Loki: You admitted that there might be an actual bottom to the microcosm. Science can never say for sure, neither can philosophy. The bottom could exist, and little indivisible specks could lie at the bottom, blinking into existence without cause. We just can't say for certain either way.
Jufa: If the universe is infinite in all planes, i.e. time & space, then the logic for existence cannot be described other than - we exist because everything else exists.
I for one disagree with such comments, although I know of no one who has achieved certainty in understanding the infinite as a process.
Via logic, we can deduce what the universe can and cannot be, simply by examining the concepts of the finite and infinity and what they can and cannot be, thus we can know it in that sense.
We can't observe or scientifically test it, but it can become a sort of "henid truth" made up of component absolute truths such as "everything has a cause", a truth that arises via the same sort of logic. The trouble is that "everything has a cause" is really a simple little dualistic concept, whereas to gain an understanding of physical reality from a infinite reference point, requires that all such dualistic absolutes be held as a synergistic "thought sequence".
All memories in our brains are dualistic - like a computer they are work only with electricity, so when it comes to the crunch they are polarised, and in being so are at core dualistic.
Our thoughts are kind of 2 dimensional, being lines of electrons they are strings of data. They stem from the sheer multiplicity of information in one's memory, that taken as a whole could be loosely called a "3 dimensional subconscious". It is the web of neural linkages based of many dualistic concepts that creates this 3 dimensionally.
The use of the term "dimensions" here is merely a poor descriptor for what I'm trying to say. I'm not talking literally, but really about the way duality fits into infinity. One dualistic concept, say like the black to white spectrum of colour where there are diametrical absolute opposites, is simply one radial plane in the circle of infinity. The dualistic radius can be drawn at any angle, and there are an infinity of angles, so therefore technically there can be an infinity of appearances.
In the end "appearances" are just thoughts, and are linear streams of data. There may be lots of separate streams flowing through the frontal lobes at the same time like down a telephone line, but our "thought" awareness in any instant can only pick up some (or maybe even just one) of these dualistic streams to be aware of. There may be separate streams for each of the senses, including the internal sense we call thought, which combined with some form of multi-processing tool in the brain provide us with the sense of awareness. It is merely the sheer speed of the flow of these data sets that creates a sense of a continuous consciousness.
Infinity however is non-linear - its modus operandi is all ways at once (though with time it is also linear). So therefore we cannot hold infinity in our awareness, as that would require us to see too many steams of duality sets at the same instant, something our brains cannot do with thoughts - its busy enough processing info from the senses (though I am told some drugs like Ayahuasca suggest otherwise, but maybe they are just data read accelerators).
So we cannot have thoughts that truly "know" infinity in an awareness sense, but what we can do is work out how to logically sequence absolute concepts, thus allowing us to feel we understand it's attributes to a sufficient degree to know it in a satisfying way. One can become free of the uneasiness of the unknown.
One first has to find as many of both finite and infinite reality absolutes as we can. In finding such absolutes, sure, we are limited by the limitations of the tools we have to observe reality, but that doesn’t matter, we can find enough - too many would just make cognition harder. In relation to absolutes of infinity, the absolutes are abstract due only in the sense of being unobservable, but they are also easy in that with infinity the logic becomes simply that something must only be one way or the exact opposite.
Also, if the totality of appearances is illusory, then isn't the infinite itself illusory?
There is Existence. There is Causality. Existence + Causality = Continuation.
Existence cannot be made non-existent, as there is no cause that can take away from the totality. Causes can only work on what exists, not what does not.
Causality cannot be made non-causal, as a cause cannot be caused to be non-causal, and if non-casual in the first place has no attribute to become a cause.
Non-existence and non-causality cannot exist within a totality, as there is nothing to cause them to exist.
Existence and Causality must exist as there is nothing to cause them to not exist, nor is there anything that is not already them, that could cause them to exist. (the italicised bit is important later on)
[at this point my logic goes off the rails in parts, clearly I do not have the required "synergistic thought sequence", mentioned above. However whether I'm partly right or mostly wrong doesn't matter as this issue is more just an interesting hobby rather than anything useful. I feel like I'm on the right track though.]
Binary logic, as necessary in relation to infinity absolutes, says that either
a) Existence and Causality are one and the same and have always existed as they are, without change, so will always be as they are without change.
b) Existence causes more Causality and Causality in turn causes more Existence, in an infinite expansionary circle.
If a) is correct, as believed by the QRS, then this still leaves questions/ problems like -
Just why does the universe have any size or differentiation at all, let alone be one we can see no ending to. What really is the cause of spatial area, and what does it mean for it to be infinite?
Is it because we simply cannot grasp infinity due to all our thoughts being limited finite dualistic absolutes, thus illusionary. Maybe, but then we can sufficiently grasp the infinity of endless time, so why not this form of infinity?
What would cause absolutes applicable to the finite, to not also apply to the infinite, or vice versa unless there is logical evidence to prove that they don’t?
One absolute truth is that forms of causal-existence evolve and devolve. Many to one, one to many, endlessly. So no loss of causality, no loss of existence, but that still leaves the question of from what "one" does causality in all things come from in the first place. As there is a growth and decline process in all things might this also apply to The Totality - what would cause a different set of rules to apply between all the things that make up the totality and the Totality.
Here is the problem - If you try and apply "Many to One, One to Many", to The Totality then this becomes physically impossible. Were the totality ever "One", or ever to become "One", then causality would be obliterated, as there would be no dualism and thus causality simply could not exist and this would also mean that existence couldn't exist either, as without causality there is no existence.
