Dependent Origination

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

SeekerOfWisdom wrote:"Objects are discriminated by the ignorant who are addicted to assertion and negation, because their intelligence has not been acute enough to penetrate into the truth that there is nothing but what is seen of the mind itself."
The mind sees that there are thing outside the mind, which may exist even if there is no mind present.

You should come up with your own arguments instead of quoting scripture.
"Which do you think is the more: the flood of tears, which weeping
and wailing you have shed upon this long way-hurrying and hastening
through this round of rebirths, united with the undesired, separated
from the desired this, or the waters of the four oceans?
Long time have you suffered the death of father and mother, of sons,
daughters, brothers, and sisters. And whilst you were thus
suffering, you have, verily, shed more tears upon this long way than
there is water in the four oceans." Buddha

"Rebirth" refers to the false "I" which is caused by ignorance. "Father and mother" etc. refer to attachments. Interpreting these terms literally would make this quote nonsensical.
The body exists only as an appearance arising of the mind, it does not exist independent of experience itself. Neither does any 'external world' you imagine.
You're putting words in my mouth. The body and the external world couldn't appear in the mind if they didn't exist apart from it. But that doesn't mean they are independent of the mind or the mind of them, and I've never said so.
It is ignorance in every possible occasion to call it 'me' because it is 'not me'.
*This* is ignorance. You are imputing the inherent existence of a quality to things ("not me").
Discrimination of appearances leading to the notion that these varieties of objects are actually in existence. This idea of the self-nature of things leading to the notion of an ego-entity and it's possessions.
Things do exist, but have no unique self-nature independent of other things.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:
jupiviv wrote:
Diebert van Rhijn wrote:Bottom-line is that if you cannot extent your reasoning beyond your body then your philosophizing won't be able to go beyond your ego.
I don't know what you mean by extending my reasoning b̶e̶h̶i̶n̶d̶ [beyond] the body. Are you saying that I am limited only to reasoning *about* my body if I say it is a part of it? Consciousness is a part of the ordinary physical world I see all around me.
I think it's better not to mix the problem of mind with the problem of body. They are both part of larger extended worlds (of bodies, of mind) for sure. But putting the mind inside a body or the body (image) inside a mind is not going to work on the long run in terms of philosophy.
The body and mind are as inseparable as the ocean's surface and the waves upon it, like all things. Both of them are parts of the larger material world. However, the mind as it occurs in humans does seem to be a process within the body, so in this particular case it can be said to be inside it.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

jupiviv wrote:
"Which do you think is the more: the flood of tears, which weeping
and wailing you have shed upon this long way-hurrying and hastening
through this round of rebirths, united with the undesired, separated
from the desired this, or the waters of the four oceans?
Long time have you suffered the death of father and mother, of sons,
daughters, brothers, and sisters. And whilst you were thus
suffering, you have, verily, shed more tears upon this long way than
there is water in the four oceans." Buddha

"Rebirth" refers to the false "I" which is caused by ignorance. "Father and mother" etc. refer to attachments. Interpreting these terms literally would make this quote nonsensical.

#1 biggest idiot on GF. That guy who thinks he's christ because numbers told him so has got it better than you Jup. At least his ego isn't so big he has to outright call himself an idiot so as to not admit his interpretation was wrong, despite how plainly obvious it is.

jupiviv wrote:
It is ignorance in every possible occasion to call it 'me' because it is 'not me'.
*This* is ignorance. You are imputing the inherent existence of a quality to things ("not me").

Again, it's a denial of the egotistical attachment 'me', it isn't a quality, it's the lack of the quality: possession.

+ your statement 'they couldn't appear in the mind if they didn't exist apart from it.' is unfounded and has no logical basis, besides of course that you imagine things existing apart from the mind when in reality all things are conceived of the mind.

Off the forum Tommy Lee.
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Off the forum Tommy Lee.
The Jones boy!
@smacks head@
me dummy,
didn't see it.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

"The guy in the avatar looks decidedly ill"

Btw Dennis where are you on this 'existing apart' business? Clearly his interpretation of the continuation of birth/death is incorrect, but I could never gauge how you take that other part. (Mind being a reference to That which...)
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

SeekerOfWisdom wrote:#1 biggest idiot on GF. That guy who thinks he's christ because numbers told him so has got it better than you Jup. At least his ego isn't so big he has to outright call himself an idiot so as to not admit his interpretation was wrong, despite how plainly obvious it is.
If a man speaks many holy words but he speaks and does not, this thoughtless man cannot enjoy the life of holiness: he is like a cowherd who counts the cows of his master.

