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Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 11:36 am
by Carmel
Now that takes some getting used to, so give it a few years to accept.


When you break everything down into physics, it becomes a system of gates.

Is it "gates" or "hives" or maybe gates to hives?

Nevermind...Carry on! :)

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 12:58 pm
by Pincho Paxton
Carmel wrote:Pincho:
Now that takes some getting used to, so give it a few years to accept.


When you break everything down into physics, it becomes a system of gates.

Is it "gates" or "hives" or maybe gates to hives?

Nevermind...Carry on! :)
A gate to hives.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:24 pm
by Beingof1
If consciousness is subject to the material - it must be measurable.
What are the dimensions of your field of awareness?

There is a temporal dimension as when I go to sleep at night and awareness is absent. Assuming you are using "awareness" colloquially as a synonym for "consciousness". In modern Academic philosophy there is a distinction between the two. This is made because we can be physiologically or unconsciously aware of environmental stimuli as when we reflexively catch an object. The action is initiated without forethought, without planning, and prior to conscious attention. This serves as another boundary to conscious awareness.
You said it the subject is object to the subject's object.

I describe consciousness as the full set or the 'whole' ,awareness as a subset of consciousness and perception as a subset of awareness.

Can you be more specific?
Consciousness is a field of two components, energy and information.
Awareness is the energy. Your heat or radiation of your body sends signals out and is then interpreted as data in a feedback.
Perception is the mental processing of the data stream.
Did you decide read and then to post?

I answered your inquiry with further inquiry, it was appropriate to flesh out what you are talking about.
Yes you did and it was appropriate.

What is not appropriate is for you to evade my questions and statements. If this does not change, believe me, this will be short.
I also pointed out to you boundaries of consciousness in general, as in the temporal boundary.
I must have missed it. Could you point out the boundary of consciousness again?
If you didn't get my last statement "the subject is object to the subject's object" it indicates that whatever a person perceives defines their conscious experience and hence the symbiotic relationship between subject and object or to put it in other terms, the non-dualistic nature of subject-object control.
But you just described a "dualistic system" and then pronounced it nondual.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 2:47 am
by Alex T. Jacob
Pincho gets the Best Classical Metaphysical Poetry Award:

I say...

We direct electrons to certain places in the brain..
So electron direction is the cause.

I say...

Electrons pop out of tiny Black Holes, so we are controlling the opening of the black Holes.
Finally, after opening the Black Hole for the electron we need to steer it with a Photon.

Now that takes some getting used to, so give it a few years to accept.
When you break everything down into physics, it becomes a system of gates. Mankind really has to step onto the moon of science, and take a giant leap to really get to grips with something that is totally new, and odd at the same time.

If Virgil were to have said it?

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 3:57 am
by IJesusChrist
I'm steering my photons!!

Gotta get the left turns down for my electrons.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 5:18 am
by A.R
I think that there's no confines for human brain and you can get sure from thise very simple example:
* If you want to get an "A" in any subject in the school or university you'll get it by the positive programming in your brain by re-saying for example: it's so easy subject and I can get an "A" I'am not less then others.And you'll get it believe me.
Mathematics exercises are so important for brain which Developing your brain Capabilities.
Interesting Facts about the Brain:
•Your brain uses 20% of your body's energy, but it makes up only 2% of your body's weight.
•Your cerebral cortex is about as thick as a tongue depressor. It grows thicker as you learn and use it.
•Your brain is about 1300-1400 cubic centimeters in volume, about the size of a cantaloupe and wrinkled like a walnut.
•A newborn baby's brain grows almost 3 times in course of first year
•Humans have the most complex brain of any animal on earth.
Eating foods rich in vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C may help lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:41 pm
by IJesusChrist
Technically there is a limit, the thing isn't infinite in size, nor complexity, but thanks for the neato factoids

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:40 am
by A.R
IJesusChrist wrote:Technically there is a limit, the thing isn't infinite in size, nor complexity, but thanks for the neato factoids
Maybe you're right, anyway it's views.
You welcome.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:25 pm
by Animus
Beingof1 wrote:If this does not change, believe me, this will be short.
Evidently a lot shorter than you expected.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 2:37 pm
by Beingof1
Animus wrote:
Beingof1 wrote:If this does not change, believe me, this will be short.
Evidently a lot shorter than you expected.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:46 pm
by sulochanosho
It's a good old as well as a good new fresh question: 'Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?'. For centuries the mankind have been answering or attempting or tempting to answer it - but till today the Question reamins 'unanswered'. Whatever little our scientists, philosophers or thinkers speculated or articulted till today may appear 'great', but that is still a small grain of the infinite ocean. Till today the brain-behavior-mind axis remains a mystery. As far as our knowledge is considered, it's still at an infancy stage. Both 'body and beyond' dimensions would go into the answer. Brain alone is not the answer, something beyond brain too is a part of the answer. We are groping in the dark. Or the mystery of the existence is supposed to be beyond the capacity of our small senses to expore it? Any way, this good question is worth a good debate and discussion. Our attempt to know is eternal.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:48 pm
by Pincho Paxton
sulochanosho wrote:It's a good old as well as a good new fresh question: 'Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?'. For centuries the mankind have been answering or attempting or tempting to answer it - but till today the Question reamins 'unanswered'. Whatever little our scientists, philosophers or thinkers speculated or articulted till today may appear 'great', but that is still a small grain of the infinite ocean. Till today the brain-behavior-mind axis remains a mystery. As far as our knowledge is considered, it's still at an infancy stage. Both 'body and beyond' dimensions would go into the answer. Brain alone is not the answer, something beyond brain too is a part of the answer. We are groping in the dark. Or the mystery of the existence is supposed to be beyond the capacity of our small senses to expore it? Any way, this good question is worth a good debate and discussion. Our attempt to know is eternal.
People who say that we can never know something have to know that people can never know something. They also have to know what that something is that we can never know. Basically, you are trying to use intelligence to over-rule the combined intelligence of the whole planet. I have already posted that thought comes from opening, and closing a Black Hole. One opens in for the start of an electron journey, and the end journey is a Black Hole out. If you want to say that man will never know.. you have to say that I am wrong. However, being as you have only had a few hours of my Black hole theory to take it all in, you would be simple disregarding it as an option. To disregard something on a whim is not the sort of person that can over-rule the intelligence of the whole planet.

