Why I know no one is enlightened here

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
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Post by sschaula »

Here is one of my favorite 'swamis' - is this who you mean?
Wait a minute, thats not 'swami G' it's 'Ali G.' OK, sorry.
Because not everyone here will be an arrogant retard. There is hope.
Hope that you will enlighten them? What purpose will that serve?
God desires you to be free. Even Quinn would agree with that. Are you a retard?
I am a retard. I don't understand anything that people talk about when they bring God, freedom, desire, enlightenment...all that into the equation. I'm way too simple for it all. I'm a moron! When I walk down the street, that's all that's happening...I'm not playing a game where I'm unenlightened and you are enlightened. Or a game where I'm enlightened and I need to save the world from their ignorance.

If God desires me to be free, then I'm sure it will happen.
Why did Jesus do it? Or Buddha?
I'm not really sure, and it's weird to think of what two people did thousands of years ago. I don't even know exactly what they did.

Have you ever played the telephone game? Where you whisper in someone's ear, and they whisper in the next and pass the saying around a circle...and when it comes back to you it's completely not what you said most of the time. Well think of how many people throughout the years have translated books written about these guys. Think of all the sermons taught to seminary students, who teach them to the church goers, who teach them to their children...who knows what the original ideas were. What these guys were like. We can only get a very general idea.

I get confused by all of this religious stuff. Anyone that thinks they've got it has only gotten one aspect of it. There's a whole-nother side to the coin that the scholar or lay monk or Christian or philosopher or seeker, isn't getting.

So why did Jesus and the Buddha beat their heads against a brick wall? I have no idea!
How can any of you arrogant bastards bring anything into the light when you are as blind as a mole?
Through clear thinking, instead of getting caught up on the symbolistic meaning of words, such as "light" and "blind". When I said I hoped that things were brought into the light, I meant that I hope you can think clearly and not be deluded. Not be living a fantasy of your own creation.

If you think you're not living in a fantasy world, then that's good. I am not really saying you are...it's just that personally, I would not call myself enlightened because it's another thing to build up. It's a game to play...and I see that in my tiny bit of wisdom. So it's honest for me to not deal with enlightenment. To just "live in the real world".
I love to serve others and bless them. People who come into my life are god - and I have a relationship with god.
God is an arrogant bastard/retard?
I didn't attempt to shame enlightened people and bring a curse upon myself.
There are no curses from shaming an enlightened person.
Now I simply state what is true - I am enlightened as the ancient sages were. I know what they said. I understand. I teach out of direct knowledge for all who are humble enough to learn.
So you and all sages are like a virus. You teach so that others may learn to teach. What's the point?
The point of my thread is that all the buffoons who post here would do themselves a favor by LISTENING and LEARNING instead of PONTIFICATING THEIR FUCKING IGNORANCE WHICH REALLY SMELLS BAD TO AN ACTUAL ENLIGHTENED PERSON.
Is this the conduct of an enlightened person? To throw a temper tantrum?
What demon impels you people to fuck with me?
There are no demons!
- Scott
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Scott wrote:
Enlightenment is not something that comes and goes.
True, but a sage may come and go at will, and consider or reconsider at will.

Consider that you might be wrong.
I always do. This could all be a figment of my imagination, I could be a figment of someone else's imagination... "anything is possible" can be taken a lot of ways.

How can you step into and out of games, when delusion is dispelled, permanently?
Because the consideration that one may never step back into the game once one is enlightened is a delusion. Have you ever gotten caught up in a movie and really experienced that movie by laughing or allowing the movie to elicit some kind of emotional response? Well most people have, even though they sat down for the movie and knew that it was "only a movie" - a work of fiction. Maybe that person had to go to the bathroom and left a few moments, but got caught back up in the movie when returning. Did they forget it was a movie when they were toileting? No, but they went back anyway. The person may have even seen the movie again and still enjoyed it every time they saw it. If they had not chosen to suspend their objectivity (to an extent, "forgetting" that they were just watching a movie when they were watching), they would not have experienced the emotions.

If the emotions were unpleasant during the movie, they could remember that it was "just a movie" - thus stepping back. They did not mourn beyond the period of the movie when a main character died, nor were they traumatized by a movie murder in the same way they would have had the murder occurred in front of them in the parking lot because it was a different level of "reality."

The way you have written the fun factor quote, it appears that you think enlightenment takes all the fun out of life, but leaves the not-fun. That is anti-enlightenment.

Why would you assume I think that?
let's go back to your original quote:
The fun factor, versus the not fun factor, disappears for the enlightened.
The clarifying phrase can be removed without changing the grammatical structure, thus:
"The fun factor disappears for the enlightened."

and the clarifying phrase extrapolated into its own sentance while interpreting "versus":
"The not fun factor does not disappear for the enlightened."

That is the grammatical translation, but the meaning is illogical.

finally, Scott wrote:
It seems like you're in denial about this. If the issue is pertinent, then it should be clear to you that you have no way of becoming enlightened, nor talking about it...yet you continue to do so. Why?

I consider you caught up on gender differences, when you feel the need to defend yourself against the stupid and weak misogyny presented here. It makes you more stupid and weak than it, when you feel the need to defend yourself against it.

A person who is not caught up on gender differences doesn't think about them.
I accept your right to consider whatever you choose, but the above pretense is like saying that a person who is not caught up in cars would not notice if one ran over his dog. I feel that it is a fair exchange to consider other people's viewpoints and share my viