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Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 2:30 pm
by longsincedead
Manatron wrote:
cousinbasil wrote:God cannot be said to exist in the same sense as anything else for which we can say A=A, as in every other case there must exist something that A is not for A=A to be our definition of a logically consistent statement of existence. It is inherently meaningless to imply "...and not anything else" if by definition there can be nothing else.
The first part: Existence is the sum total of all existents. There are no contradictions. The exemption you are trying to set up is a contradiction.
The second part: Note the difference in what you stated above (bold in red) and the proper form below.
A is A - Everything that exists has a specific nature. Each entity exists as something in particular and it has characteristics that are a part of what it is.
ever y = f(object), ever y = f(thing), or else it does not understand "everything in not any_thing".

That's right...except that existence is the sum of all existences....but if you are referring to cousinbasil himself then you are correct, else; if you want to correct him....then it is not like that because you forgot to mention emergence, so everyone is a potential universal translator machine or a ghost(buster) so then it follows that no one can explain a system in terms of itself in itself. You have to get out of the system. If A = A then A' is a generalization. But this can't be true because there is a contradiction. How do we explain a system in terms of the same system ? That's where T.N.T. comes into play. This system has the ability of referring to itself. T.N.T. stands for Typographical Number Theory.
It has been used to explain Gödel's incompleteness theorem. If you have a formal theory, then all the symbols used by the language in question are coded in a certain way. These giant numbers are not necessarily chosen randomly. The symbol 0 can be expressed as 666. and the quantifier "there exists" looks like a reversed 3, and so on....but "how exactly" the system refers to itself is something i cannot grasp...It is as if you have to interlock yourself with the system...and if you are "inside" the system then it is a matter of process as understanding.

any y = f(object), any y = f(thing), or else it does not understand "anything in not every_thing".

But if it was "every-thing" instead of "everything" then i would have switched sides -->
(object_thing) in the world of "anything" and not "any-thing" because if i did it in the case of the latter, then again i had to switch sides. Not everything has a solution, but every times thing. g = k

I am even amazed of mine human thinking the block of text just above, i noticed that the letter "g" appears 3 times (the reversed (edited) 3 i mentioned ?)....that is; in the word "thing" and "again" i have to say "think a gain" or is the meaning of "akain" "a kaïn" in "ain" soph aur ? The limitless light in the kabbalistic tree of life ?
Wow there is a lot here and it is ... I don't know where to begin with all this. I will address one part (very loosely), but it will be of little help, because the problems here are fundamental - at the core. Like a structural flaw in the foundation of a building.
The problem is always with faulty abstraction = bad concepts. Concepts which are excepted as truths, because most do not have a large enough contextual base with which to asses them. I will not go further with this for specific reasons. My apologies. For me to go through this would require me publishing something. That I am not willing to do (sounds dramatic ... no :D Take it as you will).

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 5:35 am
by jufa
Manatron wrote:
That's hard!

How can we get the feeling of eternity to last?
A chain reaction?
That's hard!

If you want eternity, then you want madness to come along exponentially. You have to shake hands with it when it is grown-up. In the beginning, there was a sensation of induction, but nothing more (jufa ask:how can this be known when you have not gave a definite answer as to the logic for existence exponentially?)....then the curve reached a certain treshold and it became aware of itself outside of S.E.L.F. and this rings the bell to call Artificial intelligence. There is a problem called the "halting problem" of Alan Turing. This problem also has philosophical explanations. However, this problem comes "after" induction and does not explain much.
Thus in the beginning there was induction...but of what ? Now i must enter into the domain of spiritual beings and inevitably spirituality. Where do you think your thoughts are going once you forget them ?
It is not hard, it is impossible, for eternity exist only in the human frame of mind, and because the human mind cannot continue to exist in the parenthesis of human awareness eternally, the feelings contained in it body is not a chain - reaction because of uniquiness of awareness and then because death halts the eternity of individuality in the interval of time, space, distance, and matter. So:

At times, from somewhere within the individual beyond comprehension, a light come on in them, and they realized there is Something beyond words and knowledge of this world. Something much greater than themselves. But then there is the fear and aloneness, the pain the individual feels, and joys reveled in, and the need to survive by working to acquire the good life by the sweat of the brow. So man bury himself in what he feels, learns, and grasp of intelligence, never making the carry over that what he feels, learns, and grasp are his outer objective visions, and inner subjective feelings of the same unit which constitutes him. In order for man's bodies to feel, his emotions to flow, his learning to stick, and his minds to grasp anything, there must be a corresponding element within his consciousness for relativity to be relative to the unit.