These sorts of paradoxical problems cause me to favour b), and by quite reasonably considering both causality and existence as, by necessity, having a prior cause, that means whatever causes those "universe attributes" can be the One from which the Many stem.
Existence, Causality if viewed as mere aspects of Reality, makes reality a dualistic entity. The first is physicality or general thingness or content-as-content (not form), or relative, warped or gravitised space, competing forces or whatever. Essentially existence is the content of causality, whereas causation is the "action" of this content, the changing form. However, as no part of existence is not-causal, then where is the existence, where is the actual content, and what then is causality without content.
Nor can their combination non-dualistically as Reality, cause an expansion of the totality.
It is rather easy to acknowledge that the totality has no outside, and as there would be no boundary to cause any end to spatiality, therefore it must be spatially infinite.
It's the ramifications of this that I cannot accept. I cannot accept that there are is infinity of this galaxy, exactly the same, as well as there being an infinity of others with 1 atom difference, an infinity with 2 atoms out of place, and so on infinitely, at this very instant. Now even if this were the case, then it would not really be entirely infinite, for to be entirely infinite surely must mean to be all there is. As it is not entirely infinite that means it is bounded by something else. This suggests even the infinite, the totality is actually bounded and contained in some manner.
Using Time as the cause of Causality/Existence, wipes many of these problems/paradoxes away.
Time is the only non-dualistic entity that could be called a One. By it's very nature it is endless. My reasoning says that it is endless because it expands upon itself.
But I'm afraid as people only see Time as being an Effect of causality, an outcome, rather than the fundamental cause and content of everything, the oneness of everything, then they don’t get to first base. The "thought sequence" regarding infinity is not in order, and thus does not compute.
At the same time they'll also say that all effects ARE also causes, however if one views time as an effect, then what subsequent cause occurs.
Or they will say Time is not even an effect, it is merely what we call causality, it's an illusion stemming from causality being what it is. Well then explain to me what causality actually does, just how does it work, and why it exists and then I’ll reconsider.
These questions are not addressed in David's Wisdom of the Infinite, for example. In fact, he actually says "In the end, the affirmation of the principle of causation only requires one thing from us - namely, the recognition that nothing can arise without any cause whatsoever".
All I am doing is taking that literally. As causation clearly exists, and exists in both linear and non-linear forms, then causation itself must have a cause. Time, exists in the "as an effect" viewpoint because of Linear causation, but such a viewpoint completely disregards how the non-linear component of causations duality is able to have this linear flow. I would think causality that "just was" in being everything already, would only be of the non-linear variety (and thus there would be no things).
No, Times Arrow is real. It is what allows for the existence of linear causality, which in turn allows form to manifest. As a real entity linear causality becomes possible via the process of times continuous expansion, and non-linear causality is possible due to the fact that Time never becomes non-existent. Linear causality occurs via the infinitely greater domain of non-linear causality, it is merely its "leading edge", just as Times continuously flowing forward leading edge, is simply the most recently expanded portion of time.
In the context of an expansionary time, I do need here to provide a definition of what The Past is. When I use this term, I am not referring to the past that exists in our consciousness. That is mere remembering the form that was of the configuration of the universe at that point in our linear causal chain. The form that existed then no longer exists.
Rather, the past continues to exist only as the content of the Now, not the form. Essentially the past is what folks refer to as Mass and Gravity, but in my case I am viewing these effects as being caused by Time. Mass signifies that that spatial territory is expanding from a smaller base, than the expansion that is occurring now, due to all the subsequent accumulative expansion that has occurred in the meantime. To our minds this creates the illusion that the thing with mass is somehow condensed, nope, it is not condensed, as each moment passes it is merely becoming further away from our ability to observe it, and in fact it is not getting smaller but growing larger, but growing at a slower speed than us. Gravity, nuclear forces are simply this action over time.
The fact that the present is always becoming greater than the past, means that the present will be of limited infinity, well sort of. Although as Time has no beginning, and therefore the past is infinite, and thus time has therefore already expanded infinitely one would think this has to mean that the present is infinite spatially, and so it is. The thing is though, is that under this scenario, two things are not possible. Firstly an infinity of the same form, such as the form of our galaxy, will not be infinitely repeated.
Time allows me to accept spatial infinity far easier. Horizontal infinity is the infinities of infinites scenario mentioned above, whereas, a universe wherein Expanding Time is the casual base, allows for a different kind of infinite scenario. It allows for a universe that is infinite vertically, but not horizontally, and even though it is not infinite horizontally, this does not signify the necessity of there being an outside.
A vertical universe (or more accurately, a triangularly structured universe) is less likely to mean that there are an infinite number of infinities of the same thing, as it provides for the hierarchy required for the evolution of things, and via this evolutionary path, only certain things can exist on the same universal plane. While there might be zillions of galaxies similar to ours, there will not be an infinite number of galaxies exactly the same. At the top of this hierarchy exists what one could call God - but this God is a complete non-event, it is the Totality. It is utterly powerless - it is not a being that has externality so there is nothing it can affect, therefore it has no consciousness, nor thoughts or actions of any kind, zippo. All it does is way back at base one, it just expands time, it makes more of itself, otherwise a totality would not exist.
Rider: All things are just relative differentiation. The universe may not really be a spatial entity. Rather than having any space, everything might be just differentiations within something that does not require any space in its own right - but due to the differentiation the effect is space and distance and speed and all those things. If this is the case, then Time is the only option for the cause of these effects - all others forms would require an eternal duality to cause the required differentiation.
I'm not posting these ponderings to seek comments, merely just to comment.