Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:
jufa wrote: it is absolutely impossible for you to define anything absolutely, with the exception that you are absolutely alive.
Good one!

So can we absolutely define to be absolutely alive? Then the question comes: what does "alive" mean here? And before one knows it, absolute realities are being addressed! Argh!
Alive means you are aware of that which you are aware of subjectively and objectively, but not aware of their cause, which means you are aware of nothing absolute but your awareness of you being aware. Beyond that, all is speculative.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Author "The Illusion Of God"
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

jufa wrote: ..aware of nothing absolute but your awareness of you being aware. Beyond that, all is speculative.
It would appear then that all that's "beyond" is just as real or illusionary as the absolute we perceive to be our self-being-aware. One could say the awareness appears like a "source of light" and the ever changing beyond as "whatever is briefly illuminated". This is the beginning of certainty, or faith, as creation and creator are discovered . The fearless would venture further and realize the source can only be another illumination, like the moon at nighttime, for creatures forever nocturnal. Only this way everything can become real, everything becoming illuminated and entering what Buddha called "the holy life".

No-thought, no-Spirit, no-God, no-Consciousness, no-Self.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by David Quinn »

guest_of_logic wrote:As far as insults through diminishment go, you might want to explore the house philosophy and the dynamics of this forum a little more before deciding who's diminishing and insulting whom, taking particular note of the house philosophy's attitude towards women, and to the steady flow of condescending judgements upon others, particularly upon forum dissenters, and particularly coming from David's keyboard.
You take yourself far too seriously, Laird. It is that lump of seriousness inside you which my words strike.

You need to learn how to laugh at yourself more wholeheartedly and more deeply.

One of the many ironies that abound on this forum ....

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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:
jufa wrote: ..aware of nothing absolute but your awareness of you being aware. Beyond that, all is speculative.
It would appearspeculative then that all that's "beyond" is just as real or illusionary as the absolute we perceive to be our self-being-aware. speculative One could say speculation the awareness appears like a "source of light" and the ever changing beyond as "whatever is briefly illuminated". What can be illuminated but you being you are th only receiver of that which illumines you This is the beginning of certainty, of speculation or faith, in what beyond your awareness as creation and creator are discovered. Who is the discoverer, or can discover what you apprehend other than you?The fearless would venture further and realize the source can only be another illumination, speculationlike the moon at nighttime, for creatures forever nocturnal. Only this way everything can become real, everything becoming illuminated and entering what Buddha called "the holy life". speculation without evidence beyond words

No-thought, no-Spirit, no-God, no-Consciousness, no-Self. How then can you express the thoughts you have expressed if you were not the receiver of the thought of no God, no-Consciousness, no self if you yourself was not aware of what Buddha stated?
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

When discussions with others move from logic and reason to personal beliefs, there is no longer a harmonious discussion of logic and reason, but chaos of infringement which halts expanding into the unknown.

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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Blair »

Kelly Jones wrote:Laird can do it. He uses that skill in programming.

A: attribute 1 (the explanation: the causes for something).
B: attribute 2 (absolutely all causes in one big lot).

There's no contradiction in this reasoning. A is a part of B. It is impossible for any A to be found apart from B. It is impossible to find any A for B.
Perhaps encouragement is what Laird needs, yes, come on Laird you can do it!

Ponder what Kelly has written above, and try to keep that Ego screeching in your ear at bay.
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

When discussions with others move from logic and reason to personal beliefs, there is no longer a harmonious discussion of logic and reason, but chaos of infringement which halts expanding into the unknown.
I agree Jufa.
The way our brains are wired gives us a sense of I, a sense of Other and a sense of It.
Philosophy is concerned with 'It', how it is, what it is, when it is, why it is, where it is.
In the case of the QRS woman thing the conversation is about the It of the woman thing, it's not personal. It's the woman thing as object. It's out there, exposed, being looked at.

