The Problem With Women Today

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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Blair »

I've said it before and I will say it again, sex is by default.. for losers.

People desire sex because they feel the sting of mortality. They see themselves as so little, so insignificant, so deeply fearful of their own life and its end, that they must spread their seed, shoot it, anywhere and everywhere, a desperate, orgasmic cry from the depths. (or conversely the female, receiving, hungrily taking that spunk up her pussy)

There is a sublime design behind this, a pure design of natures nonchalance. Nature has evolved you to fuck, eat, shit etc..etc because it cares not. It doesn't care if all your children and relatives die in a car accident this second. And neither do I. In fact, I would find it amusing.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by skipair »

David Quinn wrote:At the moment, I am perceiving you as someone who is caught up in his own playboy fantasies and trying to put an intellectual spin on it.
It's the opposite. When I woke up from the dream and attained my intellectual understanding of women, losing love was part of the process. To sustain my ego I began the desire to play women, as a sort of consolation prize. So I have a playboy focus on my intellectual understanding (that is its use for me now I've awoken), but that doesn't undermine my knowledge in the matter, just my spiritual strength, perhaps.

In other words, you seem to be someone who is overestimating the power of the penis, which you appear to be in love with.
I'm well aware of what a penis can and can't do. I think it is you who is underestimating it.

As for loving it, I'd actually rather be without it. Who knows how many hours I've wasted looking for a bathroom, holding my piss, sitting on my balls, etc. I do love the way women look at me when they see it, though.

So again, what is this Unspoken Code exactly?
It'd be better for me to answer specific questions as they arise (for example, "tell me how to swing a golf club"), but what comes to mind as a summary is this:

It's all the thousands of ways in which women are actresses supreme, and how most guys haven't the faintest idea they're acting. While it's primitive and instinctual, they also know exactly what they're doing much of the time. Women literally speak in coded, metaphorical language with each other, particularly in public so that men won't understand. She also speaks "fluently" in body language. And, as Shah said (!), speaks in outright LIES that have filtered into the fabric of society and that almost every guy believes. At bottom it is to keep secret what it actually is that attracts her, and as Alex said even during sex works to defeat the man. So in the end, she is closer to his dreamy expectations than he is for her, and in this way she can stay in control of her relationships and manouver her way through the social structure to power.

Everything for her depends on keeping men in the dark and maintaining her social status. She can be girly and unskilled in everything else, and guys will think it's cute, but in this she is a warrior, and her makeup is warpaint. She is a TIGER! The unbelievable secrecy of the whole thing must be the greatest conspiracy of all time. While the drive is clearly instinctual, it is very unclear how much or what portions of the behavior are unconscious, semi-conscious, and/or fully-conscious.

I am not being arrogant in the slightest when I say you cannot talk to women about this. I have tried probably hundreds of times with a 95% response rate of disgust, rejection, hatred, etc. But if I do not talk about it, and instead speak their language (which can be done in tens of thousands of ways), they will automatically realize what they're dealing with. Something as simple as a look can clue them in that you know her secret, which they respond to in appreciation. The reason I posted the "Secret Society" article was to demonstrate this point.

The psychological keystone to this whole thing is her dreamy Ideal Fantasy Man. I couldn't have said it better that, "The primary task for women is to allow themselves to be pushed over so that puffed up, narcissistic men can indulge their dionysian fantasies and channel their sexual energy in the direction of their ovaries." BY FAR it is this Ideal Man fantasy that plays the biggest role in her behavior. The vast majority of her life is a reaction to it. Even a hint that he might be around and everything in her life will come to a halt to accomodate it. Given the right (wrong) situation she'll literally throw her life away because of it. It is THE trump card, her guiding light on how to act in any given situation, on how to modify her boyfriends, on how to serve him when he finds her - the Prince riding in from afar.

While she might feel comfortable with hundreds of men wrapped around her finger, she will not feel safe until this man is in her life. This Ideal Man is what does not change for her because at base it is simply the man that doesn't listen to ANY of her bullshit (which is practically everything that comes out of her mouth, down to the most ridiculously innocent sounding shit you've ever heard, crying included), and instead is fully dominant and proactive. She feels she can trust him.

