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Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 2:16 pm
by Jason
yeshua8787 wrote: Since God cannot lie, what is meant by this? He would never command us to hate anyone, much less family - the best translation would be to "love less".
Hang on, God apparently commanded Abraham to kill his son Isaac, but he would NEVER tell you to hate your family, oooh no he would never do that. Then at the last momen he tells Abraham, stop don't kill your kid, you can actually kill a goat instead. That seems like a lie of the most blatant and cruel type.

It seems very odd to me that you think you know what god will or will not command of you, or that he cannot lie. How exactly do you know these things?

The implosion of radical skepticism and unbelief

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:07 am
by yeshua8787
I have decided to address your concerns individually and not selectively. Out of respect to David, I have decided to tone it down a little, I will TRY to be less judgmental of your positions and not use so many direct quotes from the Holy scripture... indulge me and allow two per message so that I may use them to sufficiently teach thereby.


So, to begin with, let me quote from scripture to set the theme of what will I will be talking to the viewers about...

"Without faith, it is impossible to please God..." - what I am hearing from all of you is tremendous amount of unbelief and skepticism. You want a gospel that sounds rational and logical to your mind, and one that won't call for you to abandon your own sinful belief systems. If your mind has a false interpretation of reality, nothing I say will make sense to you except that which matches your own set of presuppositions about reality, which are governed by your own sinful desires.

Through faith first and not last, God has given me a firm proof and conviction about what genuine reality is. You also have faith and conviction about your realizations about reality, though you thought you could use your own fallen reason and logic to get there first, this won't ever work- LOOK AT THE FRUIT OF YOUR APPROACH TO APPREHENDING REALITY... I know what that fruit is because I too, were once like you.


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil. It will be health to your flesh and strength to your bones..." - why would we be admonished to not lean upon our own understanding if God blessed us with our mind and intelligence to begin with? Is this an admonition by God not to think or reason? By no means.

It simply means, if you make an idol of reason, logic, mind, intellect etc. you will fall thereby. Especially when the principle of faith working in God's creation is MUCH higher and pleasing to God. If you were all that concerned with reality, you might seek out the importance of faith in God's order of things. You have a butchered up version of reality at best, and one that will condemn you at that.

To Diebert van Rhijn

What has happened to you Diebert is very common in this day and age, where sin is abounding as we quickly approach the time of Christ's return - you apostasized in the time of the great falling away and now you have become an evangelist for the gospel of nihilism.

You stopped seeking the truth for selfish reasons, turned away from sound doctrine and you listened to higher critics, who approach the scripture and evidence with the mind to turn others away from the truth and you took heed to them and fell and became hardened in unbelief.

If you so choose, you can still repent and Jesus Christ can save you from this pit you have fallen in; but your conscience is seared, your mind indoctrinated with leaven and it is highly unlikely you will want to remain faithful especially when you find these doctrines of devils much more pleasing to your tastes.

Do you have the strength to purge out all the profane philosophy you have gorged yourself on? I had to purge it out with God's word, or else perish - and it was not easy. I literally worshipped Nietzsche and others like him for years... and then when I broke free from them, I worshipped myself and made myself drunk with my own fabricated doctrine, but I would have never considered it that at the time, moral thing that I was, and besides it made me feel good and arrogant; I fell as deeply into that abyss as a person can.

Skepticism isn't truth and will not lead us to Jesus Christ. When you apply that critical mind to what is already true, you leave yourself with nothing but your own carnal lusts of the mind to govern you. If anything, You have a consuming passion to rebel against God and against the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I am a Christian and I have a consuming passion to question your faulty premises; If you will allow me to demonstrate, I will thoroughly uproot them along with everyone elses that rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ and expose this irrationality.

(I questioned my own native presuppositions about morality
and Christianity long ago, that which was faulty, was purged...)

As far as the cross being mentioned before Christ's crucifixion, consider that Jesus knew that He would die, how easy is it for Him to understand by what means? And Jesus never called us to reject and abandon the world, on the contrary, He sends us into the world - they are the ones who abandon and reject us... we are called to love and embrace the people of the world, but to reject their sin. To be salt...

As far as abandoning safety nets - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, so yes, whatever He calls me to do, if I have the grace to do it, then why wouldn't I do it? Because I'm weak and neurotic and I have some false metaphysical need for a God that I haven't evolved past yet? Hardly. What you call progressing is really degeneration and devolution...

To David

What is the nature of God? Is God omnipotent? Omniscient? Omnibenevolent? Omnipresent?

