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Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:50 am
by Ryan Rudolph
semantics, Alex, Semantics.

One should probably make the distinction between physical suffering of the body and psychological suffering. Sometimes, physical suffering cannot be prevented, but through wisdom, I believe the spiritual seeker can transcend most psychological suffering...

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 11:49 am
by elderwoodxxx
Thank you Ryan for your kind words and understanding. Is it usual to 'lambste' people here in arrogance and conceit? I have only offered my understanding as an equal through compassion yet have received many an unkind word in selfishness. I know that i do not doubt my own being and consciousness and have never professed to be anything other than myself. Others insecurites and fears seem to be rearing their heads by those whom express to be 'fully fledged gods'.
Yes i agree.. emotional attachment comes through a seeking of security for self worth and control in many situations. Do you think that because i am a woman many men do not feel that i am capable of having a mind to converse with on an equal level?


Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:06 am
by Ryan Rudolph
Yes i agree.. emotional attachment comes through a seeking of security for self worth and control in many situations. Do you think that because i am a woman many men do not feel that i am capable of having a mind to converse with on an equal level?
yes, that is a fair assessment, and an understandable one. A woman's psychology makes it a bit more difficult as far as enlightenment is concerned, but I haven't concluded that it is impossible for women, just much harder.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:46 am
by elderwoodxxx
I am a conscious manifestation of divine will.. enlightened through universal understanding ;-)

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:15 pm
by elderwoodxxx
This is a reply to another thread that i note you are not taking an active part of but again i 'felt' that i should post it here.

Post subject: Re: Exodus—the Worldwide, 21st Century VersionPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:57 am

This is a copy of a mail but i 'felt' that i should post it here.. When one is able to understand emotion and use feeling to guide them with infinite perception in god consciousness then what ever you conceive and create in awareness fuels the whole as a manifestation of conscious creation. :-)

When one meets any perceived negativity, it is easy to transmute that into light with understanding, for shadows are dissolved with the mind….if one looks for misunderstanding it is easy to perceive how it IS.
We can only see all that IS when we know ALL that we are not.. We can then learn that both form the whole.. We become master of ourselves in relation to 'divine will' as perceived misunderstandings can easily be seen through in truth. For truth entails ALL. Yet within illusion we cannot distinguish between the two!!! leading to yet more confusion within perception. Perceptions are infinite in TRUTH and to understand HOW to perceive that truth we know that confusion shows us a darkness which we can then transmute into more wisdom, more light and understanding for all. We become masters of the darkness by owning it rather than being lost within it.
We form new perceptions and then raise energy and vibration by re-clustering perceptions into new awareness; we ascend, while grounded in physicality. I have learnt to integrate my feelings or intuition into my words.. so that I automatically write by accessing god consciousness when ever I desire. I am currently understanding this in relation to mysticism as I believe that is what it is? When I listen to Almine I relate perfectly to her words on perceptions and the infinite sea of consciousness which we are now beginning to fill with new awareness. Nothing is impossible, if you can imagine and conceive it to be then as you know it IS.
Enlightenment is the mind at rest within the ocean. But here there is no growth, we fill the ocean with new awareness and understanding from the word of creation that IS truth, in occordance with all that IS..divine will. I am all that IS in relation to understanding ALL that is NOT, so in effect I am consciousness now alive in physical form, within this density, this realm, this dimension. This is mans destiny of realisation of creation, to become aware of his own consciousness in the infinite ocean beyond time and space, the illusion which creates our physical manifestation.


Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:06 pm
by Alex Jacob
Amanda asks:

"Is it usual to 'lambaste' people here in arrogance and conceit? I have only offered my understanding as an equal through compassion yet have received many an unkind word in selfishness."

(Funny, one definition of 'lambaste' is 'to beat with a cane'. I did not know that).

But the way you write, next they'll be feeding you to the lions, Amanda!


One thing about this particular forum: it is predominantly a men's forum just because of the focus on a certain brand of spirituality, and philosophy, and reasoning. It is fair to say that a woman's way, speaking broadly, is different. A woman's forum this is not. Women come into association for different reasons and they seek from their associations different results. What you are calling 'lambasting', if I understand what you mean, has mostly come from one Monsieur M. who is a new addition to our dysfunctional crew. But, it is not impossible that you might take what I think and write to you here as a 'lambaste', but it is not at all. I hope that you will understand that there is a good deal (but sometimes not enough) good humor going on in this forum, but it might take a little while to discern it.

Your almost outrageous brand of new-age goop (this is the sort of very direct way of speaking that is peculiarly masculine, I mean you absolutely no offense, literally none) is really like a blue-green comet coming out from behind the moon. You see first comes Monsieur M. with his ultrastrange rap, and then, perhaps for unknowable cosmic reasons along there comes another 'Enlightened Master' who also has a webpage, a vast cyber presence, and a literal mission in this world of woe. (Channeled directly from God's own warm heart). You might not be able to step back from it to really savor the divine humor in it all, but there really is an extraordinary humor in it. I have determined that the Presiding Deity who controls this realm, who has set up the very substructure and platform of our reality, is a consummate humor-artist, but there is always a delightful devilishness in it, and we rarely get the joke, we rarely see that the joke's on us, that we are right at the center of it. God must be rolling on the floor laughing His ass off, He must piss Himself with the terrible humor in His own pranks! Can we not at least laugh a little along with Him?

You approach things with this disarming sincerity, and you seem to have little awareness of how, with just a few modifications, a twist here and there, so much of what you write can be made to sound very, very funny. And very, very empty. As a writer I suggest to you that it is wretched poetry, and you can do much, much better. Indeed, you must do much better! (Please!) If you went to a writer's workshop (and don't think that your Divine Channeling is somehow above what good writing requires) you'd get torn to shreds, and it would be the best thing that ever happened to you.

The quintessential New Age pablum, the bland mush of 'conscious manifestation of divine will...enlightened through universal understanding', would be overturned on the floor, the rubber spoon bent. This prose is a thick batter that envelopes one, and it also seems like a sticky, addictive narcotic, it would be easy to fall into a pattern of always writing like that. It has a bit of tinge of adolescent automatic writing, but you of course are expressing 'consciously' God's wisdom, and the only ones who don't or won't get it are the Devil's Tribe, such as myself. ;-)

The really peculiar thing is that (apparently) the whole structure of your personality is bound to the self-image of being a divine messenger, with saccharine syrup to be dispensed into the greedy mouths of all mankind. What I find comic, but in an absurd way, is how people who are basically the same in their (self-appointed) 'mission', knock up against each other, and begin to fight, and it then looks like 2 kids fighting an ego-war on the playground. Pretty soon they start talking about 'levels of enlightenment' and rebuking each other.

The ultra-spiritual newage types (this has been going on since the days the newage came into existence, basically the sixties) always seem to have a Grand Rap that they dispense, they don't really seem to come down to a human level to discuss things honestly.

What do you think?

I came to this Earth-plane in full awareness of my long-term Mission, as I have recently revealed. I had enlightenment in my hand and I twirled it like a toy! And with a Herculean shift of awareness I cast it aside, I tread upon it! and I soared down to the Earth on fluttery wings to make my home with all you fakes and con-artists! Yet, the Divine Force is strong with me...those who read me feel an awesome power moving under the bedrock of my words! Many spontaneous cures have occured here, many have been saved and many more shall be saved! I am the Light Carrier here!

On to Zion my pretties!


Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 2:39 pm
by elderwoodxxx
hahah Yes I do hear you ;-) what IS funny is the fact that it is a mockery lol... humans are dumb!! and my writing has to be simple to make universal understanding within illusion hahaah

Many grapple with concepts and understanding and they are so close yet so far.. the flashing sword garding the tree of life IS infinite perception hahaha within illusion simple minds just dont perceive it.

what would be the use if i came across all big worded and complex ;-)
divine will is easy to understand beyond the 3rd dimension..It is just the word in truth.

because i was lost in illusion and perception for 30 yrs i have a good understanding of why that was so, but i was never dumb;-)

male/female are one.. yet what many males fail to understand is the power of the femenine intuition which guides us in knowing. Men have always found it hard to understand women and so their egos try and control us in an attempt to be the perceived power haha

emotions are the KEY. together with male logic it is easy for a woman to run rings round men.. if that were my desire. As it is i am compassionate in understanding the simplicity of the logical mind hahaah

Honour amongst men is to be valued as it allows two to be able to learn together as one.. most men are too busy sexually oogling with desire to listen ;-)

How can i bounce my wit off any ;-) In a quick flash they wouldnt know what hit them;-) Obviously im hitting some of your buttons ;-)

I could portray myself as all men like a dominatrix? ;-) shall i bring my whip? lol... well innuendo always serves up the goods. A woman is always in control of her own body ;-)

OOO and i know that you will not take offense either at my remarks ;-).. People are always soooo transparent it is hilarious :-)

I am quite able to mock myself and bring another down in the process I am after all a mere human;-)


ps thanks for your understanding ;-) i was beginning to get the coo;-)
pps Bedrock of your words? *Chuckle* you really did flutter down with a thump.. ;-)

My self-appointed image? whats that then i'm just me;-) and why is that peculiar?.. i must be an anomaly, a glitch in the matrix of reality hehe ;-) oo and that must be because as in the words of 'doctor who' (UK)i am unloved and brilliant so therefore i see All truth ;-)

Egos to the ready, prepare for battle. I am a woman!! don your suit of truth and off we go ;-) hahaha........ to Zion was it ;-)

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:38 am
by brokenhead
You are quite full of yourself, aren't you, Amanda? You extoll yourself very nicely. It's tiresome. It detracts from anything you have to say. For instance, you say you could run rings around any male. Yet your topic of expertise seems to be yourself. What's so special about that?

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:40 am
by brokenhead
elderwoodxxx wrote:emotions are the KEY
To the door to hell.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:35 am
by elderwoodxxx
brokenhead wrote:You are quite full of yourself, aren't you, Amanda? You extoll yourself very nicely. It's tiresome. It detracts from anything you have to say. For instance, you say you could run rings around any male. Yet your topic of expertise seems to be yourself. What's so special about that?
My topic of expertise is the Self.. that means ALL.. So your statement about 'me' only fuels your own separation from the whole. And emotions are the key as they form who we are and subject us ALL. I am quite able to understand you but can you understand yourself? I have no shame and nothing to hide do you? You want to talk about you then go for it. I am All ears. Please share your understanding with us ALL so that we can learn how 'tiresome' you perceive you to be. For if i am tiresome then by your own admission you are subject to frustration within your own mind in misunderstanding me! Your own perceptions and understanding form HOW you perceive others. So come on do please tell.. or is your ego causing you to be so 'tired' of it that you can think of nothing else to say so in your insecutity and doubt you have to pull another down to your level???
brokenhead wrote:elderwoodxxx wrote:
emotions are the KEY

To the door to hell.
Hell is a place where one is not able to perceive clearly and so you become lost within your emotional torment and rooted fears. You let fear control you instead of you controlling it.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 5:19 am
by Alex Jacob
Hi Amanda,

There are so many winks and nudges in what you wrote I don't quite know what to take seriously, if anything!

Humans really are 'dumb' I guess, but you have to qualify that. One problem is that a 'good education' is very, very expensive, and so only the wealthy can offer it. True, anyone with the will can educate themselves, and many important figures have done just that, but our general condition is a sort of dumbness. Not that some ignorant (scholastically) people aren't very decent of course, but the use of the word 'dumb' implies easily manipulatable. And there is so much around us constantly working to have its way with us, it is overwhelming.

It is true that I mock your style, and I think it is worthy of mockery. I can't really be sure of your content since so much of it is rhetorical fluff and plumage. But your stance is pretty obviously 'grandiose': you have the perfect and the ultimate arbiter's position. It's not 'you' talking it is some sort of mouthpiece of God (the All). It is that which is tedious because, in truth, it is all just a big game. I think you'll find you won't have too much success here. It is not that I am asking you to become 'big-worded and complex'---that is not required of a good preacher---but to see that it doesn't very well fit into the existing context here.

If you were 'lost in illusion' for so long, there is no necessary guarantee that you are out of illusion. It doesn't matter how you emotionally cover over this possibility, and this is something we are all up against I think. We may think we are out of the woods, but what if there is more wood to pass through? All of us could tell a similar story of one time when we were 'lost' and how we 'found' ourselves, and what we have done. Only our fearless leaders the QRS (and Monsieur M.) put it in similar (but not the same) grandiose terms, so in that sense you are among peers, but no one is working the new age babble territory quite like you.

You could say that anything 'is one', or all things 'are one' simply because they all occur here. But I don't at all think individuals are ipso facto 'one'. It is more truthful to say we are 'many', and divided from each other. Most people have no idea even how they could 'become one' or what that means. Your psycho-babble, therefor, is misleading. I think men and women are distinctly different and yet, obviously, they are 'one' in a biological sense. It is pretty important, I think, to point out and talk about how men and women are different, and why they are different. To say 'they are one' is just a useless platitude. If they were 'one' they wouldn't have so many troubles and they seem to have losts of troubles.

"Men have always found it hard to understand women and so their egos try and control us in an attempt to be the perceived power haha".

It is more that men have controlled women so to lord it over their biology, it seems to me. And to have a ready source of labor. Human history is long indeed, and for the most part it was just a game of physical control. Men 'took' women for breeding purposes. It is only relatively lately that the issue of relatedness and relationship has even come to the forefront. In our culture, our Judeo-Christian values have completely influenced what we now understand as 'relatedness' (your 'oneness' I assume).

A more precise truth for our now is (clears throat) men still more or less completely 'control women', but as I have written in other places that control is worked psychologically. It is marketing experts and PR experts who 'engineer' women, who decide what they are and what they shall be. Do you see things differently? True, I as a man do not control you (Amanda) as a person, but it is in a very real sense 'masculine culture' (with female participation) that controls women right now in our present. Women do not control themselves, though they think they do. This is the terrible irony that, in different ways, we discuss here on these pages.

Yet, with you, we have an emissary from the Plane of Freedom who will surely educate us and set us all straight! Praise Jesus!

I really do agree with you that emotions are the key. Absolutely. In this I differ from our Founders (*bowing head*). They don't really talk about emotions or even seem to examine them. They certainly don't employ them or 'use' them. They more or less deny them, and retreat to a mental platform. Big mistake if you ask me. And you are very right: a woman who knows how to use her emotions in the game of relationship with men, to men, can manipulate and control in very alarming ways. I think you are alluding to some of this amid the many winks and nods and ooohs and hahahas. Our founders say we (as men) need to really get hold of ourselves, to change the way we relate to women, but I don't think they really understand the dynamic. A man who knows how to 'handle' women---now that is a rare breed indeed! It is wise to keep in mind, too, that 'running rings around men' is not necessarily to be strong or in charge or 'responsible'. A saucy teenager with a shaved pussy who doles out her sexuality and her emotions to the men around her might be seen as 'running rings' around men, but we all know that this isn't real power, and she isn't so much controlling as controlled.

"In a quick flash they wouldnt know what hit them..."

I hope that we will deserve some demonstrations of this amazing wit! I am kind of intrigued.

"Obviously im hitting some of your buttons".

But not the ones you might suppose. I think I do know when my 'buttons' are hit, in the sense that it indicates a tender area, something I need to look at in myself and not in the other, etc. But that is not at all what I am talking about. The areas that I find---distasteful?---are 1) the lofty stance you have for yourself which is plainly a false construct and 2) the terrible prose of newagism which is mostly designed to envelop in a kind of misty fog. There is really nothing there that someone could incorporate. Or do you see it differently?

"A woman is always in control of her own body".

Again, you'd think that is true, and many women say it is true, but it is actually a questionable premise. It is safer to say that women's bodies are the focus of vast and powerful forces that seek to penetrate her, open her up, put stuff into her, to 'get her'. Think about it. The last thing that a woman controls is her body! Yet you'd think that she 'controls' when she opens her legs! Some of this is quite puzzling...

This terrible 'God of Nature' (as opposed to the Social God, a different God) utterly controls women and men and decides just about everything. It is a dangerous and seductive illusion to think any of us are outside of that or beyond that when, in fact, we may very well not be. In your grandiose Selfdom you assume you are out of the clutches of...(???)...but are you really? What if it turned out you weren't and you were really running a grandiose con-game? (Among so many con-games...)

That would be a bit of a shock, wouldn't it? How does a person come to terms with that, do you think? What process would they go through?

"I am quite able to mock myself and bring another down in the process I am after all a mere human"

Why would you want to 'bring anyone down'? What is to be gained by that?

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:25 pm
by elderwoodxxx
Alex Jacob wrote:There are so many winks and nudges in what you wrote I don't quite know what to take seriously, if anything!
All that You should 'think' is true to your understanding IS what you do 'think.. for it is my intent to allow you to 'think' for your self ;-)and yes i am being serious with that wink.