But in all this, man never realize, thus never understand there is no power in the human mind, the human imagination, the human thought process. The Source of power in the human realm is the same Source in all realms. It is infinite Consciousness, or Life. This means the Source of power in man's human minds is the mind's awareness of that Life. The Source of power in man's human imagination is all the mental images his minds have projected into imagination labeled with false visual pictures of that life. And the Source of power in man's human thought process stems from all the varieties of false visual pictures, and emotions of that Life which became the interpreted thought patterns of man's psyche.

Man's catch 22 is the bubble which his mind have formed and use to reach the utmost points of the bubble in the belief he can burst through it and move into a deeper realm of Being, only to find before he can accomplish his task, the grim reaper snatches the breath of life out of his nostrils. The earth reclaims its substance, and man then fall subject victim to the recycling of the universal parenthesis he sought to escape by using the natural laws of his human intellect.

So we of the flesh mentality are recycled in the bubble of humanism because we failed to keep our Promised Covenant with God to transcend our human psyche.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:49 am
by Manatron
If someone publishes or says something against their own will...wanna know what happens ? Skill grows.
By this i mean, as an example;

Someone discovered underlying causes. He gives this away, for nothing. Now, this theory or whatever is created by that person, is in the mind of the creator. This means that this person knows the system as an emergent whole. This is another way of saying that the ideas behind it; the person knows best. Even if you are using scientific standards, then the persons who are stealing it know only the whole as the sum of its parts, not as something which is related to the macro-whole. This is, related to personal experience. Besides, it must be really good if it becomes stolen. Next, this person rises himself to the power of infinity (as some great mind once said), so the flow of ideas is endless. Now, this thief is famous because he has published the work yes ? okay...the non-victim or this creator, knows the system best, so he can always humiliate the other by proving that this idiot was wrong. Today this is possible. He can even improve the system in ways far beyond comprehension, so that the fool is still humiliated. It is like throwing pieces of important information, and then afterwards, the man who stole it; is a stupid chesspiece. Buddha doesn't teach compassion, but he does not teach vengeance either. If the fool stole it and if he uses this technology to hurt others, then you have the advantage of stopping him.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:07 am
by Manatron
jufa ask:how can this be known when you have not gave a definite answer as to the logic for existence exponentially

First there are exponentials, then there is First-Order-Logic formalization, and then there is infinity or intuition...the latter encloses everything inside of experience. But beware of abstract may give you the illusion that it is more powerful than a sense it is...but the harnessing of these illusions is a real expressed them in one of your previous mentioned the zero and the one and continuity in between...You have to look for contradictions you made yourself, in the past..because there is only you...First there is you, then there are past actions...reflected in the diamonds as nodes in indras can't formalize logic with Napier's child...exponentials. Or..I believe it was the end we will never know where the exponential function came from.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:52 am
by Steven Coyle
bunny honey with rum rue

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:02 am
by jufa
Manatron wrote:
jufa ask:how can this be known when you have not gave a definite answer as to the logic for existence exponentially

First there are exponentials, then there is First-Order-Logic formalization, and then there is infinity or intuition...the latter encloses everything inside of experience. But beware of abstract may give you the illusion that it is more powerful than a sense it is...but the harnessing of these illusions is a real expressed them in one of your previous mentioned the zero and the one and continuity in between...You have to look for contradictions you made yourself, in the past..because there is only you...First there is you, then there are past actions...reflected in the diamonds as nodes in indras can't formalize logic with Napier's child...exponentials. Or..I believe it was the end we will never know where the exponential function came from.
You can do all the mis-spelling of my name you like, but in all this, and that which follows thereafter, you have not given a logical cause for
First there are exponentials, then there is First-Order-Logic formalization.
There is nothing between the zero and one but that which is the definition of zero and one. That means the definition of the zero and one are one and the same, being there can be no definition of and from the zero which is not attached to the definition of that which is the definition of the one.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:29 pm
by Manatron