I can attest that all of these are true, otherwise He would cease to be God and at be at best a demiurge, which you seem to think Yahveh is. Now a sovereign, loving, mighty and holy God... how difficult is it for Him to communicate His truth with His creatures? If He wanted to preserve and state His truth, how difficult would that be for Him?

If He really loves us, why would He place us on a planet where there is no truth, only a million various competing one? He couldn't do that and still be God... By reason then, there is one that is correct, so how do we know which one is correct?

What seperates the message of the cross of Jesus Christ from others out there?

And, if it seems as if there are inconsistencies in the bible, shouldn't we, if we are concerned with the truth, want to get to the bottom of it - especially if it meant the possibility of understanding what our loving divine Creator wants to say to us?

I already know that there is an amazing coherency and consistency contained in the scripture, but you can't apprehend it through the carnal mind, doubt, skepticism and pre-installed filter given to you from men - only the heart.

You certainly can't listen to higher critics, philosophers and others who could care less about and hate God.

You must seek and have faith. You must repent of your sin and love God, and love His Son. This is the way in which an infinite and wise Creator chosen to do things... if don't agree with His ways and His means, well then, that's just presumption on your part and an indictment of your own sinfulness; He has provided His Son pay for your sin and has given us His Spirit to lead us into all truth.

To Rhett Hamilton

My quote is evil? What could morality really mean when you're an atheist? How can you call my statement evil and you don't even believe in a God? Who created this divine moral order by which you can judge my words? I trust that Christ has forgiven me of my sin, who else am I accountable to when I do sin except the God of the Universe - How do you manage to absolve your own sin without Christ? Do you absolve it yourself or do manage to do nothing wrong in the first place?

How can you even have a standard for Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Sin and Evil without a God? The best you can say about Christianity in a godless universe of chance is that it's one mind virus amongst many others... if one happens to be right in that universe, like Kevin Solways for example, of what use could that truth possibly be? And why not just select fantasy and femininity? I mean really, is manliness and strength so highly important in a universe like that? Both are still completely meaningless and worthless regardless of how you explain it to yourself.

And if this is the case, what grounds do you have to even care to begin with? Much less act upon such a truth, or think about it, or even communicate it. Are you sure the ground for your beliefs isn't irrational resentment?

I'll let your negative sentiments prove my point as I proceed to expose this farce. That is unless someone gets offended and I my post gets pulled.

What is your standard of judgment? Little gods go around presuming to revalue values. Nietzsche heralded the superman who supposedly overthrew Christian morality and created his own values... we saw, are seeing and will see the end of that foolishness now and in the future.

With whatever measure is meted, it must be meted out... let's strip this sinful superman idea naked and expose the shame of it. It will be highly instructive.


First you must remember, that Isaac was a type and foreshadowing of Jesus Christ. God commanded Him to sacrifice his son, God provided a sacrifice, Abraham remained faithful and as result received the promise. Consider how great a promise was made to Abraham - he would be the father of many nations, that his seed would be as the stars of the heaven in multitude and that in him all the families of the earth would be blessed, through the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

The test that God put Abraham to was great because the promise was great... if God in His love for us would send His own Son to die for us, why do we moan at this brilliant type from the old testament?

If God were willing to sacrifice His son for humanity because of His love for us, how much more willing should Abraham be to sacrifice his son in obedience to an infinite God that he knows loves him and has his highest interest at heart... and whom was already faithful to give him his son by promise in old age... a God that can do that must have a reason for making the request of Abraham; and God was faithful and provided the provision for Abraham. If God were like you suppose He is, He would have let Abraham slit his throat on the alter - and when you imply that that God of the old testament is a lying murderer you close yourself off to the beauty of the truth contained in the scripture.

Also recall that God is love and He cannot violate His own nature, so how could He lie or be unjust - He tells us that he has exalted his word high above his name; God's word is perfect - I know what he will command based on what he has told me in it. Because I decided to be obdient to His word, He has told me that He would love me, therefore I know it's true - have you ever tried obeying His word?


Let's continue to vigorously dig into the foundation of our beliefs about reality - I guarantee you that yours will not withstand the scrutiny of intense reason.


Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:45 am
by David Quinn

I'm sure there is a decent human being lurking somewhere in there. You do seem like a nice chap. It's just that whenever you open your mouth, this huge, snarling, frothing, many-eyed creature emerges and roars thunderously at everything around him. I don't know if you have noticed this?

You have said in the past that you used to study Kevin's ideas. Were you on the forum back then? By what name did we know you as?

A couple of interesting things struck me from your post. For example, in relation to our questioning of your beliefs, you wrote:
Skepticism isn't truth and will not lead us to Jesus Christ.
However, further down you wrote:
I am a Christian and I have a consuming passion to question your faulty premises; If you will allow me to demonstrate, I will thoroughly uproot them along with everyone elses that rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ and expose this irrationality.
I'm not sure I am following you. Are you saying that it is important to be skeptical towards all belief systems in an effort to seek the truth, but not to the Christian belief system itself? Is that your view? That we are free to apply our critical minds to uproot the foundations of other people's belief systems, but if we were to do the same thing towards the Bible and the belief in Jesus Christ, we will be cast into the flames of hell for all eternity. Is that how it works?

Tim: And, if it seems as if there are inconsistencies in the bible, shouldn't we, if we are concerned with the truth, want to get to the bottom of it - especially if it meant the possibility of understanding what our loving divine Creator wants to say to us?

I already know that there is an amazing coherency and consistency contained in the scripture, but you can't apprehend it through the carnal mind, doubt, skepticism and pre-installed filter given to you from men - only the heart.

Tim, how are we to get to the bottom of the inconsistencies in the Bible if we don't use skepticism and doubt?

I put it to you that your religious leaders have tried to remove the inconsistencies in the Bible in such a way that it allows them to hang onto their worldly pleasures and emotional attachments, which they love above all else. In other words, I put it to you that your religious leaders are evil. Like the Pharisees, they are the very people that Jesus spoke against.

That passage from Luke is a case in point:
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—such a person cannot be my disciple." Luke 14: 26

Whenever international scholars, not affiliated with any religious sect, translate this passage, the word is always "hate". Pick up any non-denominational version of the Bible and it's always "hate". It's never "loves less than God" or anything like that.

These scholars are able to give a pure translation of this passage because they have nothing emotional riding on it. They can afford to remain detached and objective. But the same can't be said for Christian preachers.

Christian preachers can't afford to preach a religion which calls for people to sever all ties with their families and reject all attachments in the world. It will never sell. Their churches would only go out of business. And besides, these preachers have their own families which they don't want to give up.

And so, like cunning demons, they steal into the sanctury of God's word and subtly change the meanings of certain passages to make them more worldly and sinner-friendly.

Let's take another passage:
"Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life." Luke 18: 29
How do you interpret this passage, Tim? And have you made this sacrifice yourself?


And one final thing. You wrote:
Through faith first and not last, God has given me a firm proof and conviction about what genuine reality is.
Are you saying that you don't really need the Bible anymore? You're a gnostic, someone who knows God directly?



Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:53 am
by Trevor Salyzyn
I'm gonna flail here.
Through faith first and not last, God has given me a firm proof and conviction about what genuine reality is. You also have faith and conviction about your realizations about reality, though you thought you could use your own fallen reason and logic to get there first, this won't ever work- LOOK AT THE FRUIT OF YOUR APPROACH TO APPREHENDING REALITY... I know what that fruit is because I too, were once like you.
What in heaven's name is "fallen logic"? It sounds like you're getting carried away. You might as well say "sinful mathematics".

Anyway, the fruit of apprehending reality logically, reasonably, and without constantly using the word "God" (I'm not even going to count how many times you've used His name in vain) is doubt. Doubt is the quintessential ingredient to science; in contradistinction to doubt, what has your "unfallen" faith produced? Religious wars, witch-trials, justifications for slavery, your own "I'm holier than thou" attitude....
You have a butchered up version of reality at best, and one that will condemn you at that.
I thought I fixed that bug when I upgraded my reality to version 1.02.
What is your standard of judgment? Little gods go around presuming to revalue values. Nietzsche heralded the superman who supposedly overthrew Christian morality and created his own values... we saw, are seeing and will see the end of that foolishness now and in the future.

With whatever measure is meted, it must be meted out... let's strip this sinful superman idea naked and expose the shame of it. It will be highly instructive.
I'm amused by how quick you are to tell people what they believe. You've already used a few too many -isms. And nobody brought up Nietzsche until you, just now. What do you hope to accomplish through firing a few stray shots in that direction?

By the way, your summary of the superman leaves a lot to be desired. You said you read a lot of Nietzsche; it couldn't have hurt you to have read it carefully.
I already know that there is an amazing coherency and consistency contained in the scripture, but you can't apprehend it through the carnal mind, doubt, skepticism and pre-installed filter given to you from men - only the heart.
I've already had this problem, and it lead to an annoying long discussion with someone I didn't want to talk to. My mind doesn't see coherency OR consistency in the book. And when I try to use some other organ for reading it -- like the heart, say -- I end up getting sweat, blood, or shit all over the pages. Sorry to say, there's only one part of the body that's good at reading. I'm starting to think Christians who tell me I'm not reading it correctly are just covering up their embarassment at the fact that they've been reading it poorly.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 11:39 am
by hades
Those 'hate your family' passages are pretty deluded if taken literally.

Hate is an uncalled for strong repulsive emotion towards something, just like love is an uncalled for strong attachment towards something. Two ends of the same stick...
And I don't play with that stick...

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:20 pm
by LooF
i think you should ,_,

ah, tim

sigh to you

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 8:57 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
hades wrote:Those 'hate your family' passages are pretty deluded if taken literally.

Hate is an uncalled for strong repulsive emotion towards something, just like love is an uncalled for strong attachment towards something. Two ends of the same stick...
And I don't play with that stick...
But you have to understand the default situation is already 'strong attachment', a drunken deluded state. Unless a very strong rejection (the prime meaning of hate here) takes place, one keeps playing with that stick for ever.

The Persian Mani *), although a later figure (3th century AD) says it perhaps better:
"I have left father and mother and brother and sister. I have come a stranger for the sake of your name. I have taken up my cross, and I have followed you. I have left the things of the body for the sake of the things of the spirit. I have disregarded the glory of the world for the sake of your glory that does not pass away. "(Manichaean Psalm 175:25-30)
*) edit: probably Mani didn't write it but was it's usually seen as part of the collections and thoughts of the Manichaean movement (a more Buddhistic substream of Christianity).

Re: The implosion of radical skepticism and unbelief

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:54 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
yeshua8787 wrote: What has happened to you Diebert is very common in this day and age
As the preacher said: there's nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes).
... turned away from sound doctrine and you listened to higher critics, who approach the scripture and evidence with the mind ...
Agreed with that bit.
If you so choose, you can still repent
If you so choose, a new journey can start today, towards truth!
I literally worshipped Nietzsche and others like him for years... and then when I broke free from them (...)
It seems you were even in need for worship then, bowing for idols, even before finding your latest lord. But it's the idolizing part of us that has to go in the end. You haven't broken free yet, you only believe you have because of some emotional need you still nurture as the greatest treasure.
I fell as deeply into that abyss as a person can.
How can you be sure you haven't just swapped abysses? Without referring to some authority or idol?
You have a consuming passion to rebel against God and against the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I had a consuming passion to understand what I was reading, to know God. What a shock to find out I didn't share this passion with my fellow christians. Someone was living a lie and how could I be sure it was just me?
As far as the cross being mentioned before Christ's crucifixion, consider that Jesus knew that He would die, how easy is it for Him to understand by what means?
You first die, then understanding follows. Why would you assume the reverse? Of course 2000 years of screwed dominating tradition is hard to shake of.
And Jesus never called us to reject and abandon the world, on the contrary, He sends us into the world - they are the ones who abandon and reject us...
You mean like being in this world but not from it? But first you need to leave and you cannot do it if you won't reject your strong attachment to it first. The 'world' is nothing more than the myriad of attachments to things and emotional states. No need to imagine another planet or dimension.
Because I'm weak and neurotic and I have some false metaphysical need for a God that I haven't evolved past yet? Hardly.
Being weak and having needs is similar to being a baby still on mothers milk, not being able to walk or talk. My call would be to grow up and leave the nursery.

Neurotic? I do find it slightly foolish of you to use any scripture in your debates with people who clearly hold those scriptures in low regard or at least not as authoritative. It sort of defeats your purpose. First start proving your scripture is worthy to be taken so seriously.

Re: The implosion of radical skepticism and unbelief

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:31 pm
by Rhett
yeshua8787 wrote: -----------------
To Rhett Hamilton

My quote is evil? What could morality really mean when you're an atheist? How can you call my statement evil and you don't even believe in a God? Who created this divine moral order by which you can judge my words?

I trust that Christ has forgiven me of my sin, who else am I accountable to when I do sin except the God of the Universe - How do you manage to absolve your own sin without Christ? Do you absolve it yourself or do manage to do nothing wrong in the first place?
If someone errs, what is important to me is their motivation and attitude. If they learn from the error and do their best to prevent similar errors in future i am usually satisfied.

In practical terms i hold people accountable for their errors.

How can you even have a standard for Truth, Goodness, Beauty, Sin and Evil without a God?
Easy. I think.

The best you can say about Christianity in a godless universe of chance is that it's one mind virus amongst many others... if one happens to be right in that universe, like Kevin Solways for example, of what use could that truth possibly be?
It helps me and it helps me help others. I find Ultimate Truth entirely useful and rewarding.

And why not just select fantasy and femininity? I mean really, is manliness and strength so highly important in a universe like that? Both are still completely meaningless and worthless regardless of how you explain it to yourself.
I do not select fantasy and femininity because Nature has me selecting their opposite. Thankfully my preference is in accordance with Nature's.

And if this is the case, what grounds do you have to even care to begin with? Much less act upon such a truth, or think about it, or even communicate it. Are you sure the ground for your beliefs isn't irrational resentment?
Upon what grounds would i be careless, untruthful, unthinking or uncommunicative? What concerns me is the grounds for your views and decisions, grounds that you seem to take for granted.

I'll let your negative sentiments prove my point as I proceed to expose this farce. That is unless someone gets offended and I my post gets pulled.

What is your standard of judgment? Little gods go around presuming to revalue values. Nietzsche heralded the superman who supposedly overthrew Christian morality and created his own values... we saw, are seeing and will see the end of that foolishness now and in the future.

With whatever measure is meted, it must be meted out... let's strip this sinful superman idea naked and expose the shame of it. It will be highly instructive.
That's just hot air Tim. Let's see you give it substance.



Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:35 am
by Leyla Shen

hades wrote:
Those 'hate your family' passages are pretty deluded if taken literally.
Or out of context.

The context goes something like this:

Jesus turns up for dinner to this Pharisee dude’s house -- these guys are the law makers and politicians of the time. Some sick guy’s there and Jesus asks if whether it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath. Noone answers. He heals the dude. Then he asks them if they’d save their son’s life if there were a threat to it on the Sabbath. Again, noone answers.

All the invitees then scramble for the best seats in the house and Jesus says, “You shouldn’t do that just in case the guy who invited you likes someone better and humiliates you by asking you to move. Instead, choose the worst place, and then you will be shown favouritism when you are asked to move closer.”

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

Next, he turns to the host. His lesson for the day is that he should not invite people to dinner who will pay him back, otherwise, what has he given? Instead, he should invite those who cannot pay him back and thus be “repaid in the resurrection of righteousness.”

Some guy exclaims, probably after a long sip of wine, "Blessed is he who will feast in the Kingdom of God!"

This sets Jesus off again. He tells a story of a dude who prepared a fantastic dinner and invited all his friends. Every one of them made an excuse:

“Gotta tend to the fields, man, sorry.”
“Bought new livestock, gotta make sure I got my money’s worth, yeah? You understand.”
“Are you kidding! I just got married. I’m going to be busy fucking my new wife.”

So, the wannabe host commands his servant to go and search out the poor, maimed, blind and lame from the streets. His house gets filled, one way and the other and he (the host) says: if any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. Yeah. If you are one who is not suffering and can repay what I give, then you have nothing to learn from me. For which of you, unlike my friends who turned the invitations down, were in a position to sit down and calculate the cost of building stone monuments before commencing lest ye be ridiculed by your neighbour should you not complete it? What king does not first sit down before battle and figure out whether or not he can kick the other army’s arse -- or whether it is better to draw up a treaty? Oh ye of little love, righteousness, suffering and faith, you cannot eat my food unless your stomach is ever empty. He says, "Salt’s great but when it loses its savour, with what shall it be seasoned? It does nothing for the soil or a shit-heap, but men toss it out, anyway." Too much of a good thing, I guess.

By now, the Pharisess are gossiping about the fact that Jesus eats with criminals and sinners. So Jesus tells another story. Something about a shepherd who leaves his 99 sheep to find the one that went astray and, upon his return with the lost sheep, rejoices. And here’s the punch line. Here he draws the parallel:

In this same way does god rejoice over a single sinner (sufferer) who repents.

Interesting. They cannot come to the host's dinner unless they hate their mum, dad, kids, brothers -- yes, their very own life -- and when they do, they must repent or else they cannot be his disciple: they will learn nothing from and do nothing with the fact of their suffering.

Course, he goes into a whole other story about a bad son who blows a man’s fortune and -- after having done so -- repents and returns home begging his father’s forgiveness. His father rewards him with a party and a fat cow (or something) on a spit much to the good brother’s dismay. The good brother complains that he has done the right thing the whole time, yet not once did the Dad dude throw a party for him, complete with cow on a spit! And Daddy dear says unto the good son, “Thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found.”

So, because we’re talking about the Pharisees (lawmakers/politicians), we next get into the idea that it is easier for heaven and earth to pass than for a law to fail. That which men hold as high is an abomination in God’s (godly, in my interpretation) eyes.

Then, there's a story about a beggar that dies at the feet of a rich man who ignored him. Beggar goes to heaven, rich man goes to hell. Man in hell begs man in heaven to go and speak to his brothers. Get them to change their ways. Guy in heaven says no-can-do-it. Cannot cross the chasm between us. If one cannot hear (and I take this to mean understand) the “word of God” when it is spoken to him, even if one who was dead and resurrected spoke to him the Pharisee yet would not believe it.

It’s all there in the Bible. What’s the problem?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:54 pm
by LooF
too bad jesus was being mysterious at times


Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 10:12 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Leyla Shen wrote: Jesus turns up for dinner to this Pharisee dude’s house -- these guys are the law makers and politicians of the time.
Actually they were one of the leading religious Jewish sects of that time, next to the Sadducees and Essenes. They indeed had a lot of influence though. Paul was member of the Pharisees too and some argue that Jesus might have been one originally, or at least a former Essene both because of similarities in teaching.
Interesting. They cannot come to the host's dinner unless they hate their mum, dad, kids, brothers -- yes, their very own life -- and when they do, they must repent or else they cannot be his disciple: they will learn nothing from and do nothing with the fact of their suffering.
I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that nothing is learned or gained from the suffering. The stray sheep is certainly deemed more important than the whole herd together here? There is certainly a parallel with the Zen-Buddhist ox herding story.

By the way, the word 'repenting' is a translation from the Greek 'metanoia' and means undergoing a 'change of mind' basically. Conversion.

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:26 am
by Leyla Shen
Diebert wrote:
Actually they were one of the leading religious Jewish sects of that time, next to the Sadducees and Essenes.

Yes, they were. Place was full of sects.
They indeed had a lot of influence though. Paul was member of the Pharisees too and some argue that Jesus might have been one originally, or at least a former Essene both because of similarities in teaching.
Yes, but the fundamental antagonism (and the point as I see it) between Jesus and the Pharisess was that the Pharisees stressed observance of the Letter of the Law: justice, in other words. Jesus, on the other hand, was busy proclaiming the spirit of the law, by which he denounced them. Hence, the distinction between the two.
But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them. Matt 17:12


Posted: Sat Feb 04, 2006 11:08 pm
by Leyla Shen

I had intended to get back to this last point much earlier than this. Apparently, that was not meant to be. :)
LS: Interesting. They cannot come to the host's dinner unless they hate their mum, dad, kids, brothers -- yes, their very own life -- and when they do, they must repent or else they cannot be his disciple: they will learn nothing from and do nothing with the fact of their suffering.

DvR: I'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that nothing is learned or gained from the suffering.
I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page, here, Diebert. My grammar and punctuation may have ruined the point, however. What I meant to say was that unless/until one repents (converts) from the condition of hatred, indeed nothing will be gained from the suffering.
DvR: The stray sheep is certainly deemed more important than the whole herd together here? There is certainly a parallel with the Zen-Buddhist ox herding story.
I'm not familiar with the Ox Herding story. But, if it is more or less the same, that shouldn't matter too much.

I don’t know. It looks like the herd referred to here is a whole bunch of stray sheep herded into the host‘s home for dinner. No?
DvR: By the way, the word 'repenting' is a translation from the Greek 'metanoia' and means undergoing a 'change of mind' basically. Conversion.
OK, thanks. I would have to agree that this alludes to a marked difference between the general idea of the word "repent" and its connection to penitence. I think what could be called a form of amends -- which I would rather simply call self-realised, purposeful activity -- would come rather without the sorrow and humility of penance.

It seems that, as the terms are commonly known, penitence and repentance go hand-in-hand, whereas metanoia seems to denote a complete transformation. Would you agree?

Mind you, that's not necessarily the case. One could have a change of mind from hatred of others to self-abasement.

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 6:41 am
by Philosophaster
A signature I once saw sums up Christian "morality" very well:

"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank for being Jewish. For that, we call him evil.

God burns Anne Frank for being Jewish, forever. For that, theists call him 'good.'"