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Universal Memory

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 11:14 am
by analog57

Quantum Uncertainty demands that longitudinal-transactional spatio-temporal wave-antiwave pairs - couple and *phase lock*, creating universal resonant vibrations of quantum micro-reality, via statistical ensembles, giving the unified consistency of perception, and illusion, of a classical macro-reality. What we perceive as the "real world" is the inevitable optimal phase-locking of the multitudinous wave-forms into the maximally consistent reality of unified perception.

Stephen Hawking states that the Weyl curvature can and will be small but can never reach zero, because this would be a direct violation of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. And if the universe is a causally closed system, the "information" or entangled quantum states cannot leak out of the closed system. Consequently, the "event" density of entangled quantum states, continually increases, as the entropy must always increase. While to us, it is interpreted as entropy or lost information, it is actually space-time densification via the process of transactional longitudinal resonance.

The universe as we know it emerges from an everpresent-fluidic "non-metrical" arena that can be categorized simply as "sub-space". This sub-space would NOT be a frame of reference since it is non-metrical. Sub-space co-exists with the metric properties of real spacetime and it provides the means and the mechanism, for the non-locality of quantum mechanics.

What we percieve as the "forces" of nature, are simply conditions of the spatio-temporal longitudinal waveforms being *out of phase*. Since reality must be in phase or *equilibrium* , it takes greater and greater forces to create greater and greater phase difference from natural equilibrium.

Re: Universal Memory

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:26 pm
by Thinker23
'Sub-space might be the same as my 'primal dimension'. Edited by: Thinker23 at: 7/5/05 2:17