You can do all the mis-spelling of my name you like, but in all this, and that which follows thereafter, you have not given a logical cause for
First there are exponentials, then there is First-Order-Logic formalization.
I spelled your name in that way; not to insult you...but because i had that program running.
That little algorithm with jufa in the center there in another post....
If i had used the wrong axiom, then i was going to believe i was really you. remember ? in the end...there is no logical cause. The origin is Spirit or how you call it. And if the origin is the trinity, then i have to be careful. With jofi i am being objective...not in your direction, but in the program running in my brain for which there is also an algorithm, albeit a little more english. Correct me if i am wrong as a formality.
There is nothing between the zero and one but that which is the definition of zero and one. That means the definition of the zero and one are one and the same, being there can be no definition of and from the zero which is not attached to the definition of that which is the definition of the one.
That's true, between the zero and the one; there is a specification. But where is the specification here ? 0.3465764346576.....? Or if you are talking about the fact that an exponential function is its own derivative....If you do some analysis for work or whatever where you are actually investigating viral multiplication, or population growth in general. Medical some substance works on the body as a function of time etc... But if the origin is Spirit or whatever you may call it, then you can't analyze it with exponentials alone. If the whole is more important...then i would use a more advanced system...with modules for examples. Homological algebra or Higher dimensional topology where exponentials are rising as "parts". Do not underestimate the power of spectral analysis....especially mine. I haven't done anything practical yet...but the system works i believe. That is, for me. Creativity induces the created in re-membrain-ce of self before you are catapulted to an answer in the act itself. If you are being creative, then you will become the created after the memory of act.

Or in the psychological sense..there are FCM (fuzzy cognitive maps) or is DST (dynamical systems theory) as a tool for investigating perception....but..personally i don't like applications. What can you do with it ? controlling humans ? controlling yourself ? in the case of the latter...this would be appropriate. Technology today can explain Spirit.
You see Spirit if you look at a city as a reflection of the central nervous system.
Of course this is no direct observation, but why would you need that if the moon talks to you ? Simply for the reason of not getting burned. The moon has a purpose.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:59 pm
by Manatron
If you publish something against your own will, then skill grows.
By this i mean, as an example;

Someone discovered underlying causes. He gives this away, for nothing. Now, this theory or whatever is created by that person, is in the mind of the creator. This means that this person knows the system as an emergent whole. This is another way of saying that the ideas behind it; the person knows best. Even if you are using scientific standards, then the persons who are stealing it know only the whole as the sum of its parts, not as something which is related to the macro-whole. This is, related to personal experience. Besides, it must be really good if it becomes stolen. Next, this person rises himself to the power of infinity (as some great mind once said), so the flow of ideas is endless. Now, this thief is famous because he has published the work yes ? okay...the non-victim or this creator, knows the system best, so he can always humiliate the other by proving that this idiot was wrong. Even, if the information passes a lot of mediums so that it becomes distorted. Today this is possible. He can even improve the system in ways far beyond comprehension, so that the fool is still humiliated. It is like throwing pieces of important information, and then afterwards, the man who stole it; is a stupid chesspiece. Buddha doesn't teach compassion, but he does not teach vengeance either. If the fool stole it and if he uses this technology to hurt others, then you have the advantage of stopping him. And if it is poetry or some smaller thing, then nobody gets hurt, except if you use mathematical peotry; is probable, like everything else poetry.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:28 pm
by jufa
Manatron, it is not the machine which made the mistake, it is you being you are the programmer. And contrary to all the work being done, a machine does not have a conscious to do nothing but what it is programmed to do.

All what you say after that has no meaning because you have not given a logical answer for the logic of
First there are exponentials, then there is First-Order-Logic formalization.
So I am asking you again what is the logic for existence, and the direct quote above?
That's true, between the zero and the one; there is a specification. But where is the specification here ? 0.3465764346576.....?
The specification is always between the 0 and 1. The numbers which you put up do not exist and cannot exist if the one [1] is not the sum total and expansion. So the specificatiion is always the one [1] with a 0 tail for all expansion of all numbers regardless of the multifarious.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

p.s. Are you going to answer the question concerning what is the logic for existence, and more specific, the logic for the logic of the logic you put forth?

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:05 am
by Manatron
The machine can't answer that, but if i have to answer as myself, then it is simply you.
You are programming when you talk or when you make an expression. The logic of the logic of the logic of the logic and so not necessarely infinite... It depends on your power of thought. Your power to see analogies is something else. If i create something that is original, then when this is admired, it finds its path through the minds of the followers because people talk. This idea is somewhat psycho, but the thing that is created; it distributes itself like a virus through the hearts of worshippers or admirers or simply men or women who like the work, and these levels are the logic of the logic of the logic, as in; the meta of the meta of the a control system that creates illusions for its own survival. But if your philosophy is skepticism, then it really has to be a powerful work if it has to be spread. The ultimate cause is the original artist who's face remains unknown. But he knows he is the cause and he knows what he does. There are thousands of such ultimate causes, but then there has to be a cause ? no, it is an infinite loop of the same thing. This means that if you are searching for the cause, you are searching for the expansion of consciousness and madness. Like i said; reflections are enough to understand the universe. Spiritual experience is the expansion of an identity. If you have balls, then you go up and up and up. But there is no end, only support.

Do i have to conclude that i am a machine and that i am being programmed by you or someone else on this forum ? I made the name is Fabrizio and i am 28 years old. Welcome to reality. The power of thought can go that far; that if this AI being is created, it is equipped with a security system..You have to be careful in the honest in life.
What is the cause of an accident you think ? unconsciousness and resolution; do not underestimate it. Do not underestimate the power of the written careful what you read or absorb. You may find yourself unlucky through life just because you read one stupid poët who coded his words in a masterful way. Chains of unluckiness have the same cause..have you never experienced this ? like if everything goes wrong...things fall, or your coordination is fucked up..glasses are falling some chain reaction. What is the cause ? the cause...lies in your memory because you once associated some words. Be honest in everything and don't believe anything because it is said to you.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:37 am
by jufa
Manatron wrote:The machine can't answer that, but if i have to answer as myself, then it is simply you. How can you answer you when you are not the beginning nor end of you?
You are programming when you talk or when you make an expression. No one is being programmed to think or do anything. What is happening is people learn how to become more sophisticated in their inherited mental interpretations.

The logic of the logic of the logic of the logic and so not necessarely infinite... It depends on your power of thought. Your power to see analogies is something else. This cannot be a truth because you are using the object to identify itself. To be sure, "the logic of the logic does not define LOGIC when there is no logic for logic, for logic, for logic, and so on. Why is logic not necessarily infinite? You just can make a statement without backing it up when talking to me. If i create something that is original, then when this is admired, it finds its path through the minds of the followers because people talk. What power do you possess that does not belong to the LIFE you are living? Nothing you touch in mind and physica belong to you. All you material possession comes from the earth. And all your mental expansion belongs to the original thinker, and you are not that, and never have been, This idea is somewhat psycho, but the thing that is created; it distributes itself like a virus through the hearts of worshippers or admirers or simply men or women who like the work, and these levels are the logic of the logic of the logic, as in; the meta of the meta of the a control system that creates illusions for its own survival. But who/what created the thing that is created? It is the same as saying who/what created the logic of the logic, or the meta of the meta? Name the logic for the existence of anything please But if your philosophy is skepticism, then it really has to be a powerful work if it has to be spread. A new approace of dodging by instituting my having a philosophy. What philosophy have I presented to you?The ultimate cause is the original artist who's face remains unknown. But he knows he is the cause and he knows what he does. What ultimate cause are you talking about whose face is unknown? How do you know He/she/it has a cause? What is that cause? If you can speak upon the cause, you must be able to speak of the Logic for and of the cause. There are thousands of such ultimate causes, but then there has to be a cause ? no, it is an infinite loop of the same thing. This means that if you are searching for the cause, you are searching for the expansion of consciousness and madness. Up above you spoke of logic not necessarily being infinite, so how can the you now spake of an infinite loop without contradicting youir own logic? Like i said; reflections are enough to understand the universe. Spiritual experience is the expansion of an identity. If you have balls, then you go up and up and up. But there is no end, only support. There is no reflection of anything in the universe, because there is nothing to reflect upon because
"The Moving Finger Writes, Having Writ, Moves On."
Do i have to conclude that i am a machine and that i am being programmed by you or someone else on this forum ? Does anyone think or speak for you on this forum? Have you concluded it was a silly question? I made the name is Fabrizio and i am 28 years old. Welcome to reality. You do not have to welcome me when you enter my house. So welcome to my reality. The power of thought can go that far; that if this AI being is created, it is equipped with a security system..You have to be careful in the honest in life. All life requires of anyone is they be aware ALL WHICH HAS BEEN OBJECTIFIED BY HUMAN THOUGHT FROM A FRAGMENT SUBJECTIVE HUMAN MIND is so because of Life,s Principle Substance and Patterned Essence.
What is the cause of an accident you think ? This question is easily answered when one ask themself if accidents happen in reality, when reality did not accidentally happen? Thus when is the accident happening but in the human mind, no where else even thoiugh it appears not to be so. unconsciousness and resolution; do not underestimate it. Do not underestimate the power of the written careful what you read or absorb. Because an undecerned mind absorbs all that it receives, even the poison You may find yourself unlucky through life just because you read one stupid poët who coded his words in a masterful way. Chains of unluckiness have the same cause..have you never experienced this ? like if everything goes wrong...things fall, or your coordination is fucked up..glasses are falling some chain reaction. What is the cause ? the cause...lies in your memory because you once associated some words. Be honest in everything and don't believe anything because it is said to you. Life is not about being luckyor unlucky, and life is not fair. But life is just, and it is just as you think and interpet it. And regardless of what you say, as all else in this universe, and know world of man, "the law of the Spirit of life" dictates that what you speak out of your mouth, and send forth in think waves of beliefs, does not return to you void. All that is attachable to what you have casted upon the waters return to you with all the attachments.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:47 am
by Steven Coyle
This site blows