Whereas if a man speaks but a few holy words and yet he lives the life of those words, free from passion and hate and illusion - with right vision and a mind free, craving for nothing both now and hereafter - the life of this man is a life of holiness.
- Dharmapada.
Again, it's a denial of the egotistical attachment 'me', it isn't a quality, it's the lack of the quality: possession.
Then you are imputing the inherent existence of whatever is not that quality. Egotistical attachments and possessions do exist, and are in themselves neither good nor bad.
+ your statement 'they couldn't appear in the mind if they didn't exist apart from it.' is unfounded and has no logical basis, besides of course that you imagine things existing apart from the mind when in reality all things are conceived of the mind.

Just saying or thinking that something is unfounded doesn't make it so. Contrary to what you think, the mind can't do as it pleases.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

Just curious as to why you're on an enlightenment forum if you refuse every very clear and repeated point the enlightened guy actually made?
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

So now I'm required to agree with your cockamamie interpretation of Buddhist teachings to talk about enlightenment?
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

Coming from the guy who takes the most obvious and most repeated part of the teaching "rebirth", experiencing "birth" and "death", over and over and over and over countless times, and somehow taking that to mean a single lifetime.

Which do you think is the more: the streams of blood that, through
your being beheaded, have flowed upon this long way, or the waters
in the four oceans?
Long time have you been caught as dacoits, or highwaymen, or
adulterers; and, through your being beheaded, verily, more blood has
flowed upon this long way than there is water in the four oceans.

Something hard to interpret here?

You are so clearly defending a completely wrong interpretation because you can't be seen to change position now can you?
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Tommy sux,
Can we have Brad Pitt.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

You speak plainly less and less as time goes on, I haven't spoken to you about anything related to enlightenment in months, mind commenting back? Chances are I have a screwed up interpretation of your 'writing' ( I know you don't like the word 'view').

SeekerOfWisdom wrote:Btw Dennis where are you on this 'existing apart' business? Clearly his interpretation of the continuation of birth/death is incorrect, but I could never gauge how you take that other part. (Mind being a reference to That which...)
Dennis Mahar
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Dennis Mahar »

Jup is much heralded as a leading exponent in the fine Art of Generosity.
World renowned.

With that in mind,
on bended knee,
I humbly beseech,
An avatar change from Jup.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

Who knows, maybe it's really Tommy seeking answers in old age? Anyway Dennis, let me know if your ever in the mood for commentary.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

SeekerOfWisdom wrote:Coming from the guy who takes the most obvious and most repeated part of the teaching "rebirth", experiencing "birth" and "death", over and over and over and over countless times, and somehow taking that to mean a single lifetime.

Why are you lying about something I said just several hours ago on this thread itself?
I wrote:The word "lifetime" as used in Buddhist texts isn't meant to be interpreted in the ordinary sense. A single moment can be a lifetime, as can a million years. Our consciousness can be said to die when we go to sleep, and reincarnate when we wake up. Or when we shift our attention from one thing to another. Any division of time can be defined as a lifetime or an appearance.
Which do you think is the more: the streams of blood that, through
your being beheaded, have flowed upon this long way, or the waters
in the four oceans?
Long time have you been caught as dacoits, or highwaymen, or
adulterers; and, through your being beheaded, verily, more blood has
flowed upon this long way than there is water in the four oceans.

A criminal is "reborn" in the crime of another criminal, and also in the suffering that his crime causes his victims or their families.

In the same way, it may be said that a deceiver is reborn as a fox. This doesn't mean that a deceiver's consciousness conjures up a fox and attaches his ego to it. Rather, it means that a deceiver *is* a fox to the degree his behaviour is similar to that of a fox.

"Birth and death" and "reincarnation" in Buddhism are just poetic ways of talking about cause and effect, especially from a psychological standpoint. For example:
You are so clearly defending a completely wrong interpretation because you can't be seen to change position now can you?
Have you considered that this accusation might apply to you? If you're absolutely convinced it doesn't, and instead applies to me, then haven't you been reborn as a mule?

I hope you realise what a fool you're making of yourself. I frankly expected better of you.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

jupiviv wrote:I frankly expected better of you.
jupiviv wrote:"Birth and death" and "reincarnation" in Buddhism are just poetic ways of talking about cause and effect
You are a hilarious fella Jup.
You've put the whole Truth under you, and taken a massive shit on it.

Everything is a metaphor to you, repeated birth and death is a poetic reference, growing old and dying is a metaphor, having your head chopped off countless times is a metaphor, losing your mother and father countless times is a metaphor, 'eternal life' and 'deathless' are metaphors.

Cause the mind is in the brain and how could the mind continue if the body comes to dissolution, right?

"Forever am I liberated,
This is the last time that I'm born,
No new existence waits for me."

It's the last time he's metaphorically born moment to moment, right?