She will never speak of this man. Either you are him and you know what to do, or not.

What is it exactly that makes a swinging dick attractive to women? (Does it have to be swinging?)
I don't like to speculate on the how, what and why of psychological matters if it strays too far from my direct observations, but here are some things I know: They need to at least see a bulge instead of a flat front pant. If it swings around when walking, "great". Their reaction is every sexual face under the sun, including all combinations of smiles, biting/sucking/licking lips to the extreme, looking directly at it with an OMG arousal face, walking toward me, stopping, and turning to walk in the direction I'm heading, crossing the street to follow me, walking toward me and purposely running directly into me, being extraordinarily polite, curteous, excited, and agreeable when talking to me, getting extremely horny when I start sexual body language, ect. I get checked out as much as a hot chick walking down a city block filled with construction workers.

By the looks on their faces, it seems to stimulate some combination of respect and of vivid sexual imagery and arousal. It's the primary physical symbol of manliness, and it makes sense that "big strong man have big strong dick" to polarize the difference of the sexes. Men with bigger dicks tend to be taller and more confident. It's also been shown that large dicked men are the ones having the vast majority of the sex that occurs on the planet. Women probably know this intuitively and from experience, which automatically gives those men added social proof (the strongest attraction trigger). Women also definitely get lots of pleasure from having other women know they have a big dicked man. When they get together and talk about their respective boyfriends/fucks they often ask three questions: "How big, how long, how many times?" In the physical sense, smaller dicks just don't provide the intensity of pleasure women look for when they can't fill her up. There is such a thing as "too big", but I think that is more rare of an issue. I know many Asian women hate Asian men, and it's not just because of their generally meek personality traits.

Is it the physical organ itself which is attractive?
I don't know. Girls have said in code, in passing, "it's beautiful" as I walk by. But most of the time they say things like, "use it", and "you must be very popular with the girls". Girls are kinkier and hornier than most guys could possibly imagine.

Is it simply the desire to be overwhelmed by a man's primal sexuality? Or does it have more to do with her concerns about settling down in a long-term relationship and starting a family? Does it represent a potential notch on her belt and a chance to revel in her own sexual attractiveness?
Definitely doesn't have much to do with long-term family stuff - other than its relation to securing a confident, successful man. It more stimulates the desire for sex right now. Probably yes to the other questions.

What about a horse's dick? Does it have the same attractiveness as a man's dick?
I don't know. Girls would probably enjoy seeing animals fuck each other, and no doubt the size and power of a horse/horse dick would have some effect, but I could only speculate.

You mentioned above that it relates to woman's survival mechanism. Given that her primary survival strategy is being loved by a man and becoming a mother, I'd have thought that becoming instantly overwhelmed by the sight of a swinging dick would be problematic. It could easily jeapordize her prospects of maintaining a long-term relationship.
Not really. It is not that but how she goes about being loved by a provider man that affords her lots of freedom to cheat without him ever finding out. You mentioned the ovulatory cycle, and it has been shown that on average a woman cheats with her badboy big dick lover at the pricise peak of her ovulatory cycle - her unconscious desire to be impregnated by men with more Alpha characteristics.

Those women who do run off with a swinging dick, leaving children and husband behind, are usually persecuted and shunned by society. Boyfriends who find out that their women have been gorging on swinging dick are usually quick to dump them, often beating them up in the process. So as a survival mechanism, it doesn't look very effective.
The survival mechanism I talk about is not just the act of getting married. It is the entire guise that makes those particulars in the process possible. Like arrogance, a big dick is just one "fitness indicator" that will peak a woman's interest, though like social proof, it's a very powerful one. In the end a combination is needed for a full seduction. Women are practical enough to know and separate their lovers who take care of her physical needs, and their providers for her emotional and economic needs (who necessarily cannot take care of her physical needs). These particular men for her may or may not have a big dick. I'm just highlighting the power it does have. In the case of her wanting to cheat, the boyfriends won't find out easily unless she wants them to.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Carl G »

Man, skip, that game is and was so not worth playing, for me. I rue the time I've wasted participating. And now that you have elucidated the dynamic in detail, I'm doubly glad. What a colossal tedium. Glad you are learning something, whatever it may be.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Ataraxia »

Carl G wrote:Man, skip, that game is and was so not worth playing, for me. I rue the time I've wasted participating. And now that you have elucidated the dynamic in detail, I'm doubly glad. What a colossal tedium. Glad you are learning something, whatever it may be.
Right on, Carl.

Being a player is a soul destroying enterprise, in my experience. I'm glad it is well behind me.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Blair »

Skip and Alex are little boys who still like to play with their penises.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

Skip, if you really want fluency in body language, invest in a dog. They have as much to say as any person, hundreds of thoughts that could pass as human. Once you can read a dog, who have very few facial muscles and body cues, you can read most people.

About the same time as when you learn to read the gist of people's internal monologue by their facial expression, you start to see how your own internal monologue affects people around you. At that point, you're pretty well fucked, because few people are that self-aware, and you kind of have to pretend that they're as conscious as you simply to deal with everyday shit. Look everyone full in the face and relax all facial muscles to keep a blank, robotic expression. I can only guess why, but they think you've got an amused smile on your face, and practically everyone says hello or nods or or winks or blushes.

Lao Tzu described this phenomenon in the final verse of the Tao te Ching: "The sage sees the world as an expansion of his own self."
A mindful man needs few words.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

Shahrazad wrote:What would be a better word to address you, then? Dude, guy, boy, mate?
Describing me by my gender, I prefer "male." "Man" stands in contrast to "boy" and I'm more on the boy side.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

Trevor Salyzyn wrote:Skip, if you really want fluency in body language, invest in a dog. They have as much to say as any person, hundreds of thoughts that could pass as human. Once you can read a dog, who have very few facial muscles and body cues, you can read most people.
I can read dogs like second nature.
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:About the same time as when you learn to read the gist of people's internal monologue by their facial expression, you start to see how your own internal monologue affects people around you. At that point, you're pretty well fucked, because few people are that self-aware, and you kind of have to pretend that they're as conscious as you simply to deal with everyday shit. Look everyone full in the face and relax all facial muscles to keep a blank, robotic expression. I can only guess why, but they think you've got an amused smile on your face, and practically everyone says hello or nods or or winks or blushes
What you've said there is extremely similar to my thoughts and experiences. I'm not absolutely sure that people think you've got an amused smile on your face though(although this is one reading I've made too.) It could be that they're picking up on the fact that you're not engaging in normal spontaneous body language, and their reactions are attempts to engage you and draw you out into normal behaviour. The lack of conventional body language might be a little disconcerting for them, and also it might potentially put them at a disadvantage since you're not broadcasting your inner state much.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

prince wrote:I've said it before and I will say it again, sex is by default.. for losers.

People desire sex because they feel the sting of mortality. They see themselves as so little, so insignificant, so deeply fearful of their own life and its end, that they must spread their seed, shoot it, anywhere and everywhere, a desperate, orgasmic cry from the depths. (or conversely the female, receiving, hungrily taking that spunk up her pussy)

There is a sublime design behind this, a pure design of natures nonchalance. Nature has evolved you to fuck, eat, shit etc..etc because it cares not. It doesn't care if all your children and relatives die in a car accident this second. And neither do I. In fact, I would find it amusing.
You love feeling superior and above it all don't you prince.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by skipair »