Now this is where the subject/object split in human being goes haywire.
A person can come along and see what is being said of the object and somehow feel themselves as being the subject of what is being said of the object, take offence and take the conversation from the It domain into the I domain and launch an attack at the Other domain and the Other domain has to deal with the drama of the I domain who just took it personally which is not Philosophy because its now out of the It domain.
And that's how philosophy, logic, reason gets screwed up and legitimate enquiry gets abandoned.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Dennis Mahar, what you have presented is what is the base for true logic and reasoning. Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

jufa wrote:..speculative...
Jufa, while I could go over your E-book "The Illusion of God" and insert with red ink "illusion" or "speculative" after each sentence, it wouldn't help the conversation. It's an almost violent type of applying a 'broad brush' with any distinction lost. And it's tempting to paint others that way while avoiding the treatment for ones own words.

For example, when I write no-God, and no-Spirit, I was pointing to the speculative aspects of those words as imagined "point of origination".

There's a difference between saying "Yaboop Yaboop" and expressing meaningful discourse with logical connections between definitions, meant to stimulate reflection and deepening awareness of what exactly we are saying and thinking, how it originates without ever finding the source.
What can be illuminated but you being you are the only receiver of that which illumines you
Light suggests a point of origin in the same way our perceptions create a sense of self.
Who is the discoverer, or can discover what you apprehend other than you?
Why do you demand the reality of a do-er? No matter if it's a Great Mover in the Sky, or a minor mover in our skull. It's all but sign and signal, that is : ultimately deceiving appearances.
How then can you express the thoughts you have expressed if you were not the receiver of the thought of no God, no-Consciousness, no self if you yourself was not aware of what Buddha stated?
"Reception" implies a sender and a distance between point of origin and receiver. That's already way too much unstated metaphysics there. As for Buddha, I do not believe in his existence.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

jufa wrote:
Diebert stated: Jufa, while I could go over your E-book "The Illusion of God" and insert with red ink "illusion" or "speculative" after each sentence, it wouldn't help the conversation. It's an almost violent type of applying a 'broad brush' with any distinction lost. And it's tempting to paint others that way while avoiding the treatment for ones own words.
Diebert, you are correct, you can do this, and I have admited that the only absolute is you, and all else is speculation. That applied across the board. by the way, "The Illusion of God" is also in paperback form, and can be purchased at -

The gist of "The Illusion of God" is it is the telling of my journey of discovery that the buck passing, heresay and speculation stops with each and every individual, and the acceptance or rejection of anything not experience by each and every individual is the responsibility to be or not to be.

You can only be what you think and display according to the thoughts you believe in, build upon and exist within. And if a person keeps saying and doing that which has proven to be the reciporcal mentality of the Adamic man refreshed over and over again, man will continue to kill his brother Abel and never be cleansed of the slippery blood of his lack of understanding, greed, lust, hate, and all the unchanged thoughts which begun yesterday, and kept alive by a more technical sophisticated thought mentality of today.
Quote: jufa said:
What can be illuminated but you being you are the only receiver of that which illumines you
Diebert replied
Light suggests a point of origin in the same way our perceptions create a sense of self.
See, we can't get away from speculation for the very word suggest is speculative. And as you have stated, you can find speculation all through "The Illusion Of God." and anything else I write. You as I can accept what is said, or reject what is said, but we cannot stagnate and not allow ourselves not to learn and expand from one another. Expand to what? I don't know, but expansion eliminates old wives tells, and superstitions, and stop a person from depending so much on "hearsay," or "they say." If I haven't experience the "hearsay," and live by the experience garned by what "they say," I am then only a man/woman of relativity and not exactness. This means I am a follower of the killing, lust anf greed for a cause which has no logic or reasoning because death erases all man has strived to make his. And the reality of this is nothing is mine but me, and death cannot erase me because I came out of life, into life, and can never die out of life regardless of what appears.

Man is always the discoverer because man is the thinker, and the thinker is never separated from the objects of his thought.

