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Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 5:47 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Leyla Shen wrote:But, I think that between all the this-fucking and that-fucking, the contention is that the penis, in the under-smothering of overlapping flaps flapping, lies in the deep beyond of Buddhist void worship as a cunt of causal intercourse; as existentialism’s cumming from nothing, which is better than wanking.
The male Extention operates by virtue of awareness of the underlying void. The female Gap operates by virtue of a belief in underlying being. This is how both Buddhism and Extentialism can still have dinner and talk about their problems.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:39 pm
by Leyla Shen
Yes. A marriage made in heaven...

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:00 pm
by Dennis Mahar
The male Extention operates by virtue of awareness of the underlying void. The female Gap operates by virtue of a belief in underlying being. This is how both Buddhism and Extentialism can still have dinner and talk about their problems.
Actually that kind of metaphysic is useless to requirements.
Categorical thinking. Splitting self/other.

What is required is another kind of thinking called Contextual thinking 'as a place to come from'.
As in the 8 fold, cognisant of causality, pays heed to actions and consequences ie enlightened in circumstances.
It's not an absolute, rather it's a curriculum of education for existential being to flourish.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:17 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:Actually that kind of metaphysic is useless to requirements.
That's because your requirements have such a low standard that one has to look for it at the bottom of the deepest ocean.
Categorical thinking. Splitting self/other.
Hard for a gap.
What is required is another kind of thinking called Contextual thinking 'as a place to come from'.
Lets call it gabbing.

You're so reactive and dismissive these days, Dennis. A bit like me. But come with something else! Something less nihilist.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:19 pm
by Dennis Mahar
No Diebert, I enjoy your company except that in this thread the conversation is 'existential being',
it's called existential being because it is about existence.
The postulate is that greed, anger, confusion are conditional and recognising 'conditional' suggests a way out.

Slings like reactionary and nihilistic is your shit and not mine. Whose it is and whose it isn't is a key distinction for existential aliveness.
Take the slings back to yourself where they truly belong please.
ie if we're gonna generate this properly.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:42 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:No Diebert, I enjoy your company except that in this thread the conversation is 'existential being', it's called existential being because it is about existence. The postulate is that greed, anger, confusion are conditional and recognising 'conditional' suggests a way out.
But I've critiqued this very point of view in this thread a few times fundamentally and provocatively. It's waiting for someone with attention to detail and context to read what I wrote in between the slinging and form an actual response. Jupiviv and Leyla seem to have picked up something in this conversation and responded with their own style. As long as most other responses consist of typical feminine gabbing and complaining, designed to pave over the actual misunderstandings and confusion, I'll keep pointing it out until someone might retrace their steps.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:58 am
by Dennis Mahar
I thought Jup wrote a couple of wonderful posts.
of a highly cognitive nature.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 2:04 am
by Leyla Shen
Well, isn't that just peachy? Buddhist Existentialism exposed.

What was it that Leyla saw?

The same narrative, over and over.

Diebert the "male extention" Dennis the "female gap" who turns to see in Jupiviv a reflection of his own enlightened being.

Problems discussed over dinner.

Marriages made in heaven.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:38 am
by Dennis Mahar
Is Diebert's male extension Apollo
His gap Dionysius.

His persistent 'shafting' of Dionysius.
wham bam thankyou mam, now piss off.

I never saw the ecstasy of Dionysius divorced from Satori.
Apollo shudders.

Diebert's dinner without dessert.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:00 am
by Diebert van Rhijn
Leyla Shen wrote:Well, isn't that just peachy? Buddhist Existentialism exposed.
Some authors say that existentialism might be really a 19th century European ("rather late") interpretation of Buddhist philosophies. That is, interpreted through deeply engraved notions of human "essence" (even when preceded: existence then leads up) as well the stronger notion of self. This is why suddenly "overlaps" are appearing: comparing a decadent rewrite of Buddhism with a decadent interpretation of Buddhism (that is: most late interpretations).