Jason wrote:
Trevor Salyzyn wrote:About the same time as when you learn to read the gist of people's internal monologue by their facial expression, you start to see how your own internal monologue affects people around you. At that point, you're pretty well fucked, because few people are that self-aware, and you kind of have to pretend that they're as conscious as you simply to deal with everyday shit. Look everyone full in the face and relax all facial muscles to keep a blank, robotic expression. I can only guess why, but they think you've got an amused smile on your face, and practically everyone says hello or nods or or winks or blushes
What you've said there is extremely similar to my thoughts and experiences. I'm not absolutely sure that people think you've got an amused smile on your face though(although this is one reading I've made too.) It could be that they're picking up on the fact that you're not engaging in normal spontaneous body language, and their reactions are attempts to engage you and draw you out into normal behaviour. The lack of conventional body language might be a little disconcerting for them, and also it might potentially put them at a disadvantage since you're not broadcasting your inner state much.
I also have extremely similar thoughts, including the dog thing, but have results closer to Jason regarding people's reaction to my relaxed, blank face. It's usually closer to hatred from them. I kind of bring them out of "happy dream land" much of the time. It's not that I'm sad, it's just that I have nothing to smile about - or frown about for that matter.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

Sometimes I forget just how deeply I've searched within myself, how self-aware and self-conscious of myself and my surroundings I've been for so long - decades. How much I've analyzed my self and the world and other people. I forget that this probably makes me odd, unusual, different.

Maybe it's a coping mechanism - so that I don't feel entirely alienated from everyone and everything. Maybe it's that I've been doing this for so long that it has become utter normality for me and I just assume that it's not normality for everyone else. I can't remember it being different to this anymore. In my younger years I felt the differences between me and the rest of society and the world so much more acutely. Maybe I could still remember the other, normal, world back then?

Or maybe I'm wrong and many other people are as aware of themselves and their society as I am? Maybe they eventually caught up with me as they began to mature? I don't have much meaningful or deep social contact so that leaves me sort of floating in space, unable to get proper bearings, to make good comparisons with "normality."
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Dan Rowden »

I'm trying to get my head round the actual significance of this discussion of seduction.

So, you can push primordial buttons in chicks and thereby score a root. Ok, so that's about on the same level as the fact that women can push primordial buttons in men and get them to virtually eat their own heads. Where's the "secret"? In those facts, or in the "techniques" one is supposed to employ to achieve this dubious end?
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

skipair wrote:I also have extremely similar thoughts, including the dog thing, but have results closer to Jason regarding people's reaction to my relaxed, blank face. It's usually closer to hatred from them. I kind of bring them out of "happy dream land" much of the time.
I rarely get hatred. It seems to me that I disarm people. That's probably the most common reaction that I perceive. Maybe that could be down to playing less games and having less defences.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Dan Rowden »

Scoring a root: Hot Tip #1

Disarming a woman is an excellent technique, but you have to follow up and keep her attention. She will immediately look for a source through which to re-ground herself. If you make yourself that source, you're in like a bad Tasmanian actor. If not, it's the crazy hand jive for you, I'm afraid.

Hot Tip #1b

Go out with a mate who knows how to disarm women and thereafter shut the hell up. It's a good cop, bad cop thing.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

I wasn't talking about women, or trying to attract women, just the reactions I get from people in general.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Dan Rowden »

I know. Speaking for myself I don't really know or take any notice of the effect I have on people.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by David Quinn »

Thanks for you detailed post, Skip. It was an interesting read, but I'm still confused by one or two things:
skipair wrote:
David Quinn wrote:So again, what is this Unspoken Code exactly?
It'd be better for me to answer specific questions as they arise (for example, "tell me how to swing a golf club"), but what comes to mind as a summary is this:

It's all the thousands of ways in which women are actresses supreme, and how most guys haven't the faintest idea they're acting. While it's primitive and instinctual, they also know exactly what they're doing much of the time. Women literally speak in coded, metaphorical language with each other, particularly in public so that men won't understand. She also speaks "fluently" in body language. And, as Shah said (!), speaks in outright LIES that have filtered into the fabric of society and that almost every guy believes. At bottom it is to keep secret what it actually is that attracts her, and as Alex said even during sex works to defeat the man. So in the end, she is closer to his dreamy expectations than he is for her, and in this way she can stay in control of her relationships and manouver her way through the social structure to power.