No man demands the reality of a do-er, although it may seem so. Why? Because that which man is seeking he already is. What man is seeking to discover is. what is it that makes him aware that he is alive? To be able to achieve this, man has to go through the mind to get beyond the mind. "The Illusion Of God" tell whosoever reads it how this is accomplished by one who has accomplished it. Check it out.

jufa asked: How then can you express the thoughts you have expressed if you were not the receiver of the thought of no God, no-Consciousness, no self if you yourself was not aware of what Buddha stated?
Diebert replied: "Reception" implies a sender and a distance between point of origin and receiver. That's already way too much unstated metaphysics there. As for Buddha, I do not believe in his existence.
It is not true that reception implies a sender, for are you not the sender of the thought you have presented to me? Am I not the sender of the thoughts you have received from me? Are we implied of one another? To speak beyond this is speculations speculative avenue the human mind can only travel if it has not gone through the mind to get beyond the mind.

Like to say we have nothing to prove in this conversation. We do, have an obligation to expand one another though. Not to do so is to waste our gift of comprehension, atleast from my sspeculative point of view.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Dennis Mahar, what you have presented is what is the base for true logic and reasoning. Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's the work of many thinkers and is hard won ground. It's how causation has us set up to experience.
It's easily verifiable in our day to day experience, not mere speculation.
I, other, it. Subject, Object, Object or subject/object.
It could be Me, You, World.
It could be We/World. Us/It. Subject/Object.

The Buddha says I/You/World arises simultaneously. No independant I, no independant you, no independant World. Arising together.

In our experience we don't stop at I am, You are, It is.

We take another step.
I am white, male, old, tall etc. subject becomes object.
You are.....
It is brown, heavy, small etc. It becomes subject objectified.

Heidegger points out 'we get our existential being from inside the House of Language'.

It is beautiful gets aesthetics gets artists.
It is useful/needed gets commerce gets business people.
It is good/bad gets Ethics.
It is good/bad behaviour gets politicians, cops, lawyers, criminals, innocence, guilt, gaols.
It is knowable gets Philosophers.

Language gets us our World. When children we get objectified by the culture and live inside that 'subject is now object' conception and then the concern is the 'object I now am' has to look good and is in fear of criticism.
So the focus for the people is 'at the least, keeping up with the joneses'
What madness?
So anyway, the QRS conversation already understands all this, so it's going over old ground.
What you are trying to get to I think Jufa is recognising existential existence is relative and I am is absolute, that true nature is I am, that I am the Truth.

So, simply, God IS.
They go too far by objectifying God with the predicates the various religions get in to.
When Jesus said 'I am is the Truth, the Way and the Life'..that's it in a nutshell and best to stop at that.
Is that where you're at Jufa?
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by guest_of_logic »

"To get at the QRS woman thing you have to contextualise it. It's hard to catch but once grasped makes perfect sense.
The context is 'in order to do Philosophy'" --Dennis

One can speak of that which is necessary "in order to do Philosophy" without reference to gender, and certainly without the gross gender distortions to which the house philosophy is prone:
  • "However degraded a man may be, he is immeasurably above the most superior woman" --Otto Weininger, as quoted on Kevin's page, Woman - The Compilation

    "The average man is far closer to wisdom than even the most gifted of women." --David Quinn in WOMAN

    "To sell yourself is to diminish yourself, and to beg for help from fools and intellectual insects, I mean women." --Kevin Solway, in Poison for the Heart

    "I could never love a woman - they just don't deserve it." --Dan Rowden, from his aphorisms

    "For a woman, like a child, has only the shallowest and most insubstantial of thoughts. If you were to try to paddle your feet in her oceans, you wouldn't even get your feet wet. How can one honestly expect her to be rational, consistent, and just?" --Kevin Solway, in Poison for the Heart

    "Woman is purely the superficial, whose superficiality so skillfully persuades to the contrary. For she has no depth - there is not one bit, not one tiniest fraction, not even one slither of this fraction of anything other than the superficial." --David Quinn, in WOMAN

