Why is Otto Weininger so important for you guys?

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Post by frank »

Is this roughly the definition of 'Woman' that QRS holds?

a Woman is a string of nucleic acid with attitude. Of course it doesn’t have a mind, but it has attitude. What does that ‘attitude’ mean? It means that it behaves in such a way that it promotes its own replication.

R. Steven Coyle
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Post by R. Steven Coyle »

Ah, the feminine: origin of the Universe (chaos) -- and most women, have yet to forget it.
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Post by frank »

Ah, the feminine: origin of the Universe (chaos) -- and most women, have yet to forget it.

And Men, apparently, to forgive it...hahaha

It's 2006 and Eve is still copping the blame...exquisitely Comical.

R. Steven Coyle
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Post by R. Steven Coyle »

Used to think along those lines, but man, times have changed.
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Post by frank »

Thwarted ambition in pursuing the 'mating rituals' can certainly affect one's objectivity...
Is there anything more tragi/comic than the 'crestfallen suitor'?

Perhaps the Philosophy Game is a refuge for some of those who 'tried and failed' in the larger strategy of Nature to get it's next generation underway...

This 'Philosophy as Refuge' is indeed an opportunity for a grandly guffaw....

It's all very well for some to take the message of Meaning Providers (read Philosophers) to heart....but nevertheless the Meaning is held in place, as we know by prior causes...these prior causes constitute Motive....
It could well be the case that the persistant 'Philosopher's Lash' brought down on the entity 'Woman' is a hidden resentment against her undoubted Power in the 'breeding business'...

How much of 'communication' is manipulation and resistance?

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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

You really love these fables and conspiracy tales, don't you. Is this the only way you can experience the world? Do you have to turn everything into a soap-opera before you can deal with it? Are you trying to keep everything at a distance?

Whatever the case, your constant gaffawing at others is extremely idiotic. You are far too ignorant and foolish to be laughing at other people.

It doesn't really matter what causes a person to search for Truth, as long as he does search for it and finds it. It could well be because he is a failure with women, or it could be due to something else entirely - it doesn't really matter. What matters is that he is dissatisfied enough with the world to want to go beyond it.

In any case, anyone who has genuine potential to become enlightened is always going to be unattractive to the opposite sex. For it is unlikely he will possess anything that women want - e.g. money, worldly ambition, a mediocre sense of humour, pussy-obsession, a willingness to be a slave, etc. It's actually a sign of character that women don't want them.

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Post by bert »

of girls I know,and as I recapitulize of them,they generally say that getting attention is the most culminating ingredient for their 'melting'.
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Post by frank »

Enlightenment implies there's 'something to be enlightened about'...

What is it?

It's hilarious for a Human attempting to appear attractive to the female....the preening male...programmed by Nature's blind instinctual urge.

It's also hilarious for a male attempting to appear unattractive to females as a means to go 'beyond the World'..

It appears incredibly humourous to me...but then I'm not enlightened...what would I know.

Enlightenment would have to have something to do with perceiving one's own behaviour in the starkest 'light' wouldn't it?


Post by suergaz »

David Quinn:
What matters is that he is dissatisfied enough with the world to want to go beyond it.

Wanting to die can be noble, but you must have more of a reason than mere dissatisfaction!