The mind is free because one has control over HOW to use it so like the wind or tide you can perceive whatever current there is at all times.. The intangiable reality becomes tangiable.. (More of that later perhaps..if the wind blows that way.. you have given me an essay to PERCEIVE phew here goes.. just apply the mind understand with perception of knowing what IS or God consciousness whatever one may wish to call it.. ;-) Here we go..
Alex Jacob wrote:Humans really are 'dumb' I guess, but you have to qualify that. One problem is that a 'good education' is very, very expensive, and so only the wealthy can offer it. True, anyone with the will can educate themselves, and many important figures have done just that, but our general condition is a sort of dumbness. Not that some ignorant (scholastically) people aren't very decent of course, but the use of the word 'dumb' implies easily manipulatable. And there is so much around us constantly working to have its way with us, it is overwhelming.
I believe and understand through personal experience and life that every single person has a capacity to UNDERSTAND, (OK now im not talking about mentally infirm etc but they too can understand things their own way..) As a child we begin perceiving ourselves in relation to our parent/carer etc and form connections to relate to..I'm not going to talk about phycological damage here etc but you get the general gist. We learn through experience, now the problems that come are when a parent cannot explain or relate to a child so that they can learn to perceive, for they themselves do not understand all things, especially emotions.. That wonderful human condition. ( I have written a blog on the 'condition' if you are interested) So confusion and insecurity begin to set in.. We fall into a deep illusion of mis perception.. this is in many 'levels' of density. Some people are nurtured and loved and 'function' within a society, able to conform to the will of that society.. To an extent it IS brainwashing.. others are emotionally abused of feel unloved etc.. and become depressed and emotionally dysfunctional.. Doctors think anti-depressants should be in the water and the suicide and crime rates, street wars and gangs envelop societies structures... leading to Class struggle of the monetary haves and have nots. Usually the 'haves' are perceived as well educated, and the 'have nots' seemingly have no hope. OK yes you may well have heard this all b4 but the point i am making is this.. we all have a MIND with EMOTION and are all able to PERCEIVE. The current stance within the art world at least is ideas of becoming initially self aware in relation to all others. that is there are many who simply do not grasp the basic concepts of themselves in relation to another being and cannot see something from anothers point of view. On a personal note i have always empathised with others in an attempt to understand myself within the whole.. but also knew that i was lost in understanding as i could not fathom others actions from greed and selfishness as i never was like that so i became the brunt of iniquity, the person to blame.. so I was naive in many respects to the harshness of mans behaviour.. always wanting to fully understand why. I can see what people do and empathically bear the brunt of their behaviour to others.. BUT i could not understand WHY, myself subject to others 'egos' trying to control me. I watch as they self inflate in harsh injust behaviour, thinking to myself.. i dont want to be evil!.. So instead of becoming that which i despised i didnt know how to be me, through fear of them walking all over me. And for years I have been trampled upon, yet I always listened.. I am a people watcher, a mind studier.
Now when i became aware of exactly how to be me.. of how to understand and perceive in objectivity i learnt that we are all the same.. hiding behind that mask. I no longer fear an ego.. and like you said.. an ego will always rebuke another in an attempt for more infation of their own. The drug of this world is the facade we all hide behind, yet addicted to it through desire.. lacking self control, for the ego controls the mind within illusion. Yet I control my own mind from beyond. I admit I was thick lol because when we see through the illusion it IS so simple in its complexity. But when blind we cannot see what we are blind to.

It IS overwhelming you are right. Within illusion we do feel that the whole world is against us.. yet when we can see it all in relation to all other minds and know we are the same in how we perceive understanding.. then everything falls into place and confusion dissolves along with negative emotion which serves to teach us..(Karma) many repress emotion. so many are trapped within the density manifesting physical ailment and ultimately death as the consciousness within the physical no longer has a purpose. Alternative healing and therapys are becoming increasingly popular in westen medicine. Deep rooted emoptional issues from child hood have to be worked through and released to raise ones energy vibration, yet many men seem to 'think' it best to supress them. I guess this is when many become aware of 'levels' but these levels are still within illusion.
Alex Jacob wrote:It is true that I mock your style, and I think it is worthy of mockery. I can't really be sure of your content since so much of it is rhetorical fluff and plumage. But your stance is pretty obviously 'grandiose': you have the perfect and the ultimate arbiter's position. It's not 'you' talking it is some sort of mouthpiece of God (the All). It is that which is tedious because, in truth, it is all just a big game. I think you'll find you won't have too much success here. It is not that I am asking you to become 'big-worded and complex'---that is not required of a good preacher---but to see that it doesn't very well fit into the existing context here.
My style is such that anyone can understand if they are willing to hear me..One has to be like a child for the innocence of a child will always outshine the shadows of iniquity. we learn so much from children because if we can understand them in their world.. which they are masters of then we can transend that into our world which we are not masters of. Growing up is like admitting that one day you will die, have to conform to societies dictates and struggle along the way. It is obvious that it does not work.. advancement in civilisation is slow but out dated systems that no longer serve us always fall away. We are children in the world who cannot even understand each other let alone learn to get along!! What happens in the play ground when war breaks out?? At least children to not play with big boys toys that really should not be allowed for us to have!! It is a mockery! and we are the ones to be laughed at.

I am sorry if you think that i appear grandiose but that is not my intent.. I am no one.. just like the rest of us all, yet together we are someone. The poor,and humble.. really are capable of understanding because they do not suffer so much with materialistic greed, arrogance, inflated ego and lifestyle. The fact that you think im worthy of being mocked shows you cast judgement upon me, when i myself never judge another or assume. I am always willing to listen and learn, hence i have been given wisdom and understanding, and therefore knowledge. I profess to know nothing yet I do 'understand' ALL, from the microcosm to the macrocosmic.. it is all the same. From a playground to the world, From the depths of your heart to the love of ALL things. A wise person knows that they will learn as much from another as they themselves imbue.. a good teacher will understand that they will learn from their pupils even more than they teach.. when both are ready the master will always appear. yet here with so many inflated arrogent facadical egos.. i am not sure that many are capable of being humble enough to want to acknowledge any limitations they perceive that they may have. I never appear arrogant as i can always explain what i mean without detriment to another with compassion and understanding, rather than taking the stance of conceit within confusion. WE ALL need to have virtue and grace, honour and integrity to be willing to learn.. to be mindful.. YODA has it sussed ;-) and fear is the path to the dark side ;-)
Religion is just a name made by man.. and all have facets of truth in their understanding. It is all one.
The context here is a forum discussing truth etc.. but in discussing and seeking it one never finds it. To outwardly seek will deny the seeker, for it is externalising(False idols) what is found within ones being, consciousness and heart. To UNDERSTAND it through personal understanding is a different matter. So while many here Seek, they seek in vain, because if you 'think' you still have further to go then you always will. Within doubt there is always confusion. I have no doubt for doubts are the manifestation of confusion encompassing all that we are NOT, I know my Self in relation to all other hearts as one..and in relation to all that we are NOT(Fear ego greed original sin etc) yet are, because all hearts are ONE. unified in spirit. Unconditional selfless love for all things and ALL humanity together fuels ones understanding as one is able to relate themselves to all others. We already are One yet lost within confusion and false idols.. ie selfish gain and thus detachment from the whole. Recently i spoke with someone who told me that my use of English in the way i constuct my sentenses is the same as old the times of Aristotle and Plato, but I do not know as that is just a perception from one other. If two minds were in agreement then an understanding can be gained.
Alex Jacob wrote:If you were 'lost in illusion' for so long, there is no necessary guarantee that you are out of illusion. It doesn't matter how you emotionally cover over this possibility, and this is something we are all up against I think. We may think we are out of the woods, but what if there is more wood to pass through? All of us could tell a similar story of one time when we were 'lost' and how we 'found' ourselves, and what we have done. Only our fearless leaders the QRS (and Monsieur M.) put it in similar (but not the same) grandiose terms, so in that sense you are among peers, but no one is working the new age babble territory quite like you.