Everything for her depends on keeping men in the dark and maintaining her social status.

Why should women want to keep men in the dark about this matter? Wouldn't it be in their interests to let the cat of of the bag, thus giving them a greater array of swinging dick to choose from?

If gorging on swinging dick goes to the root of her survival mechanism, why would she give her social status a higher priority?

The psychological keystone to this whole thing is her dreamy Ideal Fantasy Man. I couldn't have said it better that, "The primary task for women is to allow themselves to be pushed over so that puffed up, narcissistic men can indulge their dionysian fantasies and channel their sexual energy in the direction of their ovaries." BY FAR it is this Ideal Man fantasy that plays the biggest role in her behavior. The vast majority of her life is a reaction to it. Even a hint that he might be around and everything in her life will come to a halt to accomodate it. Given the right (wrong) situation she'll literally throw her life away because of it. It is THE trump card, her guiding light on how to act in any given situation, on how to modify her boyfriends, on how to serve him when he finds her - the Prince riding in from afar.

While she might feel comfortable with hundreds of men wrapped around her finger, she will not feel safe until this man is in her life. This Ideal Man is what does not change for her because at base it is simply the man that doesn't listen to ANY of her bullshit (which is practically everything that comes out of her mouth, down to the most ridiculously innocent sounding shit you've ever heard, crying included), and instead is fully dominant and proactive. She feels she can trust him.

What connection does such a man have with a large swinging dick? Are you saying that it is impossible for a man to become an Ideal Man if he doesn't swing his dick around? Or can an Ideal Man assume other forms as well?

skipair wrote:
What is it exactly that makes a swinging dick attractive to women? (Does it have to be swinging?)
I don't like to speculate on the how, what and why of psychological matters if it strays too far from my direct observations, but here are some things I know: They need to at least see a bulge instead of a flat front pant. If it swings around when walking, "great". Their reaction is every sexual face under the sun, including all combinations of smiles, biting/sucking/licking lips to the extreme, looking directly at it with an OMG arousal face, walking toward me, stopping, and turning to walk in the direction I'm heading, crossing the street to follow me, walking toward me and purposely running directly into me, being extraordinarily polite, curteous, excited, and agreeable when talking to me, getting extremely horny when I start sexual body language, ect. I get checked out as much as a hot chick walking down a city block filled with construction workers.

What about flashing? What sort of reaction do you get when you open up your fly and flash your dick at them?

At the moment, you are a young, slim guy with glowing skin. What happens when you are older and fatter and have poor skin, and are possibly homeless? Do you think you'll get the same reaction then?

Also, at the moment, you are travelling around the world and associating with backpackers. Females tend to be more sexually receptive and active when they are in holiday mode; they are operating outside of their regular lives, as it were. Might you be receiving a distorted picture of what women as a whole are really like?

skipair wrote:
Those women who do run off with a swinging dick, leaving children and husband behind, are usually persecuted and shunned by society. Boyfriends who find out that their women have been gorging on swinging dick are usually quick to dump them, often beating them up in the process. So as a survival mechanism, it doesn't look very effective.
The survival mechanism I talk about is not just the act of getting married. It is the entire guise that makes those particulars in the process possible. Like arrogance, a big dick is just one "fitness indicator" that will peak a woman's interest, though like social proof, it's a very powerful one. In the end a combination is needed for a full seduction. Women are practical enough to know and separate their lovers who take care of her physical needs, and their providers for her emotional and economic needs (who necessarily cannot take care of her physical needs). These particular men for her may or may not have a big dick. I'm just highlighting the power it does have. In the case of her wanting to cheat, the boyfriends won't find out easily unless she wants them to.
This is particularly confusing. Given that hooking up with a provider man is a woman's primary survival strategy, and given that committing adultery puts that strategy at risk, I am confused over why you call adultery a survival mechanism. It's just a bit of entertainment on her part, isn't it? Or at most, a process of easing her own emotional and psychological insecurities via the validation of her own continuing attractiveness. Where does the actual survival bit come into play?

