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Re: Judging Others

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:31 pm
by Shahrazad
Why he's so mean to Tomas I haven't figured out. Tomas does not seem to react in kind.
Mikiel was mean to Tomas because Tomas mocked him, but as I told him before, Tomas is an equal-opportunity mocker, and mocks everybody here. He means no harm with it. Responding as viciously as he did to Tomas' harmless jokes was a sign of a very fragile ego, not to mention judgmental, which is what he keeps chiding Dan for. What would you call someone who applies a set of rules for others and a different, more lenient one for himself?

When you have time, go back and read this whole thread from the beginning. It won't be a boring read -- you'll see what caused Samadhi's banning, and its aftermath.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:03 am
by Carl G
mikiel wrote:
Oh, BTW, I am "hung like a horse"... way bigger than a tight little "twat" like you could handle... "In the name of truth-telling of course."
Ha. And there we have it, folks, straight from Mr No Ego.

Seriously, dude, I don't think your stratagem of witnessing and testifying is working too well for you. We've had others here who thought their boasting would inspire people, too. It's sad and comical, and then it gets tedious. Actually, not saying your facts are wrong but you're starting to come across as a bullshitter in the enlightenment department.

Wait, now he will tell us that was supposed to be a little humor.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:17 am
by Shahrazad

I missed this post before.
That is why I am here. Why are you here?
Because I like to read intelligent posts and I like philosophy, and both of those things are abundant here. Because there is no better philosophy board out there that I have come across. Because I have known some of the posters here for seven years, and I enjoy keeping up with their cyber lives, if not their real lives. Because the drama in this forum is usually more entertaining than any movie I could watch on tv.
The fact is, my whole resume is factual and "verifiable."
Show proof that your IQ is 180. Put up or shut up.

My resume is impressive and verifiable, but I see no reason why I should publish it here. Neither does Carl and other posters. What difference would it make, except make us look like attention whores?
I am grateful that you are not in my face, literally, with the kind of judgement you put out in relatively harmless internet attacks.
Right. I'm being judgmental. You, on the other hand, are engaging in enlightened discernment, or something similar.
Oh, BTW, I am "hung like a horse"... way bigger than a tight little "twat" like you could handle... "In the name of truth-telling of course."
I knew you'd take the bait. And I don't remember saying in this forum what I can and cannot handle sexually. Assuming the answer to this question yourself, was also done in the name of truth-telling?

Dude, you have totally blown the little bit of credibility you had here. You have no idea when to quit.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:52 am
by mikiel
A quick review:
m: "The saving grace (from my perspective) is that I don't give a shit about these more trivial skills (grammar, spelling, computer tech, etc.) as compared to what enlightenment is, which I know firsthand, and the universal Reality that religion calls God... my (well, Ken Wilber's) "Kosmos," the direct *knowing* of Whom is gnosis... enlightenment. It's good to keep a perspective on the relative importance of these values."

m:" Then, after total surrender of your sense of self-importance... actually total surrender of the illusion of self... you will find the greatest Gift in the whole universe... that which I am here to share... Unity in the Divine... the One consciousness/identity in all.

S: "Since none of this is verifiable, why don't you go ahead and tell us the size of your penis, so we are all really impressed? .."

(... but seriously, folks... So I play along with the farce...)

m: "Oh, BTW, I am "hung like a horse"... way bigger than a tight little "twat" like you could handle... "In the name of truth-telling of course."

So, she opens the farce section of the exchange, then flips over to serious:
S: "I knew you'd take the bait. And I don't remember saying in this forum what I can and cannot handle sexually. Assuming the answer to this question yourself, was also done in the name of truth-telling??

Meanwhile, my two opening re-statements above are lost in the dust of this trivial bickering over the farce.
Par for the course around here.

And, hey, sweetie, re your "Show proof that your IQ is 180. Put up or shut up"... I am neither obligated nor inclined to prove anything to you. (I really don't take orders well.)
BTW, it was 170 on the SBIS and 178 on the WAIS... ave 174, not 180, if you are concerned about accuracy.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:05 am
by Ramayana
mikiel wrote:My Pyramid Prophecy page has been omitted from my website ( It was pasted on by an amateur, last page published. My whole site was created by a student, and I don't kow how to publish on it, or restore this page. I'll contact my carrier, Eugene Free Net, and get it back ASAP.
Thanks for your interest.
The link would not just delete itself... You did not ask your student to remove it? Or you, yourself didn't remove it?