"For there is nothing in him that he should arise again. And as
he arises no more, how should he grow old again? And as he grows no
more old, how should he die again? "

Buddha was an expert at using extended metaphors!
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

Everything is a metaphor to you, repeated birth and death is a poetic reference, growing old and dying is a metaphor, having your head chopped off countless times is a metaphor, losing your mother and father countless times is a metaphor, 'eternal life' and 'deathless' are metaphors.

The Buddha probably explained clearly what he meant, but evidently not many of those sayings have survived. The metaphors have survived because people don't understand what they actually mean, and so can project their own meanings upon them.
"Forever am I liberated,
This is the last time that I'm born,
No new existence waits for me."

That could be said of every moment of existence.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

Ok well my only question is, doesn't it follow in your view, that if the mind is 'in' the brain (aka, seated there, caused by, a result of neural processes, whatever) that upon the dissolution of the brain there should be an end to experience of the mind?
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

jupiviv wrote:
Diebert van Rhijn wrote:I think it's better not to mix the problem of mind with the problem of body. They are both part of larger extended worlds (of bodies, of mind) for sure. But putting the mind inside a body or the body (image) inside a mind is not going to work on the long run in terms of philosophy.
The body and mind are as inseparable as the ocean's surface and the waves upon it, like all things. Both of them are parts of the larger material world.
If the larger material world (including any "body") and the mind are inseparable and and yet "parts" of a larger word, you cannot say larger material world anymore. Since that material world you just stated to be inseparable from mind and both part of... (syntax error).
However, the mind as it occurs in humans does seem to be a process within the body, so in this particular case it can be said to be inside it.
It's more like Jupiviv is saying that. There's no one usable description of mind or indication where the most important boundaries reside. Only if mind is seen as another word for "self" or "self-awareness" then it certainly feels like functioning inside our body but that's not a surprise since the awareness exists in relation to the body and its boundaries. You've been describing "body awareness" and not the mind.

What you end up saying really is that "body" occurs within "body". While it's true enough, it doesn't address anything significant, like some mantra it goes round and round.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by jupiviv »

Diebert van Rhijn wrote:If the larger material world (including any "body") and the mind are inseparable and and yet "parts" of a larger word
I said that the body and the mind, not the material world and the mind, are parts of the larger material world. Ultimately of course they are parts of the All, which may or may not be material depending on how you define "material". The point is that the causes and constituents of the mind do not seem to be different from what is usually described as matter and energy(the material world).
There's no one usable description of mind or indication where the most important boundaries reside.
There is plenty of evidence that the brain(in the body) is the seat of the mind. Our minds no longer seem to occur when we sleep, fall unconscious or die. Brain damaged or comatose people often have stunted minds, or no minds at all. Drugs that alter our mental state affect the brain. Diseases that affect the brain, like dementia and migraine, also affect the mind. Our sensory awareness of the world around us comes from organs situated in the vicinity of the brain.

Unless you're determined not to ever call the mind a material thing, there is no reason you shouldn't do so.
SeekerOfWisdom wrote:upon the dissolution of the brain there should be an end to experience of the mind?

We can't be absolutely certain about empirical matters, but that's certainly what the evidence points to. But even if the mind somehow continues after the death of the brain, it would still not last forever.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by SeekerOfWisdom »

Nice to see all of your beliefs are based on "seems to'' 's and "probably" 's.

The brain, the body, all references to experiences of the mind.

They are not the cause of the mind nor is the mind 'seated' in them/as a result of them.

They are appearances arising in 'that which' already is, and continues to be, despite the impermanence of all appearances.

When you recognize "There is nothing but what it seen of the mind itself", get back to me.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Beingof1 »

jupiviv wrote:
Beingof1 wrote:The atoms that make up sand can also be a sand castle.
The total number of atoms in a sand castle may be said to be identical with the sand castle, but in that case a single atom in the sand castle is not identical with it.
What does this have to do with two things existing in the same place? You are sidestepping the issue.

Of course you can rename anything - that is called language.
B1: The atoms that make up the sun, are the same atoms that make up your body and so on.

Jup: No they're not. They may fall under the same category, but by no means the exact same atoms.
It is not my fault you do not understand this so lets set it aside.
B1: Different material objects can coincide in existence materially

Jup: They are different to the degree they do not coincide.
It is not the properties/differences that is being discussed - please pay attention to what you yourself are claiming. You claimed two things cannot exist in the same place and that is just wrong in so many ways.

Restructure your premise, its not that hard.
B1: The x and y may have different properties(such as form or function) but it is still the same thing measurably and contains an equal amount of energy.

Jup; If they have different forms then they can't contain an equal amount of energy.
Not true again - where do you get this stuff?

It would be better if you just left it alone. I cannot educate you on a forum, do some research please.
B1; Bosons (especially photon) with the same energy can occupy the same place in space, bosons are often force carrier particles, like a river carrying matter.