I can only tell you that i am aware that i am able to perceive others within the illusion because i have been within it myself.. so am able to understand HOW to perceive truth in relation to it.. thus i can use compassion and understanding to all other minds 'trapped' within it. It is a dark cave as plato rightly said. Yet within perceived reality it is difficult to explain to someone who cannot understand what they are not getting. That is why i use emotion and logic to give understanding as i do, for that IS the only way that one can perceive differntly for themselves. I have completely re wired myself the 'right' way and can now float along with life on top of the wave instead of being tossed within despair and turmoil while trying to fight the current. My consciousness is ALIVE in me and i am like the wind. It is like stepping out from a crysalis, initially i had to relearn to perceive everything and in so doing i became aware of exactly what it was i was perceiving. I did not know i would find ALL religion and truth etc.. that was a bonus ;-) Perceptions are infinite and the only limitations are those which man places upon himself. While monsier M fearlessly stuts he continually separates himself from the whole by judging others. He is not aware of himself in relation to them or he would not do what he does. He only fuels his own separation from the whole in doing so. We all are one and just need to be able to understand each other. it really IS so simple.

New age babble? not sure what that is.. as i have never really spoken to any one of that calibre etc.. not really, i live on my own with my daughter in a flat in the middle of nowhere.. perceived as backward country!!(Not clouded with materialitic sentiments etc) i converse with any and everyone and i am uniquely me. I am individual and that is me because the moment i have a label the moment i detatch from the whole..and become a perceived stereotype. so in what way do you perceive quite like me? Only you can know in your own heart if you 'think' i am still within illusion or not. It is not for me to enforce an opinion, where would the sense be in that?? We all come to our own conclusions with our own understandings from perceptions. All i am doing is relating to ALL others as ONE..easy.
Alex Jacob wrote:You could say that anything 'is one', or all things 'are one' simply because they all occur here. But I don't at all think individuals are ipso facto 'one'. It is more truthful to say we are 'many', and divided from each other. Most people have no idea even how they could 'become one' or what that means. Your psycho-babble, therefor, is misleading. I think men and women are distinctly different and yet, obviously, they are 'one' in a biological sense. It is pretty important, I think, to point out and talk about how men and women are different, and why they are different. To say 'they are one' is just a useless platitude. If they were 'one' they wouldn't have so many troubles and they seem to have losts of troubles.
Yes i could say that and I would be right.... But what makes it so is consciousness perceiving it. We as individuals form the whole,an expression of the one as many. what follows is a blog which discusses understanding oneness which i feel may help the understanding of my assertion.

Hi All.
As the conversation is dealing with oneness of all that IS in relation to understanding and truth i thought i may NOW take this opportunity to invite you to read my blog in particular the latest few entries including comments as it talks a lot about universal understanding for perceiving TRUTH, esoteric yes, should be hidden? no.. All that is hidden is ones ability to believe in themselves, to 'see', perceive what IS and to transcend the illusion of negativity, which surrounds our minds creating confusion and doubt. The finite becomes the infinite, the intangible the tangible, fear and doubt become peace and knowing, illusion and deception become understanding, knowledge and wisdom, NOTHING is then impossible for the mind as it becomes aware of its place within the cosmos, fuelled by unconditional love and selflessness. May you enjoy an adventure of universal understanding of objective awareness for all things, as one understands and gains wisdom through knowledge and self-belief, we can walk out from the shadows and transcend to love and light

Hi Amanda,
I have to say that I wish that I understood what you do at your age. I see you quote from Osho at the bottom of your page. I don't agree with every word he says but do agree with much of it. Is that because of my his ego or mine?
Imagine that as individuals we are all cells in a physical body. The whole body is very big comapred to the individuals who are very small. Yet each and every cell is connected to the whole and what affects the health of the whole, has some affect on each and every cell in the body.
Some cells 'realise' that they are part of the whole and indeed, there is information about the whole in every cell of our body but each cell is not the whole body. Then some individuals start to believe that they are so knowledgeable and powerful, that they are the whole, that they are God! Would that be correct? No, and again that would be the ego speaking and not the truth of who we really are. We are 'God' only in the sense that each is a part (a very small part) of the whole!

Perceptions, which are infinite and limitless, enable an awakened spirit to grow in consciousness and understanding of all that IS. By perceiving all that IS not one is able to transcend by ‘seeing’ confusion and allowing new perception of understanding for all to then develop. This dissolves all negativity created in ones mind, keeping the awakened soul, awake! Understanding of All formed from experience leads directly to wisdom and new truth. New perceptions formed from love and light fuel ones energy and understanding of yet more. Power is a by product NOT the aim, for when one aims for power deception creeps in which creates illusion this is because of ‘desire’ which seeks outwardly from an individual. Outwardly desire fuels the ego leads to confusion and closes perception for the mind. We are one expressing as the many and many expressing as the one. We form the whole of all that IS and will be. We came from consciousness and lead the way in light. When all negativity has been dissolved from the confusion within minds on the planet then ALL will know the infinite and immortality that IS. When ALL that IS becomes known to one mind within the physical realm they become renewed physically clothed in love and light, (high energy vibration) once more. We all do create ourselves. Having now read the keystones of Thoth, he speaks perfectly clear to myself for all things and all that IS. As above so below.. we are our own mirrors fuelling our light as part of the whole, as ONE. In physical form we transcend ALL illusion, which has bound man throughout his history. Only when ALL man have equal universal eternal understanding for ALL that IS in relation to knowing all that is not then our world will transform into the heaven we perceive.
I quoted Osho because it gave valuable understanding to perceptions we ourselves create around us. Stages of awareness increase when one perceives more awareness of all that IS. The place of enlightenment is the mind at rest.. When the mind then perceives from an aware understanding one may create NEW TRUTH of ALL that IS by knowing ALL that has come before , balanced with all that we now know we are not. We are all that IS and not ALL that we are not. But until one can understand HOW to understand and perceive between the two, one still falls into the entrapments of illusion created from misunderstanding and thus more negativity, imbalance, illusion and discord. A balance comes when one perceives the harmony around one and thus ALL that IS. Negativity from confusion may then be trampled on by new UNDERSTANDING on a UNIVERSAL TIMELESS level You are what you perceive yourself to be. For ‘be’ing is all that you are.
What do I do at my age?? I seek understanding and have learnt the nature of ALL that IS. Thus I am able to know all that IS not. I am master of myself and One with all things, writing my understanding of consciousness and thereby fuelling the whole.

May this answer more questions for yourself, if you could pinpoint an area of perceived confusion which you have I will be more than happy to forward more understanding Love and light sweet souls

my you put it is HOW to understand and perceive in relation to yourself as one of the many forming the whole.. we all are an expression of the one and i write as one in expression of the many.

God Logic and Godess intuition are One in conscious creation. we 'feel' the force of light energy... again yoda is a good analogy most can relate to.

“When we live in the moment, we are living in the place of power, aligned with eternal time and the intent of the Infinite. From this vantage point, we can see all probabilities, and our actions become frugal. Our will becomes blended with God’s.”

