubt in my mind that, deep down, women are convinced that men are superior to them in almost every way. It has always shone through in their feminist movement, in the way they have invariably portrayed themselves as victims of an oppressive patriarchal system, and it shines through nowadays in the way they are constantly putting the boot into men whenever they can.

At every opportunity, whether it be in real life or in the media, men are constantly being pillored and mocked as a sex - ranging from crude remarks about men's sexual inabilities to downright abuse about masculine nature in general. It really is quite incredible just how much of this abusive behaviour takes place in the world, and yet no one ever remarks on it. Men are supposed to be able to take it (which, funnily enough, is yet another example of society's inherent conviction that men are superior beings).

If you don't believe me, try reversing the roles for a week. In every situation you encounter, imagine what it would be like if the men said the things the women said, and vice versa. It may well shock you to realize just relentless and one-sided the abuse is. If men spoke about women in the same way that women currently speak about men, there would be an uproar. It would be mayhem. Accusations of cruelty, emotional violence, and poor taste would rain down heavily on men. But when women behave this way towards men, amused chuckles break out. What does that tell you?


Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 5:23 am
by sevens
Organism: begin at the body, and deduce from there.

What do all these cat calls evoke? A beckoning for the emergence of Man? I have yet to even meet a Man - even the highest still contained too many pretty fears, to paint up their pretty masks. Who among you can dream - and light a fire?

With a lack of Truth in the skies, women are forced to turn on themselves, and into each other! But, what of it? - only a woman with eyes forged in innocence will be able to recognize, and appreciate, a Man.

Keep your eyes : keep your heart.

The heart is a muscle.

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:21 am
by sloof
i think its all the fault of society we have now.... for women had to feed their children while men went hunting-- women must be protected-- its still lingering on.

i think it will be equal for both as long as we have the present society for quite a long time and not revert back to the primal stage of life we had.

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 10:16 am
by creativegal
I happen to love men - philous love. I have no love for stupidity. I don't date. I am attracted to the most intelligent mind, the one that expresses himself in such an expertise vision. Creating images to the readers mind. He's one-of-a-kind! They say opposites attract, but I say similarities connect! It is through likeness that we share ourselves.

Men are beautiful as women are beautiful. Only a rare gem offers herself to the light. And she will only do so if it is another light that turns on her light.

Where there is inferiority there is different levels of intellect. Inferiority can be overcome with the opening up of the mind - the acceptance of inferiority of ones self.
Self acceptance - The realization leads one to becoming an equal. It is only through the experience of inferiority that equality is derived from.

My mind is tired I must sleep

Goodnight, going to visit Alice in Wonderland, or maybe Alec. Sweet dreams are made of this - Eurythmics rock!

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 1:23 pm
by Leyla Shen
Quote:Quote:<hr>I happen to love men - philous love. I have no love for stupidity. I don't date. I am attracted to the most intelligent mind, the one that expresses himself in such an expertise vision. Creating images to the readers mind. He's one-of-a-kind! They say opposites attract, but I say similarities connect! It is through likeness that we share ourselves.<hr>

Philous? How ’bout “narcissistic love“? You, my dear Donna, do not speak of love; you speak of lust. Especially in light of the next sentence:

Quote:Quote:<hr>Men are beautiful as women are beautiful. Only a rare gem offers herself to the light. And she will only do so if it is another light that turns on her light.<hr>

I am not interested in the Christian/Freudian/ad nauseum-type redefinitions of the term love complete with contrived institutions detailing external and interpersonal rights of possession: “Ah, yes, well you see -- let me see -- lust is bad, sex is bad, unless -- yes, yes -- unless, it is practised for a given purpose.” Lust is god damned lust. Sex is sex. There’s no love in my bedroom. A man always looks different in the morning -- unless I still want to fuck him.

I can honestly say that I, unequivocally, lust after men. Strong, muscular men under a five-o’clock shadow, mostly. Probably, if criminals were not so hard to get along with, I would have much more sex than I do now. They are preferable, I have found, for a number of lustful reasons. Mm, irresistibly animal. No, I do not love these men, I lust after them -- with a passion.

I love my children, and deeply therein lies the difference between love and lust.