    "If you wish to experience the fear of total emptiness - look into a woman's eyes." --Dan Rowden, from his aphorisms

    "A woman is severely restricted in her thinking. She has no mind for irony, contradictions and paradoxes. She has no mind for the dialectic." --Kevin Solway, in Poison for the Heart

    "She never experiences the need to conform her actions to ethical principles" --David Quinn, in WOMAN

    "The quintessential problem with the exploitation of women by men, is not that men do it, but that women like it!" --Dan Rowden, from his aphorisms

    "Human beings are distinguished from animals in their ability to survey and consider the past and the future. This mental quality gives to men their foresight, caring, and all too many depressing worries. To women it gives nothing, for it must be said, women (as they are) are barely human." --Kevin Solway, in Poison for the Heart

    "There is nothing in me that desires to put women down. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't do it - women are already as low as they can get and cannot be put down any further." --David Quinn, in WOMAN
Dennis, if you can digest those quotes and maintain that they are fair, balanced and reasonable assessments of the female gender, then the gulf between us is too great for there to be any fruitful dialogue. The truth is that the house philosophy's pronouncements on women are disgraceful. They hearken to an ignorant age long past, and what paltry philosophical worth they have would be far more reasonably expressed without recourse to gender.

"You take yourself far too seriously, Laird." --David

Oh, you're not so open to laughing at yourself as you're making out, David. Remember the delightfully ironic label for the house philosophers that I coined in my very first thread on GF: "Totalitarians"? Did you get a chuckle out of that and good-naturedly allow it continue so that you could laugh merrily at yourself? Nope. You termed it "offensive" (or some word to that effect) and requested that I stop using it. Let me quote you back at yourself: you need to learn how to laugh at yourself more wholeheartedly and more deeply.
prince wrote:Perhaps encouragement is what Laird needs, yes, come on Laird you can do it!

Ponder what Kelly has written above, and try to keep that Ego screeching in your ear at bay.
What Kelly wrote is the equivalent of declaring, "The liar's paradox is by definition false. There's no contradiction in this reasoning."

But please, prince, do be encouraged in your simplistic thinking. Don't forget the mantra: "It just is. It just is. It just is! It JUST IS! IT JUST IS!! IT JUST IS!!! AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT I'LL SLIT YOUR SHITWEASELLY THROAT AND PUNCH YOUR FUCKING FACE IN!!!"

No ego involved, of course.
Last edited by guest_of_logic on Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Pam Seeback »

The above comments made about women by the QRS are, to me, written in the same emotional, non-philosophic tone of which they accuse the female gender of demonstrating. Perhaps, rather than focusing on the humanism of gender when considering the state of mind that is needed to use logic and reason, the QRS could use more philosophic terminology, such as objectivity/subjectivity, stillness/movement, disciplined/undisciplined, or righteous/self-righteous.
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Dennis, if you can digest those quotes and maintain that they are fair, balanced and reasonable assessments of the female gender, then the gulf between us is too great for there to be any fruitful dialogue. The truth is that the house philosophy's pronouncements on women are disgraceful. They hearken to an ignorant age long past, and what paltry philosophical worth they have would be far more reasonably expressed without recourse to gender.
The problem is the subject/object split and the false sense of I.

I really admire you Laird as a man of intellectual prowess and great capacity for authentic intimacy.
But I must slap you for not Listening in the way that the QRS Conversation requires Listening.
You are missing an important distinction.

When Kevin is describing Woman he is referencing 'existential Woman'. He is talking about the Woman who has gone from I Am {subject} to being defined in the culture as object. The cultural identity is object. She sees herself as object.
In this prison the culture makes for her and she attaches to, her way of being automatically becomes to one degree or another to help her survive: paint her face, attract a man, trap him to do her bidding for her. Kevin also says men suffer this cultural identity subject/object split too.

At the same time Kevin invites Woman and Man to enrol in the possibility of 'knowing' the cultural trap and shedding that false I as object. Shedding it like a snake sheds a skin.
The possibility then, once known, is accessing Infinite I. A possibility Kelly is exploring only because she got the distinction.