Jup: I can't comment on that since I don't know anything about bosons. However, it is logically impossible for two different things to occupy the exact same location.
No it is not - lets just call and end to the discussion until you do your homework.

Bosons are what I and Diebert both said.
B1: Show us how; " The infinite lacks the properties of existence and non-existence." is a logical statement.

Jup: The infinite is not a finite thing, and only finite things possess those properties. And as to your previous question - since a finite thing cannot exist as another finite thing, the totality of all finite things cannot be finite, hence in-finite.
1) The infinite is *not* a finite thing.
2) Finite things possess properties - no idea what you mean?
3) A finite thing cannot exist as another finite thing - is wrong. Even if you change to definition instead of place (as in your original statement) its still not true. Just because you dismiss multiple examples does not mean they are not correct, it means you are dismissive of evidence you do not like. I already pointed out to you that all things - according to your very own syllogism - exist in the same place. They all exist in the same place known as the infinite.
4) The totality of all finite things cannot be infinite.

So we have - the totality of finite things is not finite and therefore lacks the properties of existence and non-existence. Yup, I am positive this is not a logical statement no matter how hard one tries to make it so.

B1; Bosons (especially photon) with the same energy can occupy the same place in space, bosons are often force carrier particles, like a river carrying matter.

Diebert: Being loves to preach the very things he does not comprehend. Photons are not defined as particle in that particular instance but as a wave with uncertain, fluctuating location (like a wave in some fluid). This is easier to understand if elementary particles are not being conceived to have the same properties as objects in the macroscopic world. It's therefore important not to confuse the word "thing" with "material solid object".
Let me see here - you rephrase what I said, we end up agreeing on what bosons are - but I 'have' to be wrong because????

Look at my statement carefully Diebert - you simply repeated what I said. The only thing I included was that bosons are "often' force particle carriers.

Are you able to focus on the issue rather than the person yet?

Now - to the board. can anyone here demonstrate that the infinite can be conceptualized. Not just claim they can, actually demonstrate that the infinite can be conceptualized?
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Beingof1 »

The universe and the mind are one and the same.

Inescapable logic and irrefutable.
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Diebert van Rhijn
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Diebert van Rhijn »

Beingof1 wrote:
B1; Bosons (especially photon) with the same energy can occupy the same place in space, bosons are often force carrier particles, like a river carrying matter.

Diebert: Being loves to preach the very things he does not comprehend. Photons are not defined as particle in that particular instance but as a wave with uncertain, fluctuating location (like a wave in some fluid). This is easier to understand if elementary particles are not being conceived to have the same properties as objects in the macroscopic world. It's therefore important not to confuse the word "thing" with "material solid object".
Look at my statement carefully Diebert - you simply repeated what I said. The only thing I included was that bosons are "often' force particle carriers.
Two or more bosons do not occupy the same place in space. That's why they are not actual "particles". It's defined as a wave occupying a every exact calculated place in space. There's no other wave at the same time occupying that time/space in the same manner unless it's the same one.

The irony is that you invoke pure math-based science in trying to illustrate the opposite of what that science is demonstrating. Hence I suggest that you do not comprehend the notion of "thing" and "place" as Jupiviv introduced them. There is no empty container somewhere and a content filling it. The finite thing is its own place and therefore nothing can else can be (in) it unless they are exactly equal. This is a logical necessity in terms of conceptualizing or references. In terms of making sense.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Kunga »

Beingof1 wrote:can anyone here demonstrate that the infinite can be conceptualized. Not just claim they can, actually demonstrate that the infinite can be conceptualized?
If the Infinite is conceptualizes ITSELF simply by being phenomenal.
All phenomena is a conceptual representation of the Infinite.

The WORD Infinite, is conceptualizing the Infinite in the word Infinite.
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Re: Dependent Origination

Post by Beingof1 »

jupiviv wrote:
The body and mind are as inseparable as the ocean's surface and the waves upon it, like all things. Both of them are parts of the larger material world. However, the mind as it occurs in humans does seem to be a process within the body, so in this particular case it can be said to be inside it.
This is a contradiction.

There is no evidence that consciousness has a beginning. It has never been observed or duplicated and it trans mutates itself into perpetual consciousness.
Many have attempted to use consciousness as a subset of the universe. This is logically impossible as it is a singular consciousness perceiving the total and making comparisons. Nothing that exists is outside of your consciousness. The best you can do is compare your perception.

If consciousness is subject to the material - it must be measurable. What are the dimensions of your field of awareness?

If consciousness is a field of information and energy, it follows that it is both a particle and a wave function. Consciousness is illumination because it is the quantum field.

There is only one consciousness, how many do you experience?
How many realities do you experience?
Can you have more than one consciousness?