While men seek to exploit the women and undervalue them we all remain trapped in the illusion.. of course some women exploit men the same way. It is ego desire and addiction of the flesh and body. Pure love is beautiful as two really do become one. Much imagary refers to perceptions of the mind which we transcend together. Eg Celtic knotwork, of spiral coils, snake etc refer to the same the point we reach is that of our third eye chakra..which we open.
Alex Jacob wrote:A more precise truth for our now is (clears throat) men still more or less completely 'control women', but as I have written in other places that control is worked psychologically. It is marketing experts and PR experts who 'engineer' women, who decide what they are and what they shall be. Do you see things differently? True, I as a man do not control you (Amanda) as a person, but it is in a very real sense 'masculine culture' (with female participation) that controls women right now in our present. Women do not control themselves, though they think they do. This is the terrible irony that, in different ways, we discuss here on these pages.
Men will control women as long as women allow it. It is true that the bible states women should be subject to man, but also it says that man should respect woman. This is the problem RESPECT and honour. women are NOT objects of ego's desire to be used accordingly, immorally etc. I have always had an attraction to mythological valour and honour, within tales of knights such as king Aurthur and the sword of truth.. The sword of truth is what we all must weild within our world if we want to become aware. The bible talks of a sharp tongue of truth.. and we need to understand what that entails. (Again i have blogged this) Yes many women do 'think' they control themselves but phycological manipulation always causes confusion and frustration.. I know i control mySelf. But then we all have to learn Self control in matters relating to an egos desire. It is as though we are all under mind control from the ego.. The bible refers that to false idol worship or serving the ego as master...serving the 'devil'.
I was bought up in a predominantly christian society, but i did not really have any beliefs or spirituality that i could understand or relate to.. i knew i believed in something but i did not know what until i could understand something for myself. otherwise i would be walking blindly into something that i could not trust in wholly. What I did believe in was myself and that I existed. That was my starting point. I then grew in relation to all others, with my own understanding.
Alex Jacob wrote:Yet, with you, we have an emissary from the Plane of Freedom who will surely educate us and set us all straight! Praise Jesus!
Indeed I am Free, from myself. And this is the freedom we fight for. However we need to question what really are we all doing?? it seems to me that we are fighting to prove another wrong.. there is no right or wrong, we are all right in our own understanding, we just have different understanding and thus are separated into categorisation, creating more negativity within confusion for us. United together we can understand eachother and all we have to do is LISTEN. so yes that is why i do have lots to say and as someone else said earlier i am full of it. I want people to LISTEN to what i have to say because i do not disagree with anyone. The only war i seek to vanquish is the war raging in your own hearts, your own fears and your own demons. (Same blog i mentioned previously also talks of this) I can UNDERSTAND peoples perceptions.. because they are infinite in truth.
Alex Jacob wrote:I really do agree with you that emotions are the key. Absolutely. In this I differ from our Founders (*bowing head*). They don't really talk about emotions or even seem to examine them. They certainly don't employ them or 'use' them. They more or less deny them, and retreat to a mental platform. Big mistake if you ask me. And you are very right: a woman who knows how to use her emotions in the game of relationship with men, to men, can manipulate and control in very alarming ways. I think you are alluding to some of this amid the many winks and nods and ooohs and hahahas. Our founders say we (as men) need to really get hold of ourselves, to change the way we relate to women, but I don't think they really understand the dynamic. A man who knows how to 'handle' women---now that is a rare breed indeed! It is wise to keep in mind, too, that 'running rings around men' is not necessarily to be strong or in charge or 'responsible'. A saucy teenager with a shaved pussy who doles out her sexuality and her emotions to the men around her might be seen as 'running rings' around men, but we all know that this isn't real power, and she isn't so much controlling as controlled
My winks and nods are exactly that to get you to question things for yourself.. we can all read into anything is just how we perceive... but.. there is always truth in jest.;-)A lot of my writing serves as a voice of reason pulling at your heart strings.. allowing you to 'feel' and 'think' it for yourself.

I did say i COULD if i wanted to but that it was not my desire.. for if i were to manipulate what sense is there in that.. i would become the very thing i despise and that was never me however i have and continue to be on the receiving end of it. It IS so transparent to me now.. and what makes it more so is the twang i get in my emotion when it occures. We just have to learn to listen to ourselves. We have a consience, it IS what makes us all human, all equal.
Alex Jacob wrote:I hope that we will deserve some demonstrations of this amazing wit! I am kind of intrigued.
Intrigue is always good.. but my wit bounces off anothers in a conversation of the same.. so when one is witty i am witty also...usually speaking or on messenger ;-) I have stopped web cam chatting as too many men secumb to the desire of their ego and it is not fair on them, or myself as then the conversation is laced with innuendo and sexual desire from the other..its almost as if their mind stops working all together.
Alex Jacob wrote:"Obviously im hitting some of your buttons".

But not the ones you might suppose. I think I do know when my 'buttons' are hit, in the sense that it indicates a tender area, something I need to look at in myself and not in the other, etc. But that is not at all what I am talking about. The areas that I find---distasteful?---are 1) the lofty stance you have for yourself which is plainly a false construct and 2) the terrible prose of newagism which is mostly designed to envelop in a kind of misty fog. There is really nothing there that someone could incorporate. Or do you see it differently?
The lofty stance is what naturally happens with raised energy vibration.. My writing as a whole forms a journey.. the loftyness you are experiencing is a separation.. it is like reading the last chapter in a book that is reaching a does start gently and takes the reader on a journey with me. I use words to capture emotion just as a composer would capture that with music. Its no good listening to the ending of beethovens 9th..ode to joy..for then one would not experience the vast array of the journey as a whole. so do you still think it is a false construct?.. what i have found is that many different people relate to many parts of my blog some can relate to the lofty, others are grounded in their own understanding.. their own perceptions of more microcosmic correlation. The fog comes in when the witing vibrates with diffferent energy to their own perception. We are all different, all unique, yet do ALL form the whole. I use energy imbued within my words from formulating understanding within truth. I have become aware of the power within my words. The power is a side effect, the intent is pure selfless realisation for ALL within density and illusion. If one reads my work and takes understanding for themeselves even on a small individual level then they can start to explore that understanding in relation to their own life, their own thoughts and their own feelings. It is cognitive therapy of sorts. people have to want to do something in order to enjoy it. We seemingly go through much of life doing things because we feel that we have to. When we want to the unknown becomes the known and fear dissolves. We have to be selfless through giving with no expectation of reward.. the moment we expect then we fuel the ego. We can give praise gratitude and love with compassionate understanding. We must see ourselves as no different to another and we must not 'kill' anothers WORTH.. this is humility.

"A woman is always in control of her own body".Amanda
Alex Jacob wrote:Again, you'd think that is true, and many women say it is true, but it is actually a questionable premise. It is safer to say that women's bodies are the focus of vast and powerful forces that seek to penetrate her, open her up, put stuff into her, to 'get her'. Think about it. The last thing that a woman controls is her body! Yet you'd think that she 'controls' when she opens her legs! Some of this is quite puzzling...
A woman IS.. but whether she respects herself is another question. Some women feel that they 'need' a man and want to feel loved so they allow intimacy in the hope that a man will love her how she deserves, and then becomes captured within a cycle of self abuse, disrespect, and emotional. phycological manipulation and turmoil. Others willingly allow it and do control a man with offering their bodies as weapons in their ploy to control a doting man. We must see our bodies as our most precious posession and only allow intimacy in true love. of course there are those that both willingly consent to the 'fun' and the bible also talks of these.. sexually immoral, prostitutes etc etc...
Alex Jacob wrote:This terrible 'God of Nature' (as opposed to the Social God, a different God) utterly controls women and men and decides just about everything. It is a dangerous and seductive illusion to think any of us are outside of that or beyond that when, in fact, we may very well not be. In your grandiose Selfdom you assume you are out of the clutches of...(???)...but are you really? What if it turned out you weren't and you were really running a grandiose con-game? (Among so many con-games...)

That would be a bit of a shock, wouldn't it? How does a person come to terms with that, do you think? What process would they go through?
The only thing that we are controlled by IS our ego desires.. Divine will IS in acordance with all that IS. We are living within the density encompassing the negativity of all that IS NOT. I Understand that Jesus, our new covenant with God came to eternally forgive us, in selflessness and unconditional love. Christ-consciousness joined man back to God consciousness.. as ONE.. Jesus 'went away' and according to John i think it is.. had to do so so that we may have a new comforter 'the holy spirit'.. which unifies us ALL with GOD as ONE. so now the wrath is of our own making. Laws of attraction dictate this. We attract what we situations, experiences etc so that we can learn and become aware. If we do not learn that what we sow we do indeed reap then we will forever be repeating cycles of experiences..(Karma) with Universal understanding of TRUTH we can instantaeneously learn from our experiences. We can also re perceive our past experiences and release the trapped negativity within us. I know that the experiences i now create are still what i 'need' to fulfill divine will. When we work with divine will in accordance with what IS we know that we can do anything if we can perceive it and understand it. I am my own Master, for i am aware of the density, the negativity, the illusion. This conversation for example, your questions have enabled me to write yet more understanding. When ones will is for the good of ALL as ONE, then it is easy to express for the many as ONE.

Do you think my words are empty? when all really i am telling you is to look in your own heart and understand things for you? to believe in your self, to have no fear, and to acknowledge your own worth with that of all others as an equal?? As i said it would be pointless if i tried to enforce an opinion upon you. One has to be able to relate to themselves, no matter what walk of life they come from. Universality is a world that is joined in understanding, through compassion, self belief and unconditional love. Our essence IS love and light energy, consciousness manifest in physical form. The density we perceive as time and space is an illusion to allow experiences in form. It IS all NOW. Linear time does not exist. 100 yrs for god is a day to man, a day to god is 100 yrs for man. God IS the aplha and omega, the beginning and the end of all that IS. We encompass ALL that IS, 'the keys to hades' is owning (transending) negativity and death. For when one owns negativity they are aware of its place which fuels the whole. As i said perceived confusion or negative density, is transmuted to light energy through understanding HOW to perceive it. In innocense/original sin ego.. we fell from grace.. the tree of knowledge of both good and evil needs wisdom and understanding to transend the illusion which it creates. We are here to learn how to understand and how to perceive what we already are. Consciousness ALIVE and growing, manifest in physical form on earth.