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:22 pm
by Manatron
jufa wrote:
Manatron wrote:The machine can't answer that, but if i have to answer as myself, then it is simply you. How can you answer you when you are not the beginning nor end of you? ? i type letters; letter by letter in different rythms on this keyboard here, right here.
You are programming when you talk or when you make an expression. No one is being programmed to think or do anything. What is happening is people learn how to become more sophisticated in their inherited mental interpretations. Don't ask the previous question if you already know the answer. I talked about a subjective matrix didn't i ? Or don't you remember ?

The logic of the logic of the logic of the logic and so not necessarely infinite... It depends on your power of thought. Your power to see analogies is something else. This cannot be a truth because you are using the object to identify itself. To be sure, "the logic of the logic does not define LOGIC when there is no logic for logic, for logic, for logic, and so on. Why is logic not necessarily infinite? You just can make a statement without backing it up when talking to me It is not necceserly infinite because there are finite structures. You can have axioms and a derivation and an end.

If i create something that is original, then when this is admired, it finds its path through the minds of the followers because people talk. What power do you possess that does not belong to the LIFE you are living? Nothing you touch in mind and physica belong to you. All you material possession comes from the earth. And all your mental expansion belongs to the original thinker, and you are not that, and never have been,I integrate data and my random drive produces patterns. I analyze them through my ear and the music sounds good. So i believe i can produce other kinds of patterns based on the same principle like pure mathematics. I chose this because i believe that these two (music and math) are somewhat interrelated. IN MY MIND I AM RULER OF MYSELF. Physicists don't realize this kind of truth.This idea is somewhat psycho, but the thing that is created; it distributes itself like a virus through the hearts of worshippers or admirers or simply men or women who like the work, and these levels are the logic of the logic of the logic, as in; the meta of the meta of the a control system that creates illusions for its own survival. But who/what created the thing that is created? It is the same as saying who/what created the logic of the logic, or the meta of the meta? Name the logic for the existence of anything pleaseI type letters so i am alive, but if you want logic, you can always study it yourself. There are enough books. It also depends how you want to read it. If you want to understand logic, then you just read and you think. If you want to produce something, then you have talent. People from a culture have the same imagination so they would recognize each other through images and how better the resolution, how better the completeness. But if your philosophy is skepticism, then it really has to be a powerful work if it has to be spread. A new approace of dodging by instituting my having a philosophy. What philosophy have I presented to you?Skepticism, but i also said that it was a good thing in the end, if you feel you are being programmed and accusing me of doing it.The ultimate cause is the original artist whos face remains unknows. But he knows he is the cause and he knows what he does. What ultimate cause are you talking about whose face is unknown? How do you know He/she/it has a cause? What is that cause? If you can speak upon the cause, you must be able to speak of the Logic for and of the cause. That depends..there are thousands of artists if not more. it is just a piece of information that you are choosing. If you combine this with other pieces of information in a certain way, then there are people who can't make a difference if you integrate a certain number of things and you output some original patterns. then There are thousands of such ultimate causes, but then there has to be a cause ? no, it is an infinite loop of the same thing. This means that if you are searching for the cause, you are searching for the expansion of consciousness and madness. Up above you spoke of logic not necessarily being infinite, so how can the you now spake of an infinite loop without contradicting youir own logic? Because i know what an infinite loop is. It is an infinite loop on finite structures. Like i said; reflections are enough to understand the universe. Spiritual experience is the expansion of an identity. If you have balls, then you go up and up and up. But there is no end, only support. There is no reflection of anything in the universe, because there is nothing to reflect uponYes there is if you choose so because
"The Moving Finger Writes, Having Writ, Moves On."
I will join you
