Explain in one paragraph.

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Re: Explain in one paragraph.

Post by Cahoot »

One word explanation.

Though “explanation” implies reasoning, a single word also has relevance as an energetic frequency.

Sound is an energetic frequency and certain sound frequencies can have powerful organic effects, so powerful that sounds can even used as weapons that have direct physical, non-intellectual effects on organisms.

Energetic frequencies can have a harmonizing effect. A complex and subtle example can be found in long-term mates. A man and woman who have lived together for a long time energetically harmonize physically, in ways that can be observed. Taking visual clues from one another, they begin to resemble one another as closely as brother and sister. Ever notice how John Lennon and Yoko Ono began to resemble one another?

The minds of those in a long-term marriage begin to energetically harmonize. Because of this a seemingly random stimulus, such as a birdsong, or the sound of rain, in association with other events, can stimulate a similar chain of thoughts in each person. If these thoughts should lead to one of the partners speaking, he or she may very well be voicing the thoughts of the other. This can be called mind-reading, but a more logical explanation is that because they are energetically harmonized, exposure to the same stimuli has produced the same reactions on certain levels, such as the level of subtle thought chains. In fact, long-term mates quite often can dispense with verbal communication because each knows what the other is thinking.

This phenomena can occur in the short-term, also. If two or more people are exposed to the same frequency of sound then that energetic frequency will tend to harmonize their bodies and thoughts, so that a single stimuli can produce a common chain of thoughts, or shared thoughts, among people of diverse backgrounds. For example, if a group of people verbally repeat a single sound over and over for hours, their thoughts will harmonize on a basal level, so to speak.

The classic and well-known Sanskrit “Om” is a naturally occurring frequency throughout nature, one to which human ears are attuned. A group of people verbally repeating this sound will not only harmonize with one another, but also with the natural world, thus the advantage of using this single word as the reality basis from which all explanations follow.

Om also carries intellectual meanings in and of itself.

But on the non-conceptual level of pure sound, Om is quite similar to “One.”
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Re: Explain in one paragraph.

Post by ONE »

GodsDaughter said: To me infinite means endless, if infinite is endless than it means humanity will continue, which means for a you and for a me is the possibility of our individual souls continuing.
Time? Yes, the most misunderstood simplicity of infinity...

The root problem of understanding this simple equation of mathematical misfortune is the mental illusion (perception) of a Beginning or End; the 'continuing' of life is the mathematical movement we must eliminate to understand the simplicity and stillness of One.

Let me simplify the mental conversations with a illustration:

Yesterday ---->ONE<---- Tomorrow

Beginning ---->ONE<---- End

Past ---->ONE<----Future

Now simply draw a Circle around ONE and the infinity of this endless and singular day will start to Spin within your imaginations.

It's like taking the entire Universe of light and placing it behind your Eyes where all of your Yesterday's, Past & Beginning are simply a collection of your Memories, and your Tomorrow's, Future & End are basically a collection of your Dreams. This singular area contains them all as ONE, but the mind is always moving (spinning) and thinking giving the illusion of motion forward. It's when you still the mind and simply ---->STOP<---- that true clarity will flood in like a raging river washing the mind clean of "past" or "future" time-lines (|----><----|) as the singular line "Bends" together as ONE.

No-beginning & No-end. Just a Singular Circle called ONE.

Think of it like ~NEO~ (Man) Bending the Spoon of Reality (Time) and becoming the ~ONE~ (God) who is the 'Trinity' of ~EON~ (Infinity).

In in this new Circular Oneness of Understanding you are not moving forward or backwards on the infinite line of the spinning circle, but the Circle as a Whole, Complete as One, and without Movement in this Singular Day that contains everyone's Birthday into the Singularity of One.

"Today is the same day all of you were born."

Yes, it is hard to understand at first because most minds were conditioned to believe otherwise, but the Stillness of Truth remains "Present."

Be still and know I am God is the perfect example of this stillness, or the stopping of time in our rapidly moving society. To "stop" is not a physical movement, but a Spiritual Stillness of Oneness.

This discussion forum is not the best place to paint a picture of Stillness because I am sure most of your minds are just like mine and the mental wheels will start spinning as the thoughts of Questions seeking Answers and the Answers creating more Questions to be Answered continue spinning in our minds. Simply said; We Think.

As a Genius born on May 29, 1968 (Both Zodiac Gemini and Chinese Monkey) with a tested I.Q. of 175 it is hard for me to "SLOW DOWN" and to stop all of the analytical thoughts of my complex mind, but through years of fighting, solving and mastering the mind I have discovered the ancient secret of no-thought, no-questions and no-self...

For only $19.95, you too can master your mind like the pros! Have you ever wanted to stop time and feel the infinite oneness with all of creation and God? Then order our revolutionary Shamwow Get-A-Grip Instant Ego Remover® that works wet or dry, acts like a vacuum to soak up unneeded thoughts, and reduces most* arguments about God, Self & the Ego. -AsSeenOnTV! "Time is running out!" So please call immediately to receive your "Free Gift" for only $19.95 and we will double our offer of Duality! Yes! You get two for the price of one! Not only do you get one-half of Duality, you get them Both Together as One! Wet or Dry, Hot or Cold, Darkness and Light, Good and Evil - You get both sides of the coin for just $19.95 (plus shipping and handling).

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Wisdom is Gold. And Silence is......

One Nation Earth
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: Explain in one paragraph.

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

ONE wrote:Explain anything in one paragraph?

Better assignment; "explain everything in just one word."
That would be: death.

Guaranteed to explain everything! One is death, Two is dead. All life happens in between. Three!
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Re: Explain in one paragraph.

Post by cousinbasil »

For only $19.95, you too can master your mind like the pros! Have you ever wanted to stop time and feel the infinite oneness with all of creation and God? Then order our revolutionary Shamwow Get-A-Grip Instant Ego Remover® that works wet or dry, acts like a vacuum to soak up unneeded thoughts, and reduces most* arguments about God, Self & the Ego. -AsSeenOnTV! "Time is running out!" So please call immediately to receive your "Free Gift" for only $19.95 and we will double our offer of Duality! Yes! You get two for the price of one! Not only do you get one-half of Duality, you get them Both Together as One! Wet or Dry, Hot or Cold, Darkness and Light, Good and Evil - You get both sides of the coin for just $19.95 (plus shipping and handling).
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