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Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:01 pm
by pjotr
Pincho Paxton,

"Dreams happen just before waking"
I don't see how that follows from the fact that your dreams are incoherent.

"The knocking was incorporated into my dream, but at the wrong timeline... before the person knocked at my door"
how did you know this?

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 8:34 pm
by Pincho Paxton
pjotr wrote:Pincho Paxton,
"The knocking was incorporated into my dream, but at the wrong timeline... before the person knocked at my door"
how did you know this?
I dreamed that somebody was knocking at my door 5 times, and then I heard the 5 knocks on the real door in my house. The dream came before the knocks, therefore the dream's timeline was altered. What actually happened was that I heard 5 knocks in the real world, it woke me, and I had the fast dream, which was then placed at the earlier timeline. My memories were back to front.

But to give you a second example. I dreamed that I met somebody in a pub. I said "I saw you earlier." This dream then became the earlier meeting. This earlier meeting was then placed before the second meeting, with an altered timeline... as though I had actually dreamed it first. I then became lucid, and managed to catch the altered memory in its real order. I then found that I had both memories. One before the event, and one after the event, but also knew that I didn't dream the events in the order that they had been placed.

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 8:32 am
by pjotr
So are you saying that because timelines get mixed up while dreaming it means that our perception of how long ago our dreams happened is also mixed up and only a dream and therefore everything we dreamed and felt happened just now?

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:18 am
by Pincho Paxton
pjotr wrote:So are you saying that because timelines get mixed up while dreaming it means that our perception of how long ago our dreams happened is also mixed up and only a dream and therefore everything we dreamed and felt happened just now?
Yes. A timeline, I imagine as a memory with a certain amount of energy stored in its position. More energy = recent event.. less energy = past event. A dream can be stored with a small amount of energy, and you think it happened a long time ago. I think that the eye movements are not the dreams, but some sort of brain clean up. This clean up requires various stop positions, and the stop positions are the dreams stored locations.

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:46 am
by pjotr
"More energy = recent event.. less energy = past event"
hehe good way of saying it. I would have said "more movement" "less movement" although both of the discriptions fail to accurately show how we create time.

"I think that the eye movements are not the dreams, but some sort of brain clean up. This clean up requires various stop positions, and the stop positions are the dreams stored locations."

now hold on where did this come from?
Also I want to make sure I am getting this right, you believe that we don't dream until the very end of sleeping? and you believe this because our experience of the passage of time is subjective?

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 11:26 pm
by Pincho Paxton
pjotr wrote:"More energy = recent event.. less energy = past event"
hehe good way of saying it. I would have said "more movement" "less movement" although both of the discriptions fail to accurately show how we create time.
Memories, are stored as energy, so my theory does not fail to describe anything.. it is accurate.
pjotr wrote: "I think that the eye movements are not the dreams, but some sort of brain clean up. This clean up requires various stop positions, and the stop positions are the dreams stored locations."
now hold on where did this come from?
It comes from a logical conclusion.
1/ There is brain activity.
2/ We wake refreshed.
3/ Sorting things in the brain would make it more efficient.
4/ Sorting requires addresses.
5/ Addresses require a stored position.
6/ The brain stores things as energy.
7/ Memories are addresses.
8/ Dreams have happened that include waking moments.
9/ Dreams are stored most likely after waking
10/ Memory addresses are stored after procedures.
11/ All this is very similar to the defragmentation of a computer.
pjotr wrote: Also I want to make sure I am getting this right, you believe that we don't dream until the very end of sleeping? and you believe this because our experience of the passage of time is subjective?
I beleive this because dreams can include waking moments which are then pushed backwards in our dream address system.

Re: Being a Wise Dreamer?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 5:25 am
by truth_justice
average wrote:Does that make sense?

It seems that while awake I can function rationally and with some wisdom, yet my dreams are filled with vivid fears, irrationality and just crazy shit that I can't figure out.

I don't give them much thought, they don't worry me, but it would be nice to have some symmetry between me-awake and me-asleep...

What do you think?
What do you make of dreams? What do you think is the function of dreams?

Do any of your dreams reoccur? Are there "themes" or commonalities among your dreams? If so, you gotta reflect on those. Perhaps something beneath the surface is trying to get your attention.

There are professionals who spent their life time studying dreams, and can help you interpret yours.