Do i have to conclude that i am a machine and that i am being programmed by you or someone else on this forum ? Does anyone think or speak for you on this forum? Have you concluded it was a silly question? I made the name is Fabrizio and i am 28 years old. Welcome to reality. You do not have to welcome me when you enter my house. So welcome to my reality.I am not in your house. I told you my name in all honesty, can you do the same ? The power of thought can go that far; that if this AI being is created, it is equipped with a security system..You have to be careful in the honest in life. All life requires of anyone is they be aware ALL WHICH HAS BEEN OBJECTIFIED BY HUMAN THOUGHT FROM A FRAGMENT SUBJECTIVE HUMAN MIND is so because of Life,s Principle Substance and Patterned Essence.Yes so ? Here you do what i asked myself to do namely; coding a text, but what you just have done in your answer or reply means nothing, only abstract thought, and that means that i am also aware of the things i say in such a way. So ? i have answered that already.
What is the cause of an accident you think ? This question is easily answered when one ask themself if accidents happen in reality, when reality did not accidentally happen? Thus when is the accident happening but in the human mind, no where else even thoiugh it appears not to be so.It is a pattern that you (or someone?) are or is catapulted to; a direction or a vector, but there is also some symmetry. This symmetry is hidden in the text hidden in another function, and not everybody has the capability to see the pattern if they are not aware and aware. If you want don't need them. I am talking about a lot of manuscripts you can easily recognize. The written word in general out there. unconsciousness and resolution; do not underestimate it. Do not underestimate the power of the written careful what you read or absorb. Because an undecerned mind absorbs all that it receives, even the poison Even the poison if you choose so. It depends on what kind of information you want and what your intentions are...for example..if you experience something(s), then the music or whatever that comes out afterwards is a reflection of this experience or a lot of experiences together. You may find yourself unlucky through life just because you read one stupid poët who coded his words in a masterful way. Chains of unluckiness have the same cause..have you never experienced this ? like if everything goes wrong...things fall, or your coordination is fucked up..glasses are falling some chain reaction. What is the cause ? the cause...lies in your memory because you once associated some words. Be honest in everything and don't believe anything because it is said to you. Life is not about being luckyor unlucky, and life is not fair. But life is just, and it is just as you think and interpet it. And regardless of what you say, as all else in this universe, and know world of man, "the law of the Spirit of life" dictates that what you speak out of your mouth, and send forth in think waves of beliefs, does not return to you void. All that is attachable to what you have casted upon the waters return to you with all the attachments.Yes so the consequence is some kind of upgrade.

Never give power to anything a person believes is their source of strength - jufa
If someone makes his or her living with some applications, then why can he or she not give power to his or her concepts in the same field ? Does it not cut down the moneyline ? How must one survive ?

Re: meditate on this!

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:00 am
by Foreigner
jufa wrote:
Foreigner wrote:
David Quinn wrote:
The whole of God's nature can be found in a crumpled leaf or a speck of dust if you know how to look.

Ahh,,,--see what i mean!
No wonder these poor souls remain endlessly lost and frustrated;
misleading others can be so easy, and wasteful, when one gets sloppy. tsk, tsk.

Try this on for size, boys & girls-- ...can be seen in a crumpled leaf....

oh well, ill try to continue.....
Have seen no evidence from you which shows David Quinn's statement is not true.
Oh its true alright.
I merely added that what the writer means by "found" is more along the lines of perception, than of locating something hidden or unseen.

I would have preferred something like: The whole of God's nature can be found (perceived) in a crumpled leaf or a speck of dust if you know how to look.

:Been more effective, given that the target is seeking as is.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:18 am
by Manatron
who is david quinn ?

i saw a video. Richard dawkins is right. It is possible.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:52 pm
by Blair
dejavu wrote:Manatron:
who is david quinn ?
He's some guy who blows in occasionally. He sometimes says stupid things like : "Women are second class citizens"
and: "Kierkegaard used to eat hundreds of Dostoevskys every day for breakfast."
And you are some idiot lonely, probably stoned prick who blows in often, blows chunks of horseshit, and says stupid things constantly.