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 5:40 pm
by DHodges
Quote:Quote:<hr>At every opportunity, whether it be in real life or in the media, men are constantly being pillored and mocked as a sex - ranging from crude remarks about men's sexual inabilities to downright abuse about masculine nature in general. <hr>
This is a true story from, I don't know, maybe six or eight years ago. I had just read "The Myth of Male Power," and was discussing some of the things from that book with a friend in a deli with tables. I think I was telling him about how the divorce courts are stacked against men, and how courts in general favor women (the book gives a list of excuses women can give in court, that men can not).

A woman neither of us knew, from the next table, came over and started talking to us - upset. She said she knew a guy who had "ideas like yours" - an ex-husband or boyfriend or whatever, but clearly an ex. She asked my name, and she wrote it down, as if she was going to report me to the sexism police or something.

It was pretty weird - I wouldn't have blamed my friend if he thought I had pre-arranged it, since it was so dramatic and odd. At the time I thought, well, she's just some freak.

But it's strange how women often seem to think of themselves as women - I mean, like they are an instantiation of some sort of Platonic ideal. Not just a person, a female person, but Woman. They often seem to think of themselves as a group, not as individuals.

Quote:Quote:<hr>It really is quite incredible just how much of this abusive behaviour takes place in the world, and yet no one ever remarks on it.<hr>
It's worth noting that things are a little different in the political realm than they are at a personal level. In public, women complain about men all the time. However, in private, if you stand up to it, call them on it, they respect you quite a bit for that.

Women want strong men. I don't know, maybe they do this to weed out the pussies. I don't know if women actually believe men to be superior, but they certainly want men to be superior. (And as Celia Green pointed out, in the feminine mind the distinction between wanting something to be true and believing it to be true is not that strong.)

Quote:Quote:<hr>Men are supposed to be able to take it (which, funnily enough, is yet another example of society's inherent conviction that men are superior beings).<hr>
Yeah, you need to be able to take it - and dish it right back at them. There is absolutely no reason to put up with that kind of bullshit.

There is a common misconception that there is something to be gained from being nice to women - "nice" often taking the form of pretending to not notice that they are full of shit.

But, no. Women don't really want their pussy-whipping to succeed. If you can be controlled by a woman, how much of a man are you?

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 6:28 pm
by creativegal
I don't lust after any man, I don't let a man control me for whats between his legs, I much prefer whats between his ears. If l lusted after men surely I would be having sex with them. And yes, I do love men, because I loved my father, had I hated my father I would have hated men. And another thing I have only slept with a man I've fallen in love with, and we both want the same thing - to have a long-term relationship to work towards. Two men in my past have both died, one caused death upon himself by sheer accident, and the other died at the age of 30 as Canada's worst diabetic. So I haven't had much luck with men. But, I have the ability to get along well with them because I respect what men have to say, and I would never embarrass a man in public or anywhere. They are highly sensitive to a woman's behavior, in public. I understand men, this is why I love them naturally, but my man would know I loved only him and not his friend or anyone else. I don't have sex as a one-night stand, that is lust! Actually, I believe I've lost my desire for sex. But, this must not be entirely so, as I still have my monthlys. I've heard that once the periods are gone, its all over, no more sexual feeling. Is this true Nurses?

And yes I am narsistic, Dan pointed that out to me, I knew I loved myself, but I didn't know there was a name for it.

Marsha pointed out that I was an intuitive thinker, and I agree.

I love men as I love women, but not physically. I love their wit equally. I love people more than I hate them, I understand most are mediocre-minded. I love Gays and Lesbians I only hate sin. I will talk with anyone who makes sense to me, but I won't bed them.

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:26 pm
by cdpreston
I think the one single thing woman lack is courage. I know for myself, developing courage was a daunting task. I look around at the woman within my family and it appears that so much of their time is spent in devising ways and means to make other people act on their wishes, instead of simply acting themselves. Even woman who for all appearances are incredibly independent and strong have the ability to just simply cave in, and become incapacitated by their weakness.

We aren't really stupid, we know this about ourselves so .... either we accept it and thus work to develop courage, or we deny it and work to develop our cleverness so as to never have to face it. Of course, since it takes courage to even accept the fact that you lack courage, well you can imagine it's a tight hole to escape. Add to that, the tendency of society to foster the latter type of behaviour (in woman anyway), rather than fostering courage and well the hole just got tighter.

So is this lack of courage, based on an inferiority complex or is it based on something else? I think it's something else, since even woman with a healthy sense of themselves seem to fall victim to their lack of courage, and are willing to play mind games to get what they want. Woman may even secretly feel that men are too stupid* to feel any real fear, and if they do, she is clever enough to get him through it, especially with the added support of a society that fosters courage in males.