You previously stated that you have several papers submitted to university's or cosmological institutions for review. Since, as you know I am an avid enthusiast of cosmology, and have on several occasions stated there is no real substance to your ideas of how this would actually work in the confines of modern physics. Could you send or post me a copy of some of these papers? Have you heard anything from these peer groups?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:07 am
by Ramayana
mikiel wrote: And, hey, sweetie, re your "Show proof that your IQ is 180. Put up or shut up"... I am neither obligated nor inclined to prove anything to you. (I really don't take orders well.)
BTW, it was 170 on the SBIS and 178 on the WAIS... ave 174, not 180, if you are concerned about accuracy.
You stated your resume was verifiable... Where can this be verified?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:34 am
by mikiel
Ramayana wrote:
mikiel wrote:My Pyramid Prophecy page has been omitted from my website ( It was pasted on by an amateur, last page published. My whole site was created by a student, and I don't kow how to publish on it, or restore this page. I'll contact my carrier, Eugene Free Net, and get it back ASAP.
Thanks for your interest.
The link would not just delete itself... You did not ask your student to remove it? Or you, yourself didn't remove it?

No to both questions. My publishing instrument/program was changed when a computer technician cleaned out the viruses and gave me a "better publisher"... Firefox-(something), which I've never been able to work. But he published the pyramid page with it, long after the previous pages and after Eugene Free Net changed their whole setup. Still a mystery which I will pursue. This for the forum's info just cuz you are implying that I deleted it and am covering it up... your usual MO of character assassination.

You previously stated that you have several papers submitted to university's or cosmological institutions for review. Since, as you know I am an avid enthusiast of cosmology, and have on several occasions stated there is no real substance to your ideas of how this would actually work in the confines of modern physics. Could you send or post me a copy of some of these papers? Have you heard anything from these peer groups?
After nearly a year and a half of harrassing me at Myspace, then following me here to continue it, I can not imagine what gives you the idea that I have the slieightest interest in sharing my cosmology with you in more detail...
I thot I shut you up with my last explanations in the cosmology thread in answer to your challenges. You will be the last person on Earth to see my papers on the subject.
What were you thinking, to even ask after our "history" on the subject?

Verifiable means "on record." I am not willing to share the records of my academic life with specifics which might give sharks like you an in to my private life... for obvious reasons.
I have told the truth of it repeatedly. Take it or leave it. I really don't give a shit, especially in your case.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:57 am
by Shahrazad
And, hey, sweetie, re your "Show proof that your IQ is 180. Put up or shut up"... I am neither obligated nor inclined to prove anything to you. (I really don't take orders well.)
And yes, I think by now you should shut up about it for these reasons:

(1) Nobody believes you.
(2) Nobody is impressed.
(3) You are unwilling to show the slightest evidence to back up your claims.
(4) We're getting tired of your little game.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 8:33 am
by Ramayana
mikiel wrote:
Ramayana wrote:
mikiel wrote:My Pyramid Prophecy page has been omitted from my website ( It was pasted on by an amateur, last page published. My whole site was created by a student, and I don't kow how to publish on it, or restore this page. I'll contact my carrier, Eugene Free Net, and get it back ASAP.
Thanks for your interest.
The link would not just delete itself... You did not ask your student to remove it? Or you, yourself didn't remove it?

No to both questions. My publishing instrument/program was changed when a computer technician cleaned out the viruses and gave me a "better publisher"... Firefox-(something), which I've never been able to work. But he published the pyramid page with it, long after the previous pages and after Eugene Free Net changed their whole setup. Still a mystery which I will pursue. This for the forum's info just cuz you are implying that I deleted it and am covering it up... your usual MO of character assassination.

You previously stated that you have several papers submitted to university's or cosmological institutions for review. Since, as you know I am an avid enthusiast of cosmology, and have on several occasions stated there is no real substance to your ideas of how this would actually work in the confines of modern physics. Could you send or post me a copy of some of these papers? Have you heard anything from these peer groups?
After nearly a year and a half of harrassing me at Myspace, then following me here to continue it, I can not imagine what gives you the idea that I have the slieightest interest in sharing my cosmology with you in more detail...
I thot I shut you up with my last explanations in the cosmology thread in answer to your challenges. You will be the last person on Earth to see my papers on the subject.
What were you thinking, to even ask after our "history" on the subject?

