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Re: God and Logic are Connected!

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 7:42 pm
by Blair
There is no god. religion is a lie, the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the human race.

It's a poison that needs to be eliminated from humanity.

Get rid of it, for reasons sake, just get rid of it, then the human race can actually grow up.

No more turbins and hair veils. Everytime I see one of them I wanna punch their fucking lights out and choke them with it.

Re: God and Logic are Connected!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:59 am
by Beingof1
What words would you use to talk to him if words are forgotten?
I would ask what words are needed to remember to talk.

There is no god.
Says one who is posting at faster than lightspeed?

What is the position and velocity of the universe?
religion is a lie, the biggest lie ever perpetrated on the human race.
As opposed to government and science?
It's a poison that needs to be eliminated from humanity.
I would say, pride and arrogance is the poison of choice as your post is evidence.
Get rid of it, for reasons sake, just get rid of it, then the human race can actually grow up.
And replace it with what, more fairy tales about how there is no God?
No more turbins and hair veils. Everytime I see one of them I wanna punch their fucking lights out and choke them with it.
Ignore the evidence in the videos and you post this tripe?

Re: God and Logic are Connected!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 6:05 am
by Beingof1
When the external approval is no longer needed to validate the value of our self worth, we can see clearly what is the truth of the matter. That is the world of contempt as the deciding factor is self image approval from peer pressure.

It is a true test of ones conviction of truth to be all alone and completely misunderstood and yet realize that this has no bearing on the value of truth or ones value.

Most are not logical enough to be ethical and not ethical enough to be logical. Most attempt to superimpose a concept over reality to define the self. this is to give a foundation to the ego because stripping the ego of all of its underpinnings is meaningless insanity to it. We must learn to step out of the finite identity box to be liberated and allow a steady rush of infinite consciousness beyond all boundaries.

Most obey and define the self through billboard signs, wife, husband, parent, sibling, teacher, preacher, guru etc. The flux of information can be disconcerting. Once one realizes the stability of what does not change in the realm of appearances, one does not stand in a beliefsystem no matter how initially stable it appears.

If the realization occurs that reality is contingent and dependent on consciousness the most logical outcome of this is to release the attitudes of ascendant pulses of energy. Attitudes like gratitude, forgiveness, agape/compassion, peace, faith, and self control all done in humility with honesty. Is it more important to appear kind or to actually be kind?

If one realizes the full implications of the effect of conscious choices, we choose to release what we want in our experience. Choice is a self evident truth.

A question that was asked of me at another board when speaking of who or what makes decisions:
I think you see the same thing but have not yet "retired the Captain." Accept and embrace the chaos; cease trying to "explain it away;" allow a freeflow of unhindered thought to traverse your entire mind. Believe me; it's a lot less complicated that way. "Come on in Big Boy; the water's fine."

This is the stripping process of the ego to identify it is indeed, a phantom of a self created image in the mind. It is found in the ten commandments; "Thou shalt not make any graven image." This also means in the mind.

When Moses asked: "Who shall I say sent me"? The answer was "I AM". This means to breathe or to be or the very ground of being in and of itself. I can imagine the Israelites asking Moses what the name of his God was and he answered "I am."

Who or what decided to retire the captain?

The three laws of thought state the following:

1) The Law of Identity:
A is A or anything is itself.

2) The Law of Excluded Middle:
Anything is either A or ~ A

3) The Law of Contradiction:
Nothing can be both A and ~A.