LOL, our whole society may be built around this one weakness of woman, it's all an elaborate hoax. (I would put a smiley face here if I could find one)

* woman see men as not as caring, and since it's the caring about things (herself included) that drives her fears as well as her passions, she sees men as more simple

Re: Woman

Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:58 pm
by creativegal
I don't lust after any man, I don't let a man control me for whats between his legs, I much prefer whats between his ears. If l lusted after men surely I would be having sex with them. And yes, I do love men, because I loved my father, had I hated my father I would have hated men. And another thing I have only slept with a man I've fallen in love with, and we both want the same thing - to have a long-term relationship to work towards. Two men in my past have both died, one caused death upon himself by sheer accident, and the other died at the age of 30 as Canada's worst diabetic. So I haven't had much luck with men. But, I have the ability to get along well with them because I respect what men have to say, and I would never embarrass a man in public or anywhere. They are highly sensitive to a woman's behavior, in public. I understand men, this is why I love them naturally, but my man would know I loved only him and not his friend or anyone else, and they would know too. If a man embarrassed me or put another woman above me in front of her, that would be it, I'd walk away in an instant. I'm like a tap, I can turn on or off instantly. I expect to be respected and I always have been. No man has ever called me down in any derogatory way, until I came here to the Genius Forum. I learned what it was like to be spoken down to. But I suffered and endured them as much as I could, and I have learned much from all the bright educated minds here. They taught me more about myself, than I knew about myself. You have all taught me something, without even realizing it, that we're all as individual and unique as we are.

I get the respect of men, they all like my character because they know I am inwardly good and honest orientated. Men know what good is, they will fuck a whore but they wouldn't have her for their woman. I don't have sex as a one-night stand, that is lust! Actually, I believe I've lost my desire for sex. But, this must not be entirely so, as I still have my monthlys. Blah, blah, blah.

And yes I am narsistic, Dan pointed that out to me, I knew I loved myself, but I didn't know there was a name for it.

Marsha pointed out that I was an intuitive thinker, and I agree.

I love men as I love women, but not physically. I love their wit equally. I love people more than I hate them, I understand most are mediocre-minded. I love Gays and Lesbians I only hate sin. I will talk with anyone who makes sense to me, but I won't bed them.

I am a mentally abusive person, I'll abuse you severely if you attack my intellect.

To disagree with my comments or opinions is your right, and my acceptance to that right. But, to slaughter anyones opinions is to be inferior-minded. Everyones opinions are theirs, and shouldn't be shit upon.

I am living my own reality, I am reality, so are you. My reality is I am brilliant and I know it. Everyone has this potential, to be brilliant to their own height of their brilliance. People allow or stop the progress of their learning. When I go to University to become educated their way, I would become a dangerous thinker and might run a Country or two or three, or four. I am intuitively smart.

Words, they're all just words aren't they, yes, but words have impact on people. Especially words we see. Because they leave an imprint or image to ones mind. If I used severe vulgarity, then others might think all sorts of derogatory against me, however if I use sensibility, they still might find derogatory against me. But, the quote in Kevins work says, "Jealousies of the intellect" and this is so true.

I'm starving now, I must eat. I wish I never had to eat. Its a waste of my time, I've got better things to do than eat, although I love eating when I'm starved, and enjoy anything when I'm starved. I get to starvation points all the time because I am to busy writing to listen to the pangs of my growling gut. So I literally ignor those annoying pangs to the point I am no longer hungry, and my stomach has shrunk, so I eat very little, yet have an enormous amount of energy, because when you're hungry for a long period, your body starts using its reserve to feed upon, keeping you high on energy, it would take a while before you would feel tired and exhausted from not eating for days.

Donna Thompson

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:58 am
by birdofhermes
Quote:Quote:<hr>and it shines through nowadays in the way they are constantly putting the boot into men whenever they can.<hr> By your logic, you must feel inferior to women, (or angry) because you generally put the boot to them as often as you possibly can this side of obsession.

Women do complain about men. Don't men complain about women when they're alone?

Re: Woman

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 4:48 pm
by Leyla Shen
Quote:Quote:<hr>If l lusted after men surely I would be having sex with them. <hr>

Surely you would. Haven't you? Lust and nymphomania are not exactly synonymous.