Verifiable means "on record." I am not willing to share the records of my academic life with specifics which might give sharks like you an in to my private life... for obvious reasons.
I have told the truth of it repeatedly. Take it or leave it. I really don't give a shit, especially in your case.
You wish to again, interject some kinna victory mik? You shut me up? How do you figure? That is your ego whispering to you mik. You obviously have not shut me up. I gave up on you, I have not the patience to teach astrophysics to someone not willing to learn anything contrary to their beliefs... In your case spiritual beliefs. After much persistence, and on the advice of at least one other, I was left with no other logical choice but to give up...
There is no point in debating a person with the mentality as yourself. In your mind, you will always be right. I have never seen anyone tell you anything that you have not tried to "out-do". To go so far as to compare penis sizes! Even when someone agrees with you or gives you the benefit of doubt, you must still reply with grand-standing.

You were the one IMO, and the opinion of the forum moderators, harassing people at myspace, and why you got banned. You cannot play well with others. You started hate threads, and no matter how hard one might try to carry on a civil conversation with you, your arrogance always gets the better of you and you start making blind insults and asserting your superiority... Every time...

Someone unwilling to engage in debate with you, does not always imply victory, in this case, just your incorrigibility.
One can be correct in their position and not have to have the final word.

Every opportunity you have ever had to support your claims you have withdrawn... Claiming someone is gonna screw with your real life. Get real, not that it couldn't happen. But, you have already offered up your name, where you live, your age, your wifes name, where your wife lives, your sons name, your sons occupation, your occupation, etc etc. Everything one would need if so inclined to mess with you.
Substantiating your IQ scores and claims of having a cosmological model being under consideration by a credentialed science community would be the last things I would worry about being used against me considering the personal info you have, (for some reason) already offered.

BTW, webpage links, do not delete themselves, I don't care what your incompetence level is... If you have not edited that page, it would still be there.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:07 pm
by Iolaus
When you have time, go back and read this whole thread from the beginning. It won't be a boring read -- you'll see what caused Samadhi's banning, and its aftermath.
I had been reading up to the time he got banned, and most of it after, and I never understood why. There are several posters here whose posts I skim over, but he was never one of them.

The bad blood between Mikiel and Tomas seems to precede this thread.
We could discuss this over a few beers sometime, expect that American beer and cat's piss are indistinguishable.
Dan! What'd I tell you about laying off the cat's piss?

By the way, while we're on the subject of banning, how about if we forbid certain parties to engage, such as mikiel and ramayana?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:51 pm
by Shahrazad
By the way, while we're on the subject of banning, how about if we forbid certain parties to engage, such as mikiel and ramayana?
Oh, I love that: a woman who takes charge when the chiefs are absent.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:53 pm
by mikiel
By the way, while we're on the subject of banning, how about if we forbid certain parties to engage, such as mikiel and ramayana?
I've gone through a bunch of phases of refusing to engage with him, going back to his obsessive/compulsive harrassment of me at Myspace (as "Six Strings) for `14-16 months.

Now again making that as a resolution here.
BTW, I just called support at Eugene Free Net about my disappeared page on pyramid prophecy. They said I'll have to wait 'til tomorrow to talk to website support. I have no idea why it disappeared, tho Ram would have the forum believe otherwise. I do know that it was published after EFN made major changes in their system and turned web hosting over to the Eugene Public Utilities District... so something gliched there that did not effect the rest of my site.
I'll let you know when the page goes back up.

Tomas' harrassment of me goes back to my first thread here, "Liberation!" and he has consistently "mocked" me ever since. I ridicule him right back, especially for his dramatizations of me as a deluded egomaniac and his "poor me" victimazation consciousness as appeals for sympathy.