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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by David Quinn »

Dan Rowden wrote:I'm trying to get my head round the actual significance of this discussion of seduction.

So, you can push primordial buttons in chicks and thereby score a root. Ok, so that's about on the same level as the fact that women can push primordial buttons in men and get them to virtually eat their own heads. Where's the "secret"? In those facts, or in the "techniques" one is supposed to employ to achieve this dubious end?
At root, it is all about certain men trying to ease their male insecurities. They are expressing their desperate need to be alpha males in the eyes of women.

This is what is so amusing about the seducer's existence. He believes that he belongs in the highest strata of men, whereas in reality he resides in one of the lowest. Mentally, he is firmly under the thumb of women, hence his constant need to enact strategies to conquer them and wipe them out of existence, or otherwise place them in his harem. All the while, he believes that he is an independent man (a "gamer") who is above it all.

He is caught up in a baboon-like mentality and thinks this is what life is all about. He even calls those who laugh at such a mentality, and decline to participate in it, "deniers of life"......

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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by skipair »

David Quinn wrote:Why should women want to keep men in the dark about this matter?
It is apparently what nature has cooked up as her primary method of gaining power/survival. There are probably an infinite number of other ways it might have been. But in our world, women lie so that men think women are something that they're not. And women use this to their advantage. Most guys know this at least on some level, but it usually doesn't go deep enough to filter through all their perspectives about her.

Wouldn't it be in their interests to let the cat of of the bag, thus giving them a greater array of swinging dick to choose from?
This is a woman's torture. She cannot help but instinctively lie to and betafy even and especially the men she's attracted to. The purpose of this process is to always check her safety, and to get attracted to and empregnated by a different Alpha male.

If gorging on swinging dick goes to the root of her survival mechanism, why would she give her social status a higher priority?
It doesn't go to the root of her survival mechanism. It is one facet of what attracts her to a man, which is one facet of the social matrix, which she creates and manouvers through via her lies, acting, and soulessness. THAT is the root of her survival mechanism.

What connection does such a man [the Ideal Fantasy] have with a large swinging dick? Are you saying that it is impossible for a man to become an Ideal Man if he doesn't swing his dick around? Or can an Ideal Man assume other forms as well?
I think in the end it's impossible for any man to live up to this fantasy no matter what his characteristics. Unless a skilled seducer can always keep her reactionary and sexual, through the betafying process she will always find something that could be improved about a guy. I think you'd be hard pressed to see an "Ideal Man" without a dick that can fucker her proper. But more imporant about the image is her inability to move him psychically.

What about flashing? What sort of reaction do you get when you open up your fly and flash your dick at them?
If you mean in public to strangers or similar, probably the fear of breaking social norms in such an extreme way would trigger fear that would easily override her attraction. If sober, the emotional/sexual escalation for her to be ready for that would probably take a few hours minimum, for a promisuous girl.

At the moment, you are a young, slim guy with glowing skin. What happens when you are older and fatter and have poor skin, and are possibly homeless? Do you think you'll get the same reaction then?
No, especially if homeless it'd probably be too creepy. But older and fatter and poorer skin is still in the realm of possibility, lessening with a higher degree, probably at different and variable rates for each, and at different rates and variables for different girls.

Also, at the moment, you are travelling around the world and associating with backpackers. Females tend to be more sexually receptive and active when they are in holiday mode; they are operating outside of their regular lives, as it were. Might you be receiving a distorted picture of what women as a whole are really like?
I've tested this in backpackers hostels, walking the streets, and visiting shops. I probably have more data from the locals than from the travelers - same results.