Quote:Quote:<hr>And yes, I do love men, because I loved my father, had I hated my father I would have hated men.<hr>

So, if you love men because you loved your father, what's this thing about restricting sexual activity to men only? Logically what follows is this question: would you have sex with your father?

I love my father. I lust after men. If I were to fall in love with a man, it would have absolutely nothing to do with my father, that I can assure you of. [Edit: I can see Freud turning in his grave as we speak. I reject thee, Freud, in the name of Christ!]

Quote:Quote:<hr>Men know what good is, they will fuck a whore but they wouldn't have her for their woman.<hr>

Ah, the trophy complex. I wouldn't have a man for my woman, either.

Quote:Quote:<hr>I don't have sex as a one-night stand, that is lust!<hr>

OK. So if you do it more than once with the same person without having children, what is it? How is the love you have for your father different than the love you have for these/this men/man?

If sex, love and marriage are all about the rearing of children, on what basis would you continue to have sex with a lover?

Quote:Quote:<hr>Actually, I believe I've lost my desire for sex. But, this must not be entirely so, as I still have my monthlys.<hr>

You look to your period to know whether or not you have lost your desire for sex? Have you or have you not lost your desire for sex: aka, lust? Edited by: Leyla Shen at: 7/9/05 23:55


Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 5:33 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Quote:Quote:<hr>...But when women behave this way towards men, amused chuckles break out. What does that tell you? <hr>
It tells me that men, deep down, believe they are superior to women, and only pay attention to what women say as it relates to their chances of getting laid. (If not with her, with another girl)

Re: Woman

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:06 pm
by cdpreston
Could it be that woman generally value caring over honesty?

Re: Woman

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 8:55 pm
by Trevor Salyzyn
Quote:Quote:<hr>Could it be that woman generally value caring over honesty?<hr>
A person tends to value what they are capable of doing, and disdain what they can't. From what you said, it sounds like women can please others, but have a hard time understanding them.

Re: Woman

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 11:23 pm
by creativegal

Have I ever told you before that I think you are highly intelligent? But, you're sly! I'll tell you what I've found, we have to have an idea of stupidity in order to have a clue about smart. Believe me I know about stupidity, I was so stupid I wasn't able to form my own opinion. I thought people thought of me as stupid, I ran away from people, people I knew. I've been within a shell all of my life and am now emerging from it. And now I know I'm not stupid, nor am I delusional, as people here think.
Birdy, birdy in the sky, dropped a white spot in my eye, god I'm glad that cows don't fly. I've developed from a stupid inferior status, to a more intelligent person. And it infuriates me when someone is not smart enough to see my smarts, or respect me for having smarts.

I realize I'm different from everyone, I don't look different, in fact I'm beautiful, a perfect ten! For my age bracket. Men are always approaching me, I have no swelled head over this, not at all. I give no one my phone number. They would have to be genuinely interested in my brain and not my beauty to capture my attention. I don't have much of a social life at all, except that I am now the chairperson for the Federation of BC, I coordinate monthly poetry sessions.

I'm a recluse by nature.

Ok, Leyla, your points are well taken, I can see this conversation will turn a can of worms into a can of snakes
and its up to me whether I'll dive in or not. I would like to but, I'm a public figure now, as my Editor so graciously reminds me. She has access to this forum, and she will publish me, and anyone I'm conversing with, as I'm already all over the net.

What you brought up would make for great conversation and insight for me considering educated viewpoints on this topic.

I certainly would appreciate if Dan wouldn't poison people's minds about me, by telling Sevens not to listen to academic philosophy. Ok, he might be right, from an educated standpoint, however I also have read the bio's of Dan David and Kevins, and I know who has what in degrees. Does University lectures teach people that their ideas are better than a laymans ideas? Or do the educated just think their ideas are better? All you really have is book knowledge, and it seems you've been taught to think. You guys have nothing over me, accept for a piece of paper, declaring your smarts on paper. I have my own intuitive knowledge and it comes to me naturally. When I start classes here at the University, is this when I'll gain some respect? Respect, huh, Fuckheads don't know what respect is.

And Sevens I'll be sure not to speak with you at all considering academic philosophy makes you sleepy.

My academic philosophy wakes-up people, and creating thinking, regardless of derogatory comments. I'm as smart or smarter than most of you.

There is only one person on this whole forum and on genius list, who never ever felt the need to degrade my attempts, or my person. He knew he could have but he's bigger than that. He is the smartest male, and the most intelligent of all of you. And its been my pleasure to communicate with him. And in my opinion the world's best writer! I have no desire to embarrass him, as I respect him.
So I will keep his identity to myself, he knows who he is.

