Why were they so smart?

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Why were they so smart?

Post by Shade »

why were they so smart
Last edited by Shade on Thu Aug 17, 2006 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SasQuatch9585 »

I'm new to this forum...to forums in general, in fact. I see no way to register a vote in the system. I vote they were high.
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Post by BJMcGilly »

Hi Shade,

Maybe this forum is not quite for you. In no uncertain terms, this forum is about genius. Not weed. Not opinionated polls. Why don't you take a read over this website, and then tell us what you think: http://www.theabsolute.net/minefield/
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Post by Taffaplatzel »

BJMcGilly wrote:Hi Shade,

Maybe this forum is not quite for you. In no uncertain terms, this forum is about genius. Not weed. Not opinionated polls. Why don't you take a read over this website, and then tell us what you think: http://www.theabsolute.net/minefield/
Yes, Shade. This forum is about genius, which must obviously be synonymous with quoting things you don't understand, being inhospitable to original thought, sciolism and, of course, pedantically studying philosophy in order to later post your misinterpretations for everyone to agree with.

I've been lurking this forum from time to time and have been thoroughly unimpressed. To be honest, I see nothing wrong with a few men slinging (and, unfortunately, accepting as truth) each others' self-righteous lunacy. But when someone brings forth something halfway, in this case, marginally original, it absolutely pains me to read some amateur intellectual implicitly claim he is more intelligent and versed in the context of an online forum (In the case of this online forum, I would go as far as saying this claim is detrimental to your academic intelligence).

I'll accept Shade's post was obtuse and uninvestigated but don't ever use it as a reason to be supercilious, no matter how pithy. I'd usually not care about such a trifling blunder but, given my already pissy mood and your unprovoked bullshittery, calling you out was, to be curt, fucking necessary. If your wife ever tells you she's pregnant, I highly suggest kicking her in the stomach.

Yours truly

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Post by Jamesh »

In no uncertain terms, this forum is about genius.

nahh..it is about arguing whose view of reality is better then someone elses.

Applying the word genius, with all its value laden offshoots, to this is just another emotional suckhole.

Even so the name is a good one, because it attracts at least some thinkers.
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sue hindmarsh
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Post by sue hindmarsh »

Jamesh wrote:
BJMcGilly wrote:
In no uncertain terms, this forum is about genius.
nahh..it is about arguing whose view of reality is better then someone elses.
Which you must consider of value, since you contribute to that debate?
Applying the word genius, with all its value laden offshoots, to this is just another emotional suckhole.
Yes, a “suckhole” that you are obviously emotionally attached to.
Even so the name is a good one, because it attracts at least some thinkers.
That’s for sure! When comparing Genius to other philosophy or science forums, Genius stands out a mile because of its energy and rationality.

Recently I paid a visit to a science forum and joined a discussion about altruism. I shouldn’t call it a discussion, as the other people involved used this topic to congratulate each other on their humanity, without questioning the truth about altruism at all. Their little sewing circle got all up in arms when I argued that altruism was a falsehood because the self is 100% selfish and never does anything without being rewarded. They came back with examples of what they considered to be the ‘selfless’ actions of the firemen rushing in to help save lives during the attack on the Twin Towers, people donating parts of their organs to help others, surf lifesavers, police, etc. I, of course, posted back that these people were not acting altruistically, but egotistically. They screamed back that I was not being very ‘human’ thinking the way I did, and though they enjoy having new people join their forum, perhaps I should go somewhere else.

So Genius is extremely unique for being consistently rigorous in identifying what is true and what is not. The people who come here have to have the strongest minds and hearts, because all values are up for examination.

This fact alone validates Bryan’s statement about this forum being “about genius”. No one would put all they value on the line for anything less than Genius.

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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

Taffaplatzel wrote
Yes, Shade. This forum is about genius, which must obviously be synonymous with quoting things you don't understand, being inhospitable to original thought, sciolism and, of course, pedantically studying philosophy in order to later post your misinterpretations for everyone to agree with.

I've been lurking this forum from time to time and have been thoroughly unimpressed. To be honest, I see nothing wrong with a few men slinging (and, unfortunately, accepting as truth) each others' self-righteous lunacy. But when someone brings forth something halfway, in this case, marginally original, it absolutely pains me to read some amateur intellectual implicitly claim he is more intelligent and versed in the context of an online forum (In the case of this online forum, I would go as far as saying this claim is detrimental to your academic intelligence).
Academics would laugh at the idea that this was an academic forum - for good reason, it isn't one. We get all sorts here, but most of us are intelligent people who like to think deeply about things and reason our way to the bottom of things. Very rarely is a subject treated in an academic or pedantic fashion, and very rarely are academic philosophers quoted or refered to.

Instead of belittling the forum and everyone here, why don't you give us the benefit of your own insight and knowledge? For example, what is the greatest wisdom in your view?

And what was it that you found interesting or original in Shade's opening post?

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Post by DHodges »

sue hindmarsh wrote:Recently I paid a visit to a science forum and joined a discussion about altruism. I shouldn’t call it a discussion, as the other people involved used this topic to congratulate each other on their humanity, without questioning the truth about altruism at all. Their little sewing circle got all up in arms when I argued that altruism was a falsehood because the self is 100% selfish and never does anything without being rewarded. They came back with examples of what they considered to be the ‘selfless’ actions of the firemen rushing in to help save lives during the attack on the Twin Towers, people donating parts of their organs to help others, surf lifesavers, police, etc. I, of course, posted back that these people were not acting altruistically, but egotistically. They screamed back that I was not being very ‘human’ thinking the way I did, and though they enjoy having new people join their forum, perhaps I should go somewhere else.
That's very odd. I thought the whole idea of altruism being an aspect of selfishness, explainable in terms of game theory, had been explored pretty thoroughly back in the '80's and was no longer even controversial.