Given that hooking up with a provider man is a woman's primary survival strategy, and given that committing adultery puts that strategy at risk, I am confused over why you call adultery a survival mechanism. It's just a bit of entertainment on her part, isn't it? Or at most, a process of easing her own emotional and psychological insecurities via the validation of her own continuing attractiveness. Where does the actual survival bit come into play?
It's also to get impregnated by a man who she feels has superior survival qualities. But overall, I'm not calling adultery a survival mechanism. That just happens to be one particular pocket of happenings in the overall lie that is woman's life.
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Dan Rowden »

skipair wrote:But in our world, women lie so that men think women are something that they're not.
What do women lie about, exactly?
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David Quinn
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by David Quinn »

For those who are interested, here is a similar thread about seduction featuring Skip, myself and a few others from around 18 months ago - Questions about Enlightenment, comments about Sex. It is interesting to observe the changes, and lack of changes, in the views of all those concerned.

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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

Leyla Shen wrote:I reckon you [Skip] are projecting your subconscious homosexuality onto women.

Interesting thought. Can you expand on that?

PS: I ain't turned on or driven competition mad by a bulging dick-in-the-pants, either.

It would surprise me if many women did. It looks likes a playboy fantasy to me.

Is this where the homosexuality comes in ....?
skipair wrote:Regardless of intellect, insight, and character of a woman, I have never met one that did not respond to the innate attraction triggers like a machine. Alex routinely produces material that will automatically flip primitive and sexual switches when women come in contact with it.
He has clearly and grossly misidentified Woman with the biological female. A woman who has intellect, insight and character IS a “woman” who is conscious, assumed primordial drives notwithstanding. The unconscious (yeah, um, you know – “Woman”) is, in fact, not a sexualized individual but THE sexualiser.

The kind of woman Skip’s talking about isn’t the profound, philosophical Woman discussed on this forum. It’s merely one of Her many changing faces, i.e., his woman is today’s sexually liberated – which is to say, sexually “masculinised” woman – the contemporary Western ideal.

There is no psychologically qualitative difference between a female and a male who share the qualities “intellect, insight and character” BY DEFINITION. On what logical grounds does Skip make the claim that a biological male can be possessed of these characters but be less of a machine uncontrollably lusting for a man-fuck with all its primitive and sexual switches flashing liking a beacon just because he has the penis between his legs?

How fucking ordinary. No wonder he’s dissatisfied. I think he's skipping quite a bit more than air - he doesn't realise it, but he's merely flirting with the reflection of his own psychological sex.

No, David. A swinging dick doesn’t turn me on – not even the “Alexian” kind (heaven fucking forbid!). My own power to awaken a man (penis definitely included) from the dead, however, does. ;)
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Jason »

Leyla Shen wrote:My own power to awaken a man (penis definitely included) from the dead, however, does. ;)
What the hell does that mean? Are you a voodoo-practicing necrophiliac?
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Leyla Shen »

[laughs] Clearly, you are not a dead man forcing a hard on so he can swing it around to attract women. :)

Oh, and by the way, will you stop advertising my Celtic fetishes, please . . . ?
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Re: The Problem With Women Today

Post by Nick »

prince wrote:People desire sex because they feel the sting of mortality. They see themselves as so little, so insignificant, so deeply fearful of their own life and its end, that they must spread their seed, shoot it, anywhere and everywhere, a desperate, orgasmic cry from the depths. (or conversely the female, receiving, hungrily taking that spunk up her pussy)
The satisfaction people get from sex and emotional relationships is similar to the satisfaction one gets from taking a shit. Which is, it only brings comfort because things are so uncomfortable before hand. Taking a shit only feels good because it's such a relief from how uncomfortable one was before hand, sex and relationships only feel good because of the terrible feeling that one was lacking something.

By understanding the uninherent existence of things, the scenario described above is no longer an issue. Thinking about how the things we perceive are essentially nothing more than causally determined bits of information interpreted by our brains to form a workable mental picture, one comes to the realization that to have a dependency on any image or form is akin to being dependent on the contents of one's dreams. One's desires and dependencies on mental imagery is greatly reduced by this knowledge when understood correctly.
prince wrote:There is a sublime design behind this, a pure design of natures nonchalance. Nature has evolved you to fuck, eat, shit etc..etc because it cares not. It doesn't care if all your children and relatives die in a car accident this second. And neither do I. In fact, I would find it amusing.
What's amusing about it?