I think all the women here on site are highly intelligent, but we're all ignorant, so why do the educated use this word so freely when denouncing anothers philosophy?

I have been diagnosed with Schitzo-affective disorder, which is thought disorder and mood-swings. Its schitzophrenia is what it is. Lets not confuse education with intellect! I've done studying via-the-net at Harvard University, and have discovered that Schitzophrenia's are highly intelligent people, I know because I'm brilliant! I am self-taught - autodidact person. When I become educated by school standards than I will be Super Brilliant. Yet, people would like people like myself to believe we are delusional. I am smart enough to know I am smart, so why do idiots continue to try to reduce my intellect, I just said it didn't I, they're idiots!

Intelligence recognizes intelligence, so knock it off Dan and start using yours, or I'll start picking on people too.

And Marsha what do you think you're the best at, you are damn good at expression, excellent in fact, and knowledgable about your expression, thats what makes ya damn good! But, if that expression is used only to denounce, ridicule, or degrade people, you could do much better than that, and yes you probably are the best in reducing someone to their lowest, with your talent and ability you could probably heighten someone to their highest potential if you wanted to.

I don't hate women at all, I love them. I'm not in the least bit inferior to a woman, if anything they are inferior to me, and sometimes I see this, so I have to use my superiority or my difference, to make them feel comfortable around me, and I do this through my humble and honest nature. Stupid Jeolous women can make trouble for people. I know this. So can stupid jeolous men. I'm quite fair with both genders.

Look up the word Genius in the Dictionary and you'll see my name there. Genius distinguishes itself, and that is me.
How else can I define myself, this is the most accurate description of myself. I wouldn't settle for a lesser title, perhaps I'll study and become a professor who professes, a genius professor, imagine that title! I'm confident in myself to know I could achieve this if I wanted to.

University educated people would be the first to disagree with my notions, because they have a paper and I don't. So because they have this paper and I don't, they are insulted that I think of myself in a higher standing than they are, in the thought department. I can hear it now, how delusional I am.

And I'm rejected all because of my thoughts! But, I've overcome the feeling of rejections, because I now know that mediocre-minded individuals are not equipped mentally to see brilliance facing them. And not all University educated are even near to being brilliant, some are to stupid to put the education they've learned into progression. And so they've wasted their education because they weren't intelligent enough to do something with it. Intelligence and education are two entirely different things.

I don't feel any sexual desire anymore, I feel nothing.
But, this is more than likely due to the prescribed medication I receive in the butt monthly, it may have reduced sensitivity or feeling.

No I had no desire to fuck my father, not at all, nor have I ever. He did lower himself in my eyes as I became mature. However, the man was brilliant despite his sinful nature. I respected his brain that is all I respect of this man. I do not respect this mans foolish actions, upon his family. But, I do respect that he taught us to love each other through his own display of love towards all of his children, despite the fact of his alcohol binges.
We were a fucked-up dysfunctional kind of family, and I was the only one in that family who was and is the most brilliant of them all!

Thanks for allowing me to talk

Donna Thompson

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:17 am
by David Quinn
Dave Hodges wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr>This is a true story from, I don't know, maybe six or eight years ago. I had just read "The Myth of Male Power," and was discussing some of the things from that book with a friend in a deli with tables. I think I was telling him about how the divorce courts are stacked against men, and how courts in general favor women (the book gives a list of excuses women can give in court, that men can not).

A woman neither of us knew, from the next table, came over and started talking to us - upset. She said she knew a guy who had "ideas like yours" - an ex-husband or boyfriend or whatever, but clearly an ex. She asked my name, and she wrote it down, as if she was going to report me to the sexism police or something.<hr> It's no surprise. Warren Farrell himself used to be hissed at and abused by hordes of indignant women whenever he gave his lectures.

If you were in a work-environment and she was one of your colleagues, you'd probably get the sack for your "anti-woman" views. Certainly, academic staff at universities have to watch what thay say.

Quote:Quote:<hr>It was pretty weird - I wouldn't have blamed my friend if he thought I had pre-arranged it, since it was so dramatic and odd. At the time I thought, well, she's just some freak.