Way to go mate. you are the dickscreen. You ain't all that buddy, you are at best a fly.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:43 pm
by Manatron
so what exactly are you attacking ? If you call me a fly you don't know me very well. Where did i say that women are second class citizens ?

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:21 pm
by Manatron
bullshit. you're accusing me and him (prince) of things that aren't even there. and who is david quinn really ? i think he's an asshole. Richard dawkins had great ideas

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 10:39 pm
by Manatron
It is possible to measure the metaphysical, but i see an idiot = david quinn.
Richard dawkins talked about the meme right ? So...why isnt this measurable according to you deja vu ? it is measurable !!! and david quinns is an asshole if he is saying things to downgrade other people. but if the force is measured, is richard dawkins not an asshole ? Technology often falls in the wrong hands. ... sc0086.htm

you're talking about this right ? or am i wrong ?

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2010 11:40 pm
by Manatron
dejavu wrote:Where did you get the idea that I think 'memes' are unmeasurable from? I have nothing against Dawkins, he might even support magic mushrooms, though he has never eaten them himself! lol
No no i was wrong.....or i am on a different frequency i don't know..or maybe its the weed on the moment, i did not smoke for a few weeks.
but there are certain individuals who think thoughts cannot be measured. That thing in Gèneve there...that accelerator and others some place else. What are they doing ? probing matter ? if every scientist working there shared the same life...then they may get an idea how a collective hallucination feels like or how a thought looks like. They need other synthesizers. How about rising 20 scientists in one lab ? With a few mothers for in their younger years. Then when they are ready...they can investigate their own collective spirit. It is more powerful. What they are seeing now, is nothing but their own differentiation that's escaping at micro speed.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:55 am
by Foreigner
Manatron wrote:who is david quinn ?

i saw a video. Richard dawkins is right. It is possible.
Do you mean the loony that they make fun of in american movies and cartoons like Family Guy perhaps also South Park, rolls around in a wheelchair pushing buttons to talk?
If thats who you mean I assure you he's no genius and more often than not, wrong.
Dont follow him, totally worthless.

Why, even writers and comics can tell he's out of his mind and not worthy of respect.

Cursed, as are most, with attachment to finite-mindedness.

He's a materialist, aint he.
That guy Nick, if im not mistaken, is a devotee.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:54 am
by Foreigner
dejavu wrote:Manatron:
who is david quinn ?
He's some guy who blows in occasionally. He sometimes says stupid things like : "Women are second class citizens"
and: "Kierkegaard used to eat hundreds of Dostoevskys every day for breakfast."
Not quite, Quinn is moderator and creator of this forum, and no he doesnt slam women but what he calls "the feminine" in all of us.

Also says the masculine is responsible for our advanced civilization, which i think you'ld have to be psychically blind or completely pussy-whipped to not realize.
It's no coincidence that the brainiest men live and have always worked in the more industrialized countries.

Trouble is, its been open season for coyotes and masculinity for half a century and counting, and nearly all the students-now-grownups have been brainwashed into believing that Woman is next to Godliness, and men deserve little if any respect.
A few minutes of sex for a lifetime of sacrifice, should do.

Consequently the United States for instance, is falling to pieces, the phrase "damaged goods" comes to mind, except for the lucky few the majority of women and children in particular have never felt worse or been more confused, lost and frightened, have never spent so much time in doctors offices, seeking scripts by the millions just to deal with everyday life, stripped of their "inalienable rights", that is-- to a fulfilling life with a shot at happiness, for without a few ounces of masculinity and a dose or two of Truth there is no chance for self-discipline, and no chance of remaining fit in a world with unlimited access to food and so-called foods.
(News) "3/4 of youth are too fat to serve in the US military"

The men who allowed this, if not yet dead, ought to be so, and the sooner the better.
Fortunately they're easy to spot-- they've got no balls.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:52 am
by Manatron
i saw a video. Richard dawkins is right. It is possible.
Do you mean the loony that they make fun of in american movies and cartoons like Family Guy perhaps also South Park, rolls around in a wheelchair pushing buttons to talk?
If thats who you mean I assure you he's no genius and more often than not, wrong.
Dont follow him, totally worthless.
You mean stephen hawking not richard dawkins.
I never read anything from him nor richard dawkins.

Re: God Does Not Exist - Question about that

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 5:12 am
by Steven Coyle
bloom show