BTW, I have an excellent reason for not revealing specific sources of my academic/IQ record.I was protected from Pentagon solicitation during the period of the "secret study" of high genius Ive mentioned several times in response to abuse recieved here and at Myspace over the IQ issue. There is no way I will jeopardize the confidentiality offered and honored by that institute all these years. I actually shared visions that would likely interest the Pentagon. I know people suspect that I've made up the whole thing, but I don't care and will not blow my cover just to get these flame throwers off my case.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:37 pm
by Alex Jacob
That's interesting, because people from the Pentagon (they always arrive in shiny black sedans with darkened windows) started visiting me, and sometimes breaking in on phone conversations, just after I had an involved cycle of Egypt dreams, including one where I found myself in a kind of control room right at the cener of Cheops. To make matters---worse? better? who can say?---it was at that time that my pecker started an abnormal growth cycle that has gone to perverse levels. No more hot tubs with the gang. No more shorts on the malls of summer. Such that I have to tie the damn thing to my thigh, I actually have to wrap it with medical gauze, if you must know, and wear baggy pants. Women flee in terror when I expose myself. Well, except for a few notorious ones who just won't stop calling, I may have to get a restraining order for Chrissakes. Right around the same time my IQ also shot through the roof. I unnerstood stuff I never unnerstood before. Like, why is the ocean always right next to the shore? A horse dick and an IQ of 180, and suspicious Pentagon geeks who want to interrogate my cosmic visions.

You think you got problems?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:09 pm
by Shahrazad
Alex, please stop it. I was in tears laughing the whole time I read your post (I read slowly so I can savor every word).

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:45 pm
by Ramayana
no contest...

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 5:45 pm
by Ramayana
Iolaus wrote: By the way, while we're on the subject of banning, how about if we forbid certain parties to engage, such as mikiel and ramayana?
Aww, should I be offended?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 6:28 pm
by David Quinn
Iolaus wrote:Sharazad,
When you have time, go back and read this whole thread from the beginning. It won't be a boring read -- you'll see what caused Samadhi's banning, and its aftermath.
I had been reading up to the time he got banned, and most of it after, and I never understood why. There are several posters here whose posts I skim over, but he was never one of them.
Aw, Anna. You swoon the moment anyone gives the slightest hint that they might be pointing vaguely in some sort of otherworldly direction. You're a sucker for it.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:04 am
by Dave Toast
No doubt. There is, seemingly, no worldy way to escape death you see.

Ram, you're doing it agaaain mate. Have you never come across an inveterate bullshitter before or something? I realise this one is quite exquisite but what's with the morbid fascination?

Who is more of a fool: a fool or the one who follows him? You're straying dangerously towards that territory.

It's a shame because there are so many better reasons for you to stick around here and engage. It's also a shame because we were almost rid of the distraction it causes not so long ago, as it wasn't enjoying being ignored by all. It seems, in the week I've been away, people have started feeding it again. And now it's back, devouring its free banquet! It would also seem it's even invited another mentally defective, attention whoring buddy with it to join the feeding frenzy.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:46 am
by mikiel
Iolaus (and whoever might be interested),
My Pyramid Prophecy page is back up.

In service to the truth of the matter (however trivial and boring in this case), my host, Eugene Free Net, recently changed servers (yet again) and the above page link was lost because I had two index pages on file... Index HTM and Index HTML, and the latter had the link while the former, grabbed by the new server, didn't.

No, I wasn't trying to hide the page just because it attracts so much flack, as alledged by my constant accuser.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 4:38 am
by Tomas
mikiel wrote:Iolaus (and whoever might be interested),
My Pyramid Prophecy page is back up.

In service to the truth of the matter (however trivial and boring in this case), my host, Eugene Free Net, recently changed servers (yet again) and the above page link was lost because I had two index pages on file... Index HTM and Index HTML, and the latter had the link while the former, grabbed by the new server, didn't.

No, I wasn't trying to hide the page just because it attracts so much flack, as alledged by my constant accuser.


Thanks, mikiel.

I knew you would be good for something :-)

PS - The ass-sniffers (stone hurlers amongst other things) Alex and Ramayana tuck their tails in and go off to the boonies to do the wild thang...


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:03 am
by Alex Jacob
I've said a few times, and I think it is true, that One-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is dealing, not so well, with a case of NPD. True, I can't definitively know that, but what can be known is that if you or anyone keeps 'feeding' him with attention, either positive or negative, it only prolongs his stay. No attention=rapid disappearance. Why Ramayana feels the need to dog the dude is anyone's guess.

Stones are meant to crack skulls, but my humor, Tomas, is not such a stone.