How many posters have failed to get this distinction, otherwise brilliant posters like pye, like Alex, so many.
There was never a legitimate reason to fight.
It was just failure to understand because of not bringing the Listening to the conversation that the conversation must have by necessity.

That's why David levels the charge quite correctly:
'Deaf to Non-Duality'.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Blair »

guest_of_logic wrote:What Kelly wrote is the equivalent of declaring, "The liar's paradox is by definition false. There's no contradiction in this reasoning."[/b]"
No, Laird. Your ego is preventing you from seeing the truth, it really is that simple.

Look at it this way;

A is a property. There are an infinite number of A's.
B is a label to point to all A's.
B is not an A.
The concept of B is an A.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Dennis, I find you to be and individual of immense honesty. How have I come to this conclusion? by your words of non-attachability but with a forward thrust saying in the invisible language, I am all that matters in this world, for there is no other world but the world I have bronzed in the matter of my outer objective vision, and inner subjective feelings.

Pioneers, rebels, non-conformist and the poet and musician such as T. Monk to me, always set the standard for inspiring those they touch and who touch them. Yet they walk the halls, galleries, and corridors of their mind alone, [most men do not believe they also walk alone because they find they must be in the hustle and bustle of that which came out of the silence and has not returned as of yet] unsatisfied, but with the hope their living will not be in vain when -not if- they prove to themselves they are the watchmen of their world and their brothers keeper, for their brothers are an extension of their awareness. So these individuals, and it is always an individual who mounts the mountain and sacrifice their collective views for a metaphor they know they have no choice but to live, and live unbeknowing of the subject they become the object of -strictly by faith and righteousness.

You are correct, all is not speculitive to those who have made a stand on righteousness and hold their ground come what may. They have found the inner battle of reality is, and has always been that tension at the heart of their universe. They do not speculate about this tension for it is real, but not reality. Reality is the principles and patterns of the first Principle of creation, and that is Order. These individuals realize it is not what you think of a subject/object of awareness that matters, but how you interpret that which you think.

My thinking is to love myself totally that I may love others just as unconditionally as I do myself. Thus my journey though life is in the continuum of doing and living justly, and loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God. I can only do that when I come to myself, gather up all that does not belong to me and throwing it in the fire of my consuming God -that is to say, to walk through the mind to get to that fire only found beyond the mind.

When I do this, I will walk out of this world with my body. Not that body which I fleshed in, but that incorruptible body liken unto the unconditioned thought body which "thinks it not robbery to walk with God.

"Mortality must be swallowed up of life."

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Blair »

Aaahahahaha! excuse me while I throw-~up.(from r e v u l sion at your inanity)
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Hi Jufa,
It's empty and meaningless.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by skipair »

I'm trying to imagine Laird in shape, with super short hair, wearing fatigues and cockily holding an automatic rifle.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Blair »

Attack Ships, off the shoulder of Orion...
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Dennis Mahar wrote:Hi Jufa,
It's empty Can't be Dennis I'm here and meaningless. Meaningless only if your vison has not been fruitful and one can not inspire and be inspired to "do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God." Is your life empty and meaningless Dennis?
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa Evolution of growth and expansion of the will to be liberated from the belief that freedom can be accomplished subjectively and objectively in the world of materialism when the matter of the materialism which covers your outer and inner dimensions will cease. What is man going to do when he finds himself stripped and exposed to the conscious material world when they no longer have access to it, when they find it there and they are locked in its prison of thoughts without their five senses?
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

"do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God."
Right there you've made a pattern.
Given it meaning.
objectified it.
made yourself an object.
Made a Story to live into.

it's empty and meaningless.
there's nothing to get.
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Cory Duchesne
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Cory Duchesne »

guest_of_logic wrote:
Cory Duchesne wrote:Whether you realize it or not, you're asking for a cause. That's what explanations are, they are a causal account for a phenomena, but the totality doesn't have a cause, so the explanation you seek isn't there, by definition. Are you accepting the definition or not? I thought you said you held the same definition as me, but it appears you have no faith in it.
Just because I accept a definition for working purposes, doesn't mean I have faith that that definition reflects reality. For example, I can accept the definition of "the Furblegoobie" as "the pink leprechaun at the centre of the sun whose laughter powers that star's nuclear fusion reactions", but in that case it seems likely that that which I've defined as "the Furblegoobie" has no referent in reality.
Very weak analogy. I wonder if you are high when you post? Or drunk?

