The Unity between Applied Science and Wisdom

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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divine focus
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Re: The Unity between Applied Science and Wisdom

Post by divine focus »

mikiel wrote:
Kevin Solway wrote:Re motivation.

Once you are enlightened you will continue doing whatever it was you were doing a moment before.

Why does a tree grow? It grows because the causes are in place for it to do so (if they are). Likewise with the enlightened person. If the enlightened person previously sought to live perfectly truthfully, and to spread wisdom, then they will continue to do so.
Kevin misses by a mile the whole point and meaning of enlightenment.
I'm not so sure--at least, not by this post he made. In terms of outward action, Kevin is right in that your preferences need not change. In terms of inward action, there is tremendous change, as you say.
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Re: The Unity between Applied Science and Wisdom

Post by mikiel »

m: "Kevin misses by a mile the whole point and meaning of enlightenment."

d.f.:"I'm not so sure--at least, not by this post he made. In terms of outward action, Kevin is right in that your preferences need not change. In terms of inward action, there is tremendous change, as you say."

Here again are his statement and my reply.
K: "Once you are enlightened you will continue doing whatever it was you were doing a moment before."

m: "Pre-enlightenment one is driven by egoic conditioning, the ubiquitous programing of the human bio-robot.
Post enlightenment the former is transcended. "Pre" is looking out for #1. "Post" is knowing there is only One, that we are all Family, and the spontaneous motivation, born of universal love inherent in this gnosis, is to serve in whatever way is presented in one's individual life. (One as living through "this one" post enlightenment.)

How can you not see that his assertion is totally bogus?

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divine focus
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Re: The Unity between Applied Science and Wisdom

Post by divine focus »

mikiel wrote: How can you not see that his assertion is totally bogus?
I would not say it is totally bogus, but motivation does change in a very subtle way. Kevin may be noticing that there is no need to change what he likes to do as he grows in awareness--maybe, giving him benefit of the doubt. All change in terms of action is a choice, and choice is only conscious when one is aware of consequences--i.e., of what is chosen. With the inner change you spoke about, consequences become more and more apparent, and the distinction between what is beneficial and not-so-beneficial becomes clearer.

I would add to Kevin's statement that you continue while in the midst of growth to do whatever you were doing by saying that you will go about doing it somewhat differently.