[NB This might be too simple as philosophies have been shown to jump, merge, migrate and return between continents and civilizations; all good but it remains in flux]

One problem with such overlap I already mentioned: Buddhism starts with the notion of suffering, with the undeniable experiences of life. That there's "something" going on, that it's pretty raw, harsh, numbing, dazzling just as it's wonderful. While continuing to show how to tread more lightly. To keep the mind unbound and ready to deal. To differentiate between experiencing, thinking and responding on one side and giving actuality and existence to forms, ideas and senses on the other side.

With many existentialist one is already in a situation, a being, as individual which is the starting experience. This already is a huge cultural aspect not so easy to set aside. One starts with a highly defined or at times just implied self-form, largely alien to the original Buddhist culture, which is why it's mentioned in quite another context inside the rest of the analysis.
The same narrative, over and over.
It's the same conversation with changing participants because there is only one: pushing to think & live better, as they are one and the same. Wisdom as life whispering.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:07 am
by Leyla Shen
Dennis wrote:
Is Diebert's male extension Apollo
His gap Dionysius.

His persistent 'shafting' of Dionysius.
wham bam thankyou mam, now piss off.

I never saw the ecstasy of Dionysius divorced from Satori.
Apollo shudders.
He sometimes likes to have sex with himself, in front of an audience—a passionately rendered soliloquy!

The bisexual always eats alone, discussing his problems over dinner with himself.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:44 am
by Dennis Mahar
His separation from his feminine.
His Dionysius.
His Cupness.

This Grail Cup.
He must bring his Apollo to this Grail Cup,

And this Apollo must be in the hands a 'wearing of white gloves' for a Purity as being-there.

This white-tuniced radiant feminine Cupness completes Apollo.

His heretofore settling for 'thin gruel soup, stale bread' in his dining at some dank, grime-ridden restaurant down on the 49th block of Bleak Street....

The Age of picking crumbs mistook as banquet forfeit.

Before Diebert posts again a Leyla/Dennis injunction must rule over him for his administration.

He has to have his toenails painted 'cherry red' and he must be trailing colour ribbons in his hair :)

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 12:39 pm
by Jamesh
I can't help but think this quote applies here on this thread.

Nietzsche on Poets
"They are also not pure enough for me: they all muddle their water that it may seem deep"
"Verily, their spirit itself is the peacock of peacocks, and a sea of vanity!"

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:07 pm
by Dennis Mahar

Do you know that no woman’s voice has ever made a deep impression on me, although I have met all kinds of famous women? But I firmly believe there is a voice for me somewhere on earth, and I am seeking it. Where on earth is it?

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 1:17 pm
by Dennis Mahar
I can't help but think this quote applies here on this thread.
It just doesn't.


not gender-specific, human being.

A case of the ecstasy of Dionysius divorced from satori has never been reported.

This pair 'lit up' in each other integrated.
Sword and Cup.

This pair,
Lovers circling,circling together,
Singing, singing in their heartsong,
This is Unity, This is Family.
This is Celebration.
This is Sacred.


Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 8:24 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:jamesh,
I can't help but think this quote applies here on this thread.
It just doesn't.

The thing is Dennis, in your fluid posts even the feelings and the poetry and the rhythm sound mostly dull, small and uninspired. Any good thinker is also a deep feeler, as he has the soul of a poet, a lover, tuned to a high degree to every movement in the world and the soul. He moves in and out of his moods with great skill. This is what I meant with nihilism (and Nietzsche too): you seem often too happy with words that take so little effort (as Jup demonstrated, he got two people in awe and it was really just the equivalent of word farting); just to bring a little relief, interlaced with a bit of cleverness here and there. Resting on laurels of a few satoris you might have gotten. But what you end up doing is promoting some release from the demand of actual thought. Some "escape" from life itself.