In your example of the Furblegoobie, you are doubting the concept has a referent to reality at all. That's very different than the way you are handling the totality. Why haven't you asked me something like: "Cory, how do you know there is a totality?" "What if there is no totality?" These questions would be somewhat reasonable, and in such contexts it would at least be analogous to your Furblegoobie. "e.g., how do I know there is a Furblegoobie in the sun at all? what if there isn't?" There is some glimmer of intelligence in such a question.

In the example of the totality however, you are accepting the definition, you aren't doubting it. You already told me you hold the exact same definition of totality as me. You aren't trying to redefine the totality, nor even reject it, you aren't making the slightest of effort in that direction. All you seem to be doing here is sticking your head in the toilet and blowing bubbles, pulling your head out for a moment only to laugh before you plunge it back in. That's the extent of your intellectual maturity here.

But let me be more generous for just a moment and use some analogies of my own.

For a brief period, atoms were modeled quite differently than the current atomic model. I believe there was J. J. Thomson's plum pudding model of the atom, followed later by the Rutherford model.

Modeling is an empirical endeavor, so it becomes reasonable to ask questions such as, "what if this plum pudding model is wrong? What if atoms are different than our current model? What if they actually have a nucleus?, etc, etc." Casting doubt on models in such a matter is perfectly appropriate.

So, Laird, is it in this spirit that you ask if the totality could be different? Do you assume I have some model of the totality in my head, like a big black sphere that holds all the parts?
Likewise I question whether the definitional framework that the house philosophy works with accurately reflects reality, or whether it's overly simplistic and not nearly nuanced enough to answer the biggest mysteries of reality.
The totality, as a concept, does not reflect reality in the same way an idea mirrors sensory perception. It does the opposite, it strips you of all empirical knowledge. Rather than having a revelation where everything makes sense, the totality does the opposite, it strips you of your knowledge and leaves you in total ignorance. You don't know anything. You aren't reflecting reality, because reality cannot be contained in the mirror of knowledge. The mirror has to be thrown away.
Cory Duchesne wrote:All mathematics, which are a priori truths, are derived first from experiencing the world, making observations, and then deducing truths that are applicable regardless of the initial experience that initially funded the truths. Totality is no different than maths in this sense, you experience the world, gather data, and then deduce what must be true from the premises, and then once you have the truth, it's true everywhere and anywhere, regardless of what you are seeing in the moment, just like mathematics. The impression here is that you don't understand a prior reasoning.
The "truth" that "the Totality is the way it is because it is the way that it is", is tautologically true only, and not a meaningful explanation.
A meaningful explanation depends on causality, and causality cannot apply to the totality, so you are demanding an impossibility. Like I said, you are just dunking your head in the toilet and blowing bubbles, it's beyond childish what you are doing.
I grant that a tautological truth is an a priori truth, but asserting the truth of the specific content of that tautology need not be: to assert the truth of the content of the tautology assumes that the truth of that content has been verified by some means, and in the case of the truth of the Totality being the specific way that it is, the means of verification is experiential - hence my reference to this as an a posteriori truth.
You and I can't experience every single thing, every moment of time, every nook of empty space, every possible experience there is to have. We can only experience the finite and by noticing the immeasurable quantity of all the the things around us, we can deduce the totality, which is a non empirical concept.
If scientists and philosophers settled solely for tautological truth, we would learn, and would have learnt, nothing. Admit it, Cory: a tautology is no meaningful answer to this question.
I'm not asking you to settle solely for tautological truth. I am asking you to see how tautological truths enable us to derive less fundamental truths.
Laird: Absent experience, there would be no reason to believe that the Totality would be any particular way at all, let alone the way that it actually is.

