twilight zones and groupthinks

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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Shahrazad »


I disagree that this forum needs 50 or so subforums. I cannot stand a forum that is thus divided. What is so terrible about having a thread for each topic, rather than a whole subforum?

I hope you stick around, because it would give me a chance to understand Asperger's better, and that in turn would help me get some insight into my daughter's mind.

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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Blair »

prometheuspan is like a poster-boy for Asperger's Syndrome.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Tomas »

Shahrazad wrote:Trevor,
From the moment you used the word "sheeple", you've been in the palm of my hand, little man.
When I first read this, I thought you were saying that the new guy is Daybrown, but there's no way he can be. DB is an older man.

Daybrown had class.

This guy is a flunky.

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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Jamesh »

This guy is a flunky.
My view is to not be so judgemental. I can imagine that myself, should I have been a non-emotional child, thus by nature relatively egoless, being no different to this dude.

Of course, if a number of long posts full of potentially irrelevant material keeps getting posted (I don't read that sort of stuff), then I would ask for his removal.

We always strive for what we do not have, so it is not really a surprise that he is interested in Groupthink - as that is where complex rational thinking can find a place (you provide the ideas and the others provide the emotional context for its application).

Not that it matters, but he is a searcher for "a place" where what ego he does have, can feel accepted. I think this dude is a more intense case as that Chinese fellow the QRS liked for a while.
Last edited by Jamesh on Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by prometheuspan »

I disagree that this forum needs 50 or so subforums. I cannot stand a forum that is thus divided. What is so terrible about having a thread for each topic, rather than a whole subforum?
okay you disagree. got any systems theory up your sleeve for why? do you understand why it makes sense?
have you considered the problem of disorganization? Have you considered the problem of walled gardens created by having
all those great conversations on the 20th page?

I hope you stick around, because it would give me a chance to understand Asperger's better, and that in turn would help me get some insight into my daughter's mind.
Sure, i get that a lot. It seems to be the one rock star aspect of being an aspie. Everybody wants to know how to deal with their kids.

how old is she? Whats the distribution curve on her types of intelligence look like?
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by prometheuspan »

wow, and i thought the clock was dumb.

on second thought, just in case nobody ever posts anything worth replying to, you may want to come over to my board
to chat about aspies.

seriously, this IQ test is pretty much looking pretty sad.

i don't have time or energy for petty small talk.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Blair »

prometheuspan wrote: i don't have time or energy for petty small talk.
But you have done plenty of it since you got here.

Are you a Real Genius? I am so interested in what you are.

I think you are just a punk kid, high on something.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

prince wrote:I think you are just a punk kid, high on something.
I don't usually agree with you. He's trying to take a piss on this forum, but he's not really up to the task.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Jamesh »

He's trying to take a piss on this forum, but he's not really up to the task.
He seems real to me. He is what he is. Taking a piss on this forum is a good thing in my book - even if it was his method of attempting to get people to visit his forum (which is a blog, more than a forum - but why not use a forum as a blog if the format is better).

He is more interesting than most of the flybys we get.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

I'll lay off him tomorrow, if he returns. His preconceptions of this forum might have caused him to act out inappropriately when faced with the cold reality of actually talking to people here. It's hardly the most mature defense mechanism, but it's one that I can imagine from the type of person he is. Really, I can pardon some of his sillier beliefs, like the magic powers of insight he gets from Asperger's Syndrome, since that's common in most mental illnesses. Without being able to actually see what people without Asperger's think like, it will be tricky for him to understand that over-compensating for this problem is another problem, not a key to special powers. And I can pardon some philosophic truths that he doesn't understand, like the simple fact that there is only one reality, since such wisdom does not come automatically with intelligence.

The delusions of grandeur and attention-seeking are annoying, though. Extreme hubris leads to denial, and that makes it incredibly hard for a person to get rid of delusions. I can only hope he's young, because if he's in his late 20's or older and still needs that shit to feel comfortable with himself, then there's probably very little he can do about that.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Kelly Jones »

Jamesh wrote:The male-female debate is a persistent topic here, that I’m for the most part tired off. The problem with this topic is that it is the conflict where everyone can have a say, and as such they do.
Absence of conflict is not the same as peace. It may be suppression of seething conflicts.