Do you still think I am trying to Con any one? If nothing else believe in yourself. I do not come into it. for it is not about me it never has been. It is always about what the other desires. We all desire peace and freedom.
Alex Jacob wrote:"I am quite able to mock myself and bring another down in the process I am after all a mere human"
Why would you want to 'bring anyone down'? What is to be gained by that?

I bring anothers ego down, their own loftiness. When one acts better than me, then it is their own ego exalting itself. In making others aware of my own limitations.. i am allowing the other to be on the same plain as me. They may have an air of conceit, but in doing so they are fueling their own separation from the whole. No one is 'better' than another, we all have equal self worth. We all exist and are all the same, so how cam one be better than another. Man continually fights for equality, yet when one group for example says to another that was once is ok now for you to be that which you are.. they are still separate in the fact that they are allowing an acknowledgement of separation and stereotype in the first place!!. As Bob marley said.. when mans skin colour bears the same relevance as that of eye colour we shall have peace. (Misquoting there) but you understand. So what is to be gained??? EVERYTHING

I thank you for your post in reply to my own, and hope that my words do not now appear lofty unto you. With UNIVERSAL UNDERSTANDING for ALL, man will realise his destiny. Harmony in physical reality. A true unified world of intelligent beings. whether man or like myself Woman! ;-)


Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:16 am
by Ryan Rudolph
I am a conscious manifestation of divine will.. enlightened through universal understanding ;-)
Yeah right, and I’m the tooth fairy..

Tell me another one…

Btw, In your opinion, what are the pillars of enlighenment? and please make it concise and short. I only have so much patience for long-winded Wayne Dyer positive new age speak...but I'm sure not all your views are like this, but you tend to come off a kind of a new age positivist.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:00 am
by elderwoodxxx
remember I am = ALL
so therefore we ALL are!
you can be the tooth fairy if that is your desire.

consciousness grows, I come off however 'you' want to 'perceive' me.
Pillars? is that bhuddist? Zen? I do not ascribe to anything i am me. So therefore i would have to research what others perceptions of that are.

divine will is just working with the divine of all that is.. ive quoted b4 ill quote again:

“When we live in the moment, we are living in the place of power, aligned with eternal time and the intent of the Infinite. From this vantage point, we can see all probabilities, and our actions become frugal. Our will becomes blended with God’s.”


Patience is a virtue and ones greatest asset in understanding, if you are now telling me you have none, then that is your detriment not mine. You are who you want to be, for being is all that you are.

new age positivist? I DO NOT have a label for that would mean i would become separate from the whole through a stereotypical subjugation. Have you read my 'essay' above??


Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:16 am
by Ryan Rudolph
you can be the tooth fairy if that is your desire.
Really? Perhaps you could help me out with a few obstacles I’ve been having in achieving tooth fairy status, you see, how would I go about collecting all those teeth every evening all the way around the world, and without being judged as some sort of lunatic, and thrown in jail?
I do not ascribe to anything i am me.
So you don’t believe in anything then, I thought you just said I could be the tooth fairy if I wanted to, surely that is ascribing to something?
From this vantage point, we can see all probabilities.
Even me becoming a tooth fairy? how does that look?
I DO NOT have a label for that would mean i would become separate from the whole through a stereotypical subjugation.
What’s with the triple XXX at the end of your name anyway? It seems that labels are a bit important to you.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:31 pm
by elderwoodxxx
Ryan Rudolph wrote:Quote:
you can be the tooth fairy if that is your desire.

Really? Perhaps you could help me out with a few obstacles I’ve been having in achieving tooth fairy status, you see, how would I go about collecting all those teeth every evening all the way around the world, and without being judged as some sort of lunatic, and thrown in jail?
Do you 'THINK' sarcasm helps you understand???? come on work with me here!!! Your desires are your OWN not mine.
Ryan Rudolph wrote:Quote:
I do not ascribe to anything i am me.

So you don’t believe in anything then, I thought you just said I could be the tooth fairy if I wanted to, surely that is ascribing to something?
Who said i do not believe? now you are putting words and thoughts in your own perception.. to ASSUME always makes an ASS out of U and ME. I said, i repeat.. i do not ascribe meaning i do not belong to anything other than myself.. which is a part of the WHOLE of ALL.
Ryan Rudolph wrote:From this vantage point, we can see all probabilities.

Even me becoming a tooth fairy? how does that look?
You would have to ask Almine seeing as she said that... and again sarcasm fuels your own misunderstanding. but for effect we can alaways find you a pair of lovely wings in the local fancy dress shop hahaha.
elderwoodxxx wrote:Quote:
I DO NOT have a label for that would mean i would become separate from the whole through a stereotypical subjugation.

What’s with the triple XXX at the end of your name anyway? It seems that labels are a bit important to you.
It would seem in YOUR perception.. all you had to do was ask.. no need to be sarcastic now!!! It is my username i have on the pc... the 3 xxx.. well usually that ensures the name is not already taken eh????? lol

Now its strange how you honed in on the sarcasm there.. you knew full well what i said. but obviously you did not want to 'feel' in relation to the fact that yes i can ALWAYS explain myself. But hey thanks for the giggle. lol you opened yourself up to the wings, sorry couldnt resist maybe pink would suit, with extra sparkly dust, we could also get you a wand, maybe blue is your colour...what do you think?? ;-) Almine is right we can see ALL probablilities ;-)

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:42 pm
by elderwoodxxx
What follows, has everything to do with how we perceive our Self in relation to ALL others. It IS only my desire to give this information here. What your thoughts and desires are are your own.


Integrating the Twelve Frequencies

In preparation for Belvaspata’s Level I initiation, the initiate must integrate the twelve frequencies (emotions) that comprise the twelve frequency bands of the cosmos. At least one whole day should be put aside for this. Once initiated, the practitioner may heal using these frequencies and their sigils.

The Emotions

Each pair of emotions represents a ring and its masculine and feminine aspects. They pulse against each other to enhance the qualities of both. The stronger one feels a specific emotion, the deeper one can go into its opposite aspect. In fact, the more strongly an emotion is felt, the more its opposite must be experienced or an overbalance results. For instance, if one does not alternate achievement with fun, it can become blind ambition, losing sight of the quality of the journey.

It is essential that the steps be performed in the same order as the frequencies are found in their spheres within the cosmos, starting from the core emotions of love and trust, and working your way out to growth and satisfaction

To internalize an emotion, we approach it from the largest perspective:

· While in a meditative state, visualize your heart center opening wider and wider until you can imagine seeing the whole Earth in it;

· Imagine and visualize the heart center opening at a rate beyond the speed of light until the solar system, the galaxy and then many galaxies are visible through the heart;

· Continue opening while in deep meditation until the whole cosmos is within you and you have reached the membrane that contains it all;

· The large central sun will now be within you and you will see its arms of light spiralling outwards, consisting of trillions upon trillions of galaxies like specks of light;

· Remind yourself that you are a consciousness superimposed over all that is and you are all that you see;

· From this large perspective, feel the frequency of the emotion ripple through you as you envision all that evokes it;

· Sustain it until it is strong, potent and all you can feel;

· When you’ve become the emotion, understand and observe how it pulses with its opposite aspect;

· When you can feel them both, move on to the next emotion while keeping the expanded awareness;

· Each pair of emotions should be explored and experienced for about half an hour.

The Twelve Pairs of Emotions

Positive Aspect Negative Aspect

1. Love Trust

The desire to include The desire to surrender

(replaces fear)

2. Inspiration Peace

The desire to be inspired The desire to be at ease

and to inspire (replaces anger) (replaces protectiveness)

3. Creativity Pleasure

The desire to create The desire to be delighted

4. Empathy Acknowledgement

The desire to connect The desire to see the perfection

5. Generosity Receptivity

The desire to give The desire to receive

6. Encouragement Beauty

The desire to encourage The desire to be uplifted

or to be encouraged

7. Communication Assimilation

The desire to express The desire to integrate

8. Passion Joy

The desire to know The desire to live

9. Achievement Fun

The desire to excel The desire to revel

10. Enlightenment Contentment

The desire to enhance or The desire to retain

be enhanced (replaces pain)

11. Empowerment Humor

The desire to be of service The desire to be amused

12. Growth Satisfaction

The desire to expand The desire to be fulfilled

1. Trust and Love are the core emotions for the new creation of existence and replace fear.

As old programming of fear breaks down in every being, the new reality of trust must reveal itself. It is, after all, what’s real - what is. All else is just illusion.