To open, and close the black holes we squeeze the Aether bubbles around the black holes. Squeezing the bubbles is similar to the movement of a grub, who squeezes its body in a wave to move along. The Aether squeezing breaks the zero size rule of the plank size, and opens the black hole. This then allows the photon to enter as part of a zero explosion. the photon then takes the route towards the next squeeze, as we squeeze the aether, and open a Black hole out. That's where we want the thought to take place as the photon collides with the electron it charges up the area.

Further evidence to this form of movement is in the movement of atoms. They move in the same way. Open a black hole by squeezing the Aether. That is the grub movement again. that's why movement causes objects to contract. That's why C is the max speed, it is the maximum contraction size of the bubble that opens the Black Hole.

Further evidence is also in the Bose-Einstein condensate where the cold temperature slows down the repulsion spin around the Black Holes, allowing the Black holes to all pull one another together.

I think it's a very valid theory.

Is it the brain that thinks? Well it's a sort of motorised version of the brain with extra elements.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 5:40 pm
by Animus
Actually this problem transcends any of the statements given thus far. I'm not looking for anyone's feedback on this, so if you think you have it all figured out, don't bother reading it.

The problem underlying subject-object or mind-body duality is the duality part of it. There is no brain independent of mind and there is no mind independent of brain. This is an important realization as it will be the basis of the understanding of consciousness. Following from the A=A tautology we arrive at this conclusion as laid out in the works by QRS and other philosophers. A=A is more or less a statement of perceptual and logical necessity. If the axiom were not true then reality and our experience would be inchoate. The fact is its not inchoate so there is no real application to addressing the question of whether or not it could be, though I would tend to admit that it couldn't be inchoate and sustain any appearances.

Consequently, whatever we observe subjectively must also be true objectively insofar as our observations are adequate. This would predict that A=A being true, in the very least as a fact of how we perceive reality, this would be reflected by the brain circuitry, and it is. Of course this may merely be a fact of our perception, that we could not exist as such within a situation where our subjective and objective experiences were unrelated. They must be interrelated down to the bone, so-to-speak. There can be no objective point at which the gap is bridged because the gap is exponential. It is a fact of how we perceive that dictates we perceive an organ which is us, which is coherent with our perception. Now, it doesn't mean that our perception of ourselves as "brain" is complete, it realistically isn't, as it falls into one half of the subject-object duality, and in reality we are best described as something neither subjective or objective. However, our perception of ourselves as both mind and brain are adequate and possibly the only possible means of having individuated existence. Which means, that if you destroy or alter either mind or brain you destroy or alter both mind and brain, but neither are a complete description of what you are. We are a long way from understanding this other kind of "body", I won't venture to use terms like "astral body" to describe it because too much speculation has been made in this regard and all such speculations are distinctively objective or subjective. Yet, we have no other means of description, so we are fubar beyond that point. Our only means of description are mind and brain, and we should utilize them both.

There shouldn't be no conflict between this and QRS philosophy, because it matters not whether or not consciousness or physicality are primary, it assumes neither. It simply assumes that they are coherent with each other. Consequently we can make discoveries about ourselves both subjectively through a priori reasoning and objectively through neurophysiology.

Re: Is it the Human Brain that Thinks?

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:05 pm
by sulochanosho
Paxton's texts there make a good reading. An interesting reading there in Animus' text too:
<quote>It simply assumes that they are coherent with each other. Consequently we can make discoveries about ourselves both subjectively through a priori reasoning and objectively through neurophysiology.</quote>

To be frank and naked, I don't make any head or tail of these things. Whatever I utter is really as a novice and ignorant. The body is continuously taking in the "air" there, and leaving out the "air" there. There's a "connection" with the existence or mystery. Whatever scientists say in terms of "oxyzen", "breathing", I dont know other than some labels and terminology. "Life" force is the essence. Nothing is in isolation, everything is unison.