Cory: I don't have to see the totality empirically in order to know it is.
But you have to see it empirically to know in which particular way it is, which is my point. If you hadn't seen it empirically, you would have no a priori means of knowing how it is, would you?
This is the crux of your confusion. You assume I care to know exactly "how" the totality is. I don't. That's not the point of the totality, the point of the concept is to make you realize your ignorance, scientifically and religiously. The shortcomings of both science and religion is revealed when you understand the totality. You can't know how it is. You only know it is. Big difference.
Cory Duchesne wrote:The tautologies clearly can't be escaped since your very question is embedded with tautologies the whole way through.

Why = Why
Is = Is
This = This
Cup = Cup
made = made
plastic = plastic
Don't be ridiculous: you inserted those tautologies! They weren't present in the original.
They were indeed present, but their presence was beyond your awareness, and this will likely continue. To even apply causation to help explain ordinary things we first must accept things as they are, tautologically. A thing must first be accepted as it appears before we begin to derive less fundamental truths, such as noticing the factors which cause the thing to be as it is.
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Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by jufa »

Dennis Mahar wrote:jufa:
"do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with their God."
Right there you've made a pattern. Dennis, you have mistaken the need for and individual to reach for the brightness of dissolution of subjective objective separation as a pattern for whatever it is you state is a pattern which you have objectified yourself with.
Given it meaning. Sure I have given meaning to living, but that meaning proceeded me by "the law of the Spirit of Life" which has insured even you, myself, and all mankind of giving meaning to a pattern which cannot be named.
objectified it.Of course I have objectified my living, just as you have objectified yourself by using and accepting the label Dennis. Moreover, objectification is the structured law of the universe, for all of life and the living of it is automatically objectified in the subject of the obbject - And you and I are a subject of the object our that what we are awareness of.
made yourself an object. How could I make myself an object when I am already the object of my subjective thinking? I cannot make myself what I already am.
Made a Story to live into.[I did not have to make a story to live into, the story is living itself. But the program of living is dictated by our beliefs and system of thinking which is displayed by our manifested activities of believing we do not reap what we sow in ourselves and others.

it's empty and meaningless. Empty and meaning of what, you? If this is true why are you still participating in this conversation? Why have you not taken your life if you truly believe all is empty and meaningless? Beware though, in doing this, you will have followed a pattern, given it meaning, objectified it, objectified yourself, and made a story to live into because "death gives to life so life can live, life give to death so death can die."
there's nothing to get. There is never anything to get, because that which you are seeking you are, which means there is always something to discover about you which makes the emptiness you feel void and filled with the need to communicate meaning as you are doing here.
Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
Dennis Mahar
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Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:03 pm

Re: Arbitrary absolutism: the values of the house philosophy

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Hi Jufa,
When you were a little kid you experienced 'natural state'. You engaged your environment spontaneously. You didn't have conceptual structures. The natural state I Am was in its proper place.
The culture saw you as a recruit for conditioning into the culture. It gave you definitions of yourself. It described you for you.
It gave you a conceptual structure for you, about you, to fit you into it.
Suddenly you had a pattern: You that fits into the pattern: Culture
Its a mental pattern that exists only in thinking it so.
Its you as object.
Its inauthentic you.
Now, the sense I Am shifts to the Object you, the false sense of I.
I Am is now not in its proper place.
I Am is now what the Culture told me I Am.
Now the mind becomes the engine of duality. Loathing this filthy rag of a thing that has cowered before the Culture and 'Knowing' a sense of loss about shifting from the natural state. So now the search is on for self-help books, gurus, psychotherapists, self medicating to kill the pain.

Now you live as the false sense of I.

Its smoke, its dreaming, its empty and meaningless.

I've given you a pattern sure but it points.