But I believe you can do better and I've seen you do better. The only problem is that you need a bit of pain, a bit of doubt to push you further. This has been my gift perhaps. To show you that possibility of getting serious, to write less destructive prose and lose yourself from that tempting nihilist stage. It's something to overcome, not somewhere to make your home.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:30 pm
by Dennis Mahar
Any good thinker is also a deep feeler, as he has the soul of a poet, a lover, tuned to a high degree to every movement in the world and the soul. He moves in and out of his moods with great skill.
That's mine, the rest is yours.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:49 pm
by Dennis Mahar
To show you that possibility of getting serious
Quality of thought.

If I distinguish modes of thinking.
Categorical thinking that splits or rents asunder.
Contextual thinking that recognises emptiness thus Unity.

perhaps you don't know what I'm talking about.
perhaps you are passing comment without research.

Contextual thinking:

Because love is empty, dependent on causes/conditions,
I cannot 'have' love. It breaks down. Like a possession.

Because love is empty, dependent on causes/conditions,
I cannot 'do' love. It breaks down. Like a practice.

If I recognise emptiness and come from that place of recognition as a possibility.
I can generate love-in-action as direct experience. Breakthrough.
I can experience myself as the source in my conversations and be free of afflictive emotion.
That is 8fold path.
Contextual thinking.
Existential thinking.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:03 pm
by Kunga
perhaps he loves the smell
of his own farts..............................

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:06 pm
by SeekerOfWisdom
Dennis Mahar wrote: That's mine, the rest is yours.

Yeah you own it right.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:15 pm
by Kunga
his avatar looks like
a whoopee cushion

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:49 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote: Quality of thought.
Contextual thinking.
Existential thinking.
This is the problem of things appearing as empty, meaningless and formless. That experience should not make our expressions repetitive, ambiguous and lacking basic formatting. It's human being which is meaningful, shaped, sharp, expressive, smart and defined. The energy of life is organizational. It's energizes thought and its coherency. It enables logic and reason. It expresses that, overflowing with life. It doesn't need "liberation" or "Dionysian orgasms" to get in touch with anything. The touch is already there at the very root of things.

It's quite possible I just have my standards set too high though. Perhaps this is just how far you can take it and then so be it: I don't want to shock any puppies.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 2:31 am
by Dennis Mahar
That experience should not make our expressions repetitive, ambiguous and lacking basic formatting
That's what you came up with as a possibility for you.
The way you are organised about language.
It's already been said there's admiration for how nuanced and sharply drawn certain descriptions you take on for elucidation 'happen'.

The time and trouble you take rising joy in the experience of.
Apollo/Dionysian singing.
Not 'too high standard'.

'Where it's at'.

Any other form 'untidy' showing up in the domain of your experience,
aversion to
offence to a possibility for language.

If one is not participating DiebertWorld,
gets spat on.
is somehow 'inauthentic'.

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 6:01 pm
by Diebert van Rhijn
Dennis Mahar wrote:DiebertWorld. If one is not participating DiebertWorld, gets spat on. Is somehow 'inauthentic'.
Fair enough. But this forum is about discussion and there's already so little of it. Of course I've my own ideas on how healthy discussions should look like. You've been here posting for years so it's not like I spit on anything that moves differently. My spitting comes in action when I notice humans not doing their human thing but increasingly retreat in some Brave New World waxing, some kind of meditative European Buddhism (a minimizing of humanity in my view). Or other times when they appear to hide in religious traps or intellectual pretense. And then of course I get the John the Savage treatment. It's alright, Dennis, I've been here before. "Diebert World" is perhaps an utopia where people make effort when they think and post, respect the nature of the place, get some dialectic established and interlace any occasional Zen cryptography with normal discourse. If that's Diebert World, then it's a rather big place where a lot of people live and communicate in, unlike Dennis world perhaps?

Re: Where Buddhism/existentialism overlap

Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 10:02 pm
by Dennis Mahar

Mandala sketch.

Apollonian layout,
Broad boulevardes, gas-lit streetlamps, elegant buildings, castles, smooth, punctual trams for ferrying,
well kept gardens, vibrant cafes.

Wild animals like Dennis and John the Savage, roaming the perimeter,
Dionysian disgust.
Border security patrol.
Tongue lashings.