Even if there were no females left, there would still be feminine psychology, so long as there is some consciousness but not wisdom. But we might call it something different then.
I find the moderators a bit pompous for not concentrating on directly promoting individual masculine traits, rather they just lump it into the term masculine.
I think they do both. They focus attention on revealing the nature of Reality, which indirectly requires masculine traits. They focus on the reasoning offered by various individuals. By correcting any errors, they directly promote individual masculine traits, like courage to give oneself whole-mindedly to truth, self-examination, honesty, infinite openness to Reality, and the like.
To some extent they do so to balance against the present day far greater respect for feminine ways/values out there in the real world. Organisation and business promotes feminine mindsets, as that leads to more cooperation or sales.
If that were true, we wouldn't be focussing here on truth and philosophy. We'd be political activists harping-on against materialism, a biased legal system against men, and so forth. Instead, we focus on thinking, which destroys femininity on the level where it is most virulent.
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I have burgers in my ass

Post by DHodges »

Trevor Salyzyn wrote:You are totally full of yourself. Your ego is poorly developed, at best, full of masturbatory concepts like polymath and high IQ, and completely devoid of the built-in self-criticism and doubt of a philosopher. You are closer to a man who constantly boasts of his 12-inch dick than an egolessness, enlightened sage. I hope in the time you will now spend in this forum, you will learn a little something about reality and enlightenment.
You seem to have a grip on what "Asperger Syndrome" is. Saying "I have Asperger's" means the same thing as "I am a gigantic asshole."

I saw several of the other threads he dumped here and already thought he was probably as Aspie before seeing this thread.
Wikipedia wrote:Unlike those with autism, people with AS are not usually withdrawn around others; they approach others, even if awkwardly, for example by engaging in a one-sided, long-winded speech about a favorite topic while being oblivious to the listener's feelings or reactions, such as signs of boredom or haste to leave.[4]
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Kelly Jones »

Reminds me of Peter Cook in many of his character soliloquys. Mr Grole, Sven from Swiss Cottage, Clive, Pete, and his bizarre column, full of long-winded, one-sided, monotonous, obsessively one-dimensional ideas. And yet brilliant, even in the thick of alcohol-inspired rants against using the word fuck or cunt. Only because he had a variety of similar Asperger-like characters, and not just one, does he himself not deserve the label "Asperger's". He did actually say he had been using these voices for so long, he was afraid he didn't have his own voice.

Once everyone else was bored, and he wasn't getting any money, he'd switch to a slightly different version of the same character. So either his characters had Aspergers or his audience had ADHD.

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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Shahrazad »

got any systems theory up your sleeve for why? do you understand why it makes sense?
Keeping things simple whenever possible always makes sense.

Sure, i get that a lot. It seems to be the one rock star aspect of being an aspie. Everybody wants to know how to deal with their kids.
You can't really blame us.

how old is she?
Older than you: 23.

Whats the distribution curve on her types of intelligence look like?
I have no idea.

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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

DHodges wrote:You seem to have a grip on what "Asperger Syndrome" is.
D&D-wise, his player should have put a few more points into his WIS score. Trusting that it was only important to max his character's INT has made him useless on Insight and Perception skill checks, and he needs to roll a natural 20 to pass any but the lowest DC Willpower save. Also, making his alignment Chaotic Evil probably wasn't a very good idea, either [edit: by 2nd and 3rd edition rules, he'd be lawful evil, and completely convinced that he was true neutral; damn 4e changed the alignment system, though.].

Who says I have a grip on anything? :)
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

Since it's been established I'm sexist because I don't want to be effeminate, I have another shocking revelation.

I don't want to be a nigger. Even if my skin was dark, I wouldn't want to be one. I find it offensive.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Shahrazad »

What the fuck?
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

The intended meaning of the word goes far beyond simply "dark skin". The word suggests much more than simply that, otherwise it would not be offensive. Calling a black man a nigger is not a simple comment on the tone of his skin. What it implies is that the person suffers from several very demeaning character flaws. It is something that nobody should want to be.

"Effeminate", similarly, has a meaning quite different than "a pair of X chromosomes". You can call men effeminate and be accurate. You can call a woman "extremely effeminate" and some will take that as an insult. The values it suggests are more clear in extreme examples: it is sloth, frailty, and vanity, not female genes or organs. These are human flaws. If you want to say that these are commonly associated with females, as a dictionary is wont to do, that is as significant as saying that the common person believes all black men are niggers.

I would change my stance if words that meant "like a female" were used to describe feminine rock formations, like a cave entrance that kind of looks like a vagina; or an effeminate tree with breast-like outgrowths. These words are not weighted like that, though.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

My brother informs me I should have been tactful and said "I wouldn't want to be called a nigger", not "I wouldn't want to be a nigger". The first implies the second, though, so I disagree that being PC is necessary here.
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Re: twilight zones and groupthinks

Post by BMcGilly07 »

Edit:I had to add this to the top of my post as I am posting from a phone that will not allow me to scroll down to the bottom. Please read what's past the colons before considering the following.
Thus he is prone to empirical interests and group dynamics, simply because his ego wants some level of acceptance and attachment to people whether he knows it or not. As he said he has a minimum of ego, to the point where he is so "objective" that he cannot see his true nature unless he is willing to acknowledge that information is not pertinent per se, but wisdom.


I think prometheuspan's reactions are easily explained away by his being an aspie. He himself stated he is flooded by information, and I imagine has had to integrate himself into society by way of analyzing said information in the context of problem solving, something he can use to interact with people. However, in wanting to interact with others of his obvious intellectual prowess he never came across nor had any use for understanding reality. What do you think, prometheuspan?