Trusting that our lives are guided in every way by our inner wisdom and largest identity that spans all existence, we can release our attempts to control life. But what guides our highest self? The One Life that sustains us all; infinite, timeless and vast.

In your expanded state, feel the essence of the One Infinite Being, its serenity, compassion and ageless wisdom. Feel your expanded being as part of this Infinite’s vastness and all-encompassing love. This is what runs all life. Allow yourself to surrender to the guidance and love of the Infinite.

The more we surrender to the One, to ourselves, the deeper our love for all beings grows. We can include them in our love because we see so clearly that the roles we play in our experiences are but small ones on a small stage. When we look further, each being is a unique perspective superimposed over all that is - just as vast as we are, and just as deserving of life as a part of the Infinite’s Being.

Allow love, trust and total surrender to flood your being until they have become part of all you are.

2. Peace and Inspiration form the second ring, the desire to be at home, to feel totally at ease. These rings build on each other; we cannot feel peace when trust is not present, telling us that life is safe. Peace knows that the cosmos is a safe home; that we can relax in the knowledge that we are in the secure hands of our highest self.

The striving that was part of linear progression in the previous cycle left us feeling we always had to become what we were not. The new creation offers us an unprecedented gift that makes striving unnecessary. All is available right now in terms of awareness. All we have to do is open the door in each moment with the ascension attitudes. These attitudes come when we cease to strive and are fully at ease within the moment.

This deep peace creates our happiness and acceptance of our body as the center of our cosmic home. This is not something lightworkers have generally felt. Many have been unaccustomed to dense bodies, having been seeded into humanity as a gift of light during the Earth’s pivotal role during the cosmic ascension.

They’ve wanted to leave their bodies, at times even living partially out of body. Where is there to go if we are everywhere at once? We are neither the body nor its experiences. Secure in this knowledge, we can be at peace and enjoy the play.

This feeling of being at peace within ourselves and at home in the cosmos did not come easily in the previous cycle for another very prominent reason. Since opposites attracted, we were surrounded by opposite energy. The greater our light, the greater the darkness that lurked behind the faces we drew into our environment.

Now that the same energies attract each other, we will be attracting others who live the same high standards of impeccability. We will finally not only feel at home within ourselves but also with others. We must be able to allow those with opposite energies to depart with grace however, for in keeping with the new laws of the cosmos, their departure is inevitable. It’s also inevitable that others with like energies must gravitate towards us.

It is in the deep peace of our being that we access the perfection of all life. It is here that inspiration is born. The new purpose of life, to create our own reality through the heart, gives us every reason to be inspired; to build a life of beauty and a legacy that inspires others.

3. Creativity and Pleasure The link between creativity and pleasure is apparent, as the more pleasure fills our life, the more the muse stirs us into creativity. The more creative we become, the more our pleasure increases.

This pair of emotions, together with those of love, trust, inspiration and peace, forms the core of the new creation. That such pleasant and worthy emotions have replaced anger, pain, fear and protectiveness is a cause for gratitude and great praise. They form the hub, or core of the rings of frequency, inspiring creativity through love - the primary purpose for life.

To be constantly delighted simply takes full awareness of the moment. When we truly experience the wonder of the senses, the beauty of Creation all around us and the heroism that lies in everyday life, delight will flood our being. Only those unaware or steeped in thought can deprive themselves of the pleasure life so freely offers the one who lives in the moment.

4. Acknowledgement and Empathy See the ever-unfolding perfection underlying appearances. It isn’t enough to acknowledge that the perfection is there, then feel victimized by someone a while later. Do we truly realize that we have co-created whatever is in our life?

If we don’t like what we have created, it is now easier for us to make changes since the very purpose of this new paradigm is creating through love. If we focus on that which we love, new creation will flow. If we focus on that which we don’t like, the change won’t come. In this new creation, therefore, we have come into our spiritual maturity; we have become co-creators with the Infinite. The perfection is not just there for us to find; it’s ours to create.

How do we create perfection? We create it by finding it in others, in the moment, in the situation. We create that which we love in another. Lightworkers no longer need to be surrounded by those of an opposite energy. It should therefore be easy to see perfection in those we draw into our lives.

When we focus on perfection, our ability to find it increases. Our life will be increasingly filled by a light-family. In the safety of being among others like us, we empathically connect. The opposite aspect of acknowledgement is the desire to connect - empathy.

Encounters with those of lower light also allow a heart connection because we connect with the perfection of their higher selves, not their lowest. In seeing this, we help them to achieve that perfection.

Now it is safe for us to connect empathically with others. We’re no longer the martyrs. We no longer have to be injured in order that others may learn. Because our hearts are open, we’ve become cosmic creators. This is a role so precious and significant that we cannot allow the last remaining illusion in another to close off this priceless connection we have with all life.

5. Receptivity and Generosity. When a large cycle closes, as has just occurred, not only do opposite aspects reverse but, as a consequence, they also flow. In the previous cycle, lightworkers were surrounded by those who wanted their light. The takers weren’t consciously aware of what they were seeking, so they took anything they could get. Lightworkers, therefore, have been giving for ages while others have been taking.

Now the flow has reversed and the debt has to be paid. There is a law of compensation decreeing that imbalance in any part of existence must have an equal and opposite movement to correct it. This is about to happen as lightworkers are repaid for all their giving.

There is just one requirement, however, and that is receptivity. After only giving for so long, lightworkers must break the mindset that can stand in the way of opening to receive. They must, in fact, look forward to it, expect it and envision it.

There has been an agenda associated with others giving to us that has sometimes made us reluctant to receive. But if it is the cosmos settling a score, we are really getting what belongs to us by rights. What does it then matter through what means it chooses to repay us? Let us be filled with receptivity.

When we give, we must not think that such generosity depletes us. Rather let us see how generosity and receptivity form one long continuous flow. Though the wind blowing through the house enters at the window, it leaves through the door.

Express both receptivity and generosity joyously.

6. Beauty and Encouragement It can be said that beauty is just a

glimpse into the perfection of the indwelling life behind form. It is like a doorway into eternity, seeing that which has enduring value,. Every time we recognize beauty, we are encouraged (encouragement being its opposite pole).

Beauty encourages us to create our life as a living work of art. If we see ourselves surrounded by beauty, we are hallowed by it. Moments become meaningful. A hard journey through life becomes not only tolerable, but we feel encouraged enough to believe we can flourish rather than survive.

There are obvious visions of beauty; the sunset over the sea, a child’s sleeping face, a new kitten. But the true disciple of beauty doesn’t stop there. Encouraged by what has become a treasure hunt for gems of beauty, he seeks to find them in the most unlikely places.

Artists of old saw beauty in the mundane, in another man’s trash. They painted the crumbs of a left-over meal, the spill of a wineglass. For where others saw only dirty dishes, the artist saw light as it played on crystal and wine and reflected off a wayward spoon. They did not paint objects, but a dance of light, playfully leading the eye of the observer across the canvas of a captured moment.

7. Assimilation and Communication. Too little true assimilation of information (which is accessed light) takes place in the world for several reasons:

· True listening to another’s words can only take place in the absence of internal dialog. The listener has to stay in the silence of the mind and enter into the other’s viewpoint by feeling the communication with the heart.

· The past cycle was left-brain dominated, but the non-verbal communications from the right brain accessed 9 times more than did the left brain. The subtle information from the cosmos around us got crowded out by thought.

· Finding silence is becoming more and more difficult. Airplanes roar, car horns blare, appliances hum and then, as though that were not enough, TVs are on whether someone is watching or not. Cell phones make sure that no one has silent time around them. But it is in silence that we get to know ourselves through listening to our thoughts and desires.

· Conversation and inter-generational communication has dwindled in most cultures where TV has become the substitute for knowing one another.

· We spend too little time in appreciation of nature’s wonders, and much of that experience has become action-oriented. All of the natural world and its creatures speak to us through their individual frequencies. We can assimilate their special life song by sitting in silence and feeling it within our cells.

The assimilation of other’s communications enriches us. Their diversity can carve new facets in our own life, new perspectives that leave us enhanced. When we feel truly heard, the desire to communicate (its opposite aspect) becomes more active as well.