But it's strange how women often seem to think of themselves as women - I mean, like they are an instantiation of some sort of Platonic ideal. Not just a person, a female person, but Woman. They often seem to think of themselves as a group, not as individuals.<hr> Absolutely. Women, from top to bottom, are 99% generic. We wouldn't be able to distinguish them at all if they didn't have different physical shapes, or wear different coloured dresses. They are constantly finding their being in the intangible, all-pervasive soil of WOMAN. Any little quirks they might have which could distinguish them from the rest of the female herd are just bits of fluff when compared to their overiding womanliness.

Quote:Quote:<hr> DQ: It really is quite incredible just how much of this abusive behaviour takes place in the world, and yet no one ever remarks on it.

DH: It's worth noting that things are a little different in the political realm than they are at a personal level. In public, women complain about men all the time. However, in private, if you stand up to it, call them on it, they respect you quite a bit for that. <hr> Yes, aside from their physical looks, the ability to mock is really the only defensive weapon they have. As soon as you brush that aside, they become completely defencelesss. There are no other avenues left open to them, except for maybe bursting into tears.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Women want strong men. I don't know, maybe they do this to weed out the pussies. I don't know if women actually believe men to be superior, but they certainly want men to be superior. (And as Celia Green pointed out, in the feminine mind the distinction between wanting something to be true and believing it to be true is not that strong.)<hr> I think they want is the appearance of a strong man, rather than one who is truly strong. They still want to be able to control him, after all.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Women don't really want their pussy-whipping to succeed. If you can be controlled by a woman, how much of a man are you?<hr> A woman ideally wants a man to be strong and wild enough to give the impression that he is a free man, capable of doing anything, but who nevertheless is not quite strong and wild enough to break free of her hold. That would be the perfect man for her, someone who is both exciting and reliable. A strong but stunted man.

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:53 am
by David Quinn
Bird wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr> DQ: and it shines through nowadays in the way they are constantly putting the boot into men whenever they can.

BH: By your logic, you must feel inferior to women, (or angry) because you generally put the boot to them as often as you possibly can this side of obsession. <hr> I like to think there is a difference between a philosopher articulating the deeper truths about the female sex and women mindlessly mocking men while giggling and revelling in their own herdishness.

Quote:Quote:<hr>Women do complain about men. Don't men complain about women when they're alone?<hr> Hardly at all, in my experience. From a masculine point of view, a man complaining about the women in his life is very undignified and unseemly. It implies weakness, helplessness, impotency, etc. So men tend to keep those sorts of things to themselves.

[edited for grammatical corrections - DQ]
Edited by: DavidQuinn000 at: 7/10/05 11:15

Re: Woman

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 3:55 am
by David Quinn
cdpreston wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr>So is this lack of courage, based on an inferiority complex or is it based on something else? I think it's something else, since even woman with a healthy sense of themselves seem to fall victim to their lack of courage, and are willing to play mind games to get what they want.<hr> So what is it based on, do you think?


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:03 am
by sevens

You speak of women. But, what about Woman? True, rare as golden pearls. But, Truth is beauty! Open hearts must drege ocean floors - and open minds must catch their shiny treasures.

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:08 am
by creativegal
A woman doesn't have to control a man, love controls him.
Love is unconditional, and allows for freedom and growth. There is no jeolousy in truth and love. Love moves onward and progressively. In love there is strength, tolerance, acceptance, a union, respect, prayer, honesty, giving, receiving, and not just the giving of material things, gifts are fun to receive, however, it is the giving of ones-self - in the most honest way-communication, which is the best gifts of yourself to offer. Love is never demanding, it is quiet and sensible. If love is abused or neglected, the love has been divided.

Re: ...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:14 am
by David Quinn
sevens wrote:

Quote:Quote:<hr>You speak of women. But, what about Woman?<hr> What is that?

Re: Women believe they are inferior

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:17 am
by creativegal
The guy makes a lot of sense, yes!


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:42 am
by sevens
A former women, who upon feeling Truth, collasped - only to wake to Wisdom. Or, to misquote you, 'A female with a masculine mind.'

Re: ...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 4:47 am
by creativegal
I think men think they are superior to women. They are natural rescuers of the needy woman. They are naturally inclined to maintain control of their mental state, it would take much mental anguish to disturb his balance.
He is much more mentally balanced than she is.

Interuption stops me


Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 5:13 am
by sevens
Drop the labels 'feminine' and 'masculine' - and you drop the perceived superiority. It is true that all-too-many females only develop certain mental abilities, but that does not mean that they are to be spat on as 'feminine' traits. Cognitive abilities should be neutral.