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:44 am
by Tomas
Alex Jacob wrote:I've said a few times, and I think it is true, that One-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is dealing, not so well, with a case of NPD. True, I can't definitively know that, but what can be known is that if you or anyone keeps 'feeding' him with attention, either positive or negative, it only prolongs his stay. No attention=rapid disappearance. Why Ramayana feels the need to dog the dude is anyone's guess.

Stones are meant to crack skulls, but my humor, Tomas, is not such a stone.
The only annoying thing about you, Alex, is when you post URLs without any heads-ups of what is in store...lotsa times I may have a granddaughter or grandson in my study and I had clicked on a link and some nude of Sarkozy's wife appeared...I'm no prude by any stretch, but the child's parent doesn't need to know that grandpa is surfing the net looking at porn.

That kind of shit had reared its head here before, but was in the way of kiddie porn. Some posters-trolls links with no warning.

I've no problem with nudity but I've learned that what you type (without proper warning) isn't always what will show up.

I like mikiel, as I liked Victor. They showed up cussing and swearing but employed too much foul language that eroded a level or two what points they were making.

I've been subscribed here (genius) a bit over three years now, and been reading since about 2002 at their other sites, servers.

I'm a bit in mikiel's boat, not internet savvy on how it works, the internet that is. Different strokes for different folks.

Because I'm not too far from there, took a road trip to Eugene, Oregon, some time back. What he says about the 80-acre spread is true...Had to see what was happening as he was under attack from most every side (including Carl, Dan, Ramayana, you, and a bit from David, prince, Shah). He is a psychotherapist, a mason, a former hippie, a biker, AND a pretty big dude who'd kick your ass if he still thought that way or messed with his "family circle".

I've a great interest in the Great Pyramid and its assorted philosophical import.

I employ my version of "mock" (thanks, Shah) to draw out the truly enlightened to glean what I need to dispel my own egoisms etc. I type so slow, by that time, my head has already gone on to something else.

Do my darndest to be an upright subscriber, and contributor.

From my perspective, one has gotta earn his keep to stay in the good graces of the 3 Amigos. There's a few "trustees" here: Dave Hodges, Elizabeth, Carl, Diebert, Victor(huh?) ... who are well-on-their-way of that "narrow" path to enlightenment.

I've been-there, done-that on the wide road.

Dan stated he doesn't care for my posting format, otherwise I'm in his good graces...are you?

David hasn't gotten on my about you?

All in all, I like mikiel.

If I'm ever in one of Eugene's finer nightclubs and he's there and a fight (whatever) breaks out. I'll make certain to stay in his corner of the establishment and enjoy the rest of the pitcher of Budweiser beer, sipping ever-so non-chalantly. Heck, may ever buy the bar a round, whatevers' left of it.

PS - the site is under attack from a flurry of trolls

PPS - pardon the poor grammar skills (comma placements etc)

PPPS - Edited for spelling miscues and the further eviction of a few of the has-been trustees.


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 11:06 am
by Carl G
Interesting post, Tomas.

You actually met the man?

Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:09 pm
by Tomas
Carl G wrote:Interesting post, Tomas.

You actually met the man?
Sent you a PM


Re: Judging Others

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 1:33 pm
by Alex Jacob
No secret PMs! Carl, you must make it public.

Narcissistic people can be very, very interesting, and also very charming, Tomas.

Sorry about the link. When I posted it I was in a French mental frame of mind, and the French would not have regarded that picture as pornographic, not even slightly. Pornography has a very different cast, and intention. But I will be certain to give a warning if ever I place a link like that again.

Also, you misunderstand. I suggest that Mikiel is dealing with a narcissistic disorder (or something like that), but that does not at all mean I don't like him or don't appreciate him. Just as he is being fed on by some here, so he is feeding, sucking, taking in a form of nourishment.

"David hasn't gotten on my about you?"

I don't know. I thought I was going to get banned at one point. The fact that I didn't began to worry me, Like, maybe I have some sort of disorder that makes me fit in here?

I did find another interesting forum though. I am prepared to leave at any moment, and I have no attachment to the place.

I have mostly always appreciated your posts, especially those when you wrote about your family and extended family.

Do you think the whole world will become enlightened in 2014? (I think it more likely they will turn gay...)