8. Passion and Joy When the social conditioning of our lives has

left the clear impression that it is unsafe to fully participate in the game of life, we may hang back in the safety of the known, afraid to make ourselves a target by being noticed. We may fear that passion could cause our light to shine so brightly that others might try and tear us down so that their own lack of luster isn’t as obvious.

If we deny our desire to express passionately long enough, we end up being strangers to passion; not knowing how to find it or recognize it even if we do. The lateral hypothalamus tells us when we have eaten enough. The ventromedial hypothalamus tells us when we are hungry. In the same way, if we deny the promptings from these portions of the brain, we will end up either obese or anorexic. When that happens we have to gently coach ourselves into recalling how their promptings feel.

When passion beckons, we feel warm and excited; our faces flush and our imagination stirs with questions of “What if?” and “What lies beyond the next horizon?” It inspires us into action and makes us believe we can take risks and build.

We find our passion by following the yearnings our moments of joy evoke within our hearts. It is the lost song the singer feels hiding within the shadows of his mind; the lost rhythm the dancer forever seeks; the mysteries of the cosmos that wait for the scientist or the metaphysician to unlock. It is the desire, inspired by the innocence in our child’s eyes, to build a life of wonder and beauty for our family.

If passion has become a stranger to us, we may need to become re-acquainted with it one facet at a time. When it is expressed, passion consists of taking risks. It is the precursor to accomplishment and the building of something new. It adds new experiences, further boundaries, and new depth to our lives.

To train ourselves to hear the voice of passion again, we find the yearning of our heart and follow where it leads. We make a concerted effort to break free from the prison bars of ruts and expectations, socially conditioned limitations and self-imposed belief systems that keep us in mediocrity. We take a few minutes a day to dare to dream of what would make our hearts sing. We awake each morning and determine to live the day before us as though it were our last. We look at our lives as though for the first time, with a fresh perspective that can detect the joyless, self-sacrificing areas. With courage and great consideration for the consequences of our actions on others, we implement our first steps to bring the glow of passion back to these areas.

A decision may take a minute to make, but for it to be as life-altering as we would want it to be, it must be supported by a firm foundation. This requires planning and a certain amount of analysis. What is the goal? What resources will be needed? Is there a discrepancy between what we need and what we have? How can we fill it? Many businesses fail, taking many dreams with them, because not enough thought was given to what was needed to support them in terms of time and money. Once a goal is identified, break it into projects and tasks.

Many envy the achievements of others, but are not prepared to put in the work. Sometimes it takes burning the candle on both ends to fulfill a dream. It is our passion that keeps our enthusiasm lit and gives us our second wind to fly higher than we ever thought possible.

As passion explores the multitude of possibilities through which we can express, so joy is concentrated on the simplicity of the moment. Joy is a mindset, a certain focus that sees the perfection of the here and now, casting a golden glow over the experiences of yesterday. It turns the mundane into poetry and captures the moment in a still life image.

Joy can be recognized by the deep feeling of satisfaction it brings; by the feeling that one has come home to oneself. It taps into the quiet place within that nurtures the soul and replenishes the mind. When we are under its spell, joy makes us feel light and young again, connected to the Earth and freed from our cares.

Just as building with passion requires careful and disciplined time allocations, living with joy requires us to focus on the details in front of us at the moment. Even if we cannot find even a moment today to do the things we enjoy, we can find the time to enjoy the things we are doing. In cutting up vegetables to make a stew, we can see the colors of the carrots, explore the different textures of each vegetable, smell the fresh fragrance as we cut through their skins.

Even repetitive work can become a mantra, or a production line a prayer as we send blessings and angelic assistance to the homes where the products will end up. Walking in the crowded street, we can feel the sadness of others but can turn it into joy by envisioning blessings pouring into their lives. The loss in the lives of others can be used to inspire praise and gratitude for the blessings in our own.

In our choice of the joy to fill our leisure time, we look for that which will inspire us into accomplishment. As the joy flows inward on the surface, the passion it inspires folds outward beneath the surface. The greater our joy, the greater the actions it will inspire.

9. Fun and Achievement We’ve possibly all heard the saying that

someone we know “works hard and plays hard”. That’s because the two go hand in hand. Fun without achievement is a shallow, unfulfilling life. Achievement without the fun that brings quality to the journey leads to an equally unsatisfying life. Blind ambition can result from such an imbalance and one becomes blinded as to which achievements would be truly life-enhancing.

Fun helps energy flow and prevents us from taking ourselves too seriously. It relieves the tensions we experience during our battles of achievement.

10. Contentment and Enlightenment Contentment knows that it

is living perfect moments; the fire is crackling in the fireplace, a little child with sleep-weighted eyelids is wrapped in a quilt on your lap, while the rain of a winter night beats outside on the windowpanes.

It is during those moments that we wish everyone on Earth could share the feeling - complete contentment. We wish we could enhance the life of a runaway teenager somewhere in a lonely bus station. We want to have the hungry family in the ghetto fed and feeling the inner fulfillment contentment brings.

Such contentment can come as a strong under-current of life, rather than as a few fleeting moments. Contentment as a constant companion is the result of deep, meaningful living; of insights

gained and inner storms weathered. The desire to enhance and enlighten the life of another is the sincere wish that insight will change despair into contentment for another as well.

11. Empowerment and Humor Empowerment is the desire to

serve. At first, this definition might not make sense. The

connection between service and empowerment might seem a bit obscure. The reason is that man has really not understood the proper meaning of service.

Service has often meant assuaging our conscience by giving a handout, not really addressing the deficiency that caused the condition in the first place. True service instead is empowering the individual to find his own way out of the dire straits of his life. This way he has something to show for his hardship; new-found strength or abilities.

The desire to be of service will be never-ending if it is based on need. As Christ said, “The poor will always be among us.” It could eventually pull us into the despair of need as well. The balancing factor is humor.

Humor laughs at life, laughs at self and, instead of blaming, laughs at the folly of others. It cannot take anything too seriously because it knows without a shadow of doubt that we’re just engaged in a play. It helps by empowering the beggar, not because he seems needy, but just because it is his role. The play must go on because it has value.

12. Growth and Satisfaction Understanding the essence

of growth is new. This is because the way growth now takes place is new. It used to be the result of delving (painfully, at times) into

the unknown, grappling with its illusion and eventually turning it into the known through experience. When delving into the

unknown, fear resulted, often bringing about protectiveness.

When the illusion refused to yield its insights, anger tried to break it up.

The emotions associated with growth weren’t always pleasant and even the word “growth” often had an unpleasant connotation.

Growth is now an expansion that is the result of satisfaction.

When we are with those who are energetically incompatible, we experience a shrinking feeling. The new creation brings kindred spirits in the form of family and friends. In the deep satisfaction of their company, we can feel our souls expand.

Growth used to come through opposition. Now it comes through support. How will we know when we’ve found it? The deep satisfaction of our hearts will tell us we’ve just lived our highest truth.


Emotions are always the KEY :-)

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 1:38 pm
by Carl G
What the fuck? You posted this whole cut and paste diatribe into two threads?

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:29 pm
by brad walker

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:43 pm
by Alex Jacob
That's in case you missed it the first time, Carl. Ironies abound!

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:19 pm
by Ryan Rudolph
Do you 'THINK' sarcasm helps you understand???? come on work with me here!!! Your desires are your OWN not mine.
Okay, well, where did you find this 12-step program to enlightenment anyway? The 12 step program might work for weight watchers, but not transcending the ego. And so I don’t agree with it. I think it is too fluffy, wishy-washy, positive, Basically, its lacking in the masculine negative force.
You would have to ask Almine seeing as she said that.
Who is Almine btw? you always refer to this person, is it a godhead that you worship? maybe an invisible friend? or better still, one of your rotating personalities?

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:11 am
by Carl G
...basically lacking in the masculine negative force. ~ Ryan
You mean the earth-polluting city-bombing baby-raping force? Who would want it?

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:18 am
by Ryan Rudolph
You mean the earth-polluting city-bombing baby-raping force? Who would want it?
You know what type of masculinity I’m talking about Carl. Oh wait a minute, no you don’t. Nevermind.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:28 am
by Carl G
Okay, what the fuck type of masculine negative energy are you talking about? Something you've just coined? I've never heard the term here or anywhere else.

Re: Sharing Negative Karma Across The Collective Consciousness

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:44 am
by brokenhead
Carl G wrote:Okay, what the fuck type of masculine negative energy are you talking about? Something you've just coined? I've never heard the term here or anywhere else.
Bah! Carl is a puny human! Hulk smash!