I guess people believe what they want to believe.
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Post by Taffaplatzel »

DavidQuinn wrote:Academics would laugh at the idea that this was an academic forum - for good reason, it isn't one. We get all sorts here, but most of us are intelligent people who like to think deeply about things and reason our way to the bottom of things. Very rarely is a subject treated in an academic or pedantic fashion, and very rarely are academic philosophers quoted or refered to.
You're way way off. This is dangerously close to a straw man fallacy. Do me a solid and read my post again.
Instead of belittling the forum and everyone here, why don't you give us the benefit of your own insight and knowledge? For example, what is the greatest wisdom in your view?
Although I'm not entirely versed in your forum vernacular, I'd honestly go with most of the belief statement of satanism. If you haven't read it, it's something you should spend two minutes glossing over.http://www.religioustolerance.org/statbelief.htm

This is not something I study or practice, but it's closest to what I feel is the best way to treat people. This hardly touches on the subject of wisdom, I know, but I haven't the time or mental stamina to write a veritable dissertation, which is what's required for such a broad question.

I am a misanthrope. This, of course, includes misogyny, but is inherently (or cetainly should be) part of misanthropy. To be curt, my number one qualm with humans is their inability to mind their own goddam business. I'm sure you've heard most of the innumerable reasons why a select few of us turn to misanthropy so I'll leave it be.

DavidQuinn wrote:And what was it that you found interesting or original in Shade's opening post?
He didn't read something from a famous philosopher and immediately accept it as fact. In my time lurking this forum, I've found this to be the case among most of you. A sort of idolization of philosophers you've undoubtedly glossed over in your high school "Theory of Knowledge" class and years later studied in more depth. In my humble opinion, accepting everything Nietzsche wrote as fact is as nescient as it is intellectually criminal. I almost admire Shade's temerity.

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Post by David Quinn »

Taffaplatzel wrote:
DQ: Instead of belittling the forum and everyone here, why don't you give us the benefit of your own insight and knowledge? For example, what is the greatest wisdom in your view?

T: Although I'm not entirely versed in your forum vernacular, I'd honestly go with most of the belief statement of satanism. If you haven't read it, it's something you should spend two minutes glossing over.http://www.religioustolerance.org/statbelief.htm
I had a look. As I suspected, it is just another religious organization trying to impose their own belief-system upon the world.

This in itself wouldn't be too bad, but the belief-system itself isn't even remotely original. It's just a word-for-word regurgitation of standard postmodern dogma, which, funnily enough, just happens to permeate our entire culture. Even Oprah Winfrey would give it the big thumbs up. Looking at it just makes me want to vomit.

Is this the best you have to offer? A mindless regurgitation of what society already tries to brainwash us into believing?

I am a misanthrope. This, of course, includes misogyny, but is inherently (or cetainly should be) part of misanthropy. To be curt, my number one qualm with humans is their inability to mind their own goddam business.

If that is the case, why are you sticking your oar in here?

I am a misanthrope.
How does your misanthrope square with the very first principle of your "satanism", which reads: "We believe in the inherent worth of every person. People are worthy of respect, support, and caring simply because they are human"?

DQ: And what was it that you found interesting or original in Shade's opening post?
T: He didn't read something from a famous philosopher and immediately accept it as fact. In my time lurking this forum, I've found this to be the case among most of you. A sort of idolization of philosophers you've undoubtedly glossed over in your high school "Theory of Knowledge" class and years later studied in more depth. In my humble opinion, accepting everything Nietzsche wrote as fact is as nescient as it is intellectually criminal.

Just in the last two days alone, the worth of Nietzsche's work was seriously questioned in various ways by a number of us. So I have no idea what you are talking about here.

You should also be aware that this isn't a teenager's forum. Most of us are in our twenties, thirties and forties, and many of us have been engaged in philosophical thought for many years now.

I almost admire Shade's temerity.

All he did was post one of those standard myths that easily bewitches teenagers.

It is good to question authority - this forum does it all the time. But I don't think you realize that you are currently doing it a very boring, common, herdish, teenage rebellious sort of way. You need to tone down that anger a bit and start actually using your brain.

Youthful anger is good. It expresses a hatred of bullshit in the world, which is great. But if it is causing you to ignore the great thinkers of the past, many of whom were extremely rebellious, intelligent and truthful, then you are only doing yourself a disservice.

Try studying Nietzsche, for example. He generally appeals to angry young people. He was an angry young man himself once. You could learn something from him.

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sue hindmarsh
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Post by sue hindmarsh »

DHodges wrote:
I guess people believe what they want to believe.
Yes, they believe what they want to believe, but won’t accept any responsibility for the consequences of those beliefs.

For example: after I’d written a few posts on the science forum describing how altruism was a fantasy idea because of the existence of the ego, I was asked by a couple of members to give my “references” for this idea. At first I thought it must be a joke of some sort, and ignored it. But then they wrote back demanding that I declare my references, or they wouldn’t accept my argument. Even then, I still thought that this ‘references’ business was some sort of nerdish joke. Then the penny dropped – unless you say something like, “Popper, (or So and So) says in his book blah blah blah” they can’t judge whether or not what you are saying is correct. I posted back that they hadn’t referenced their ideas – but even if they had, it wouldn’t have influenced me one iota. Believing something to be true, no matter how many other people also believe it, it is still your belief, and you will be judged because of it.

My being prepared to put forth my ideas, and stand by them, turned out to be an entirely alien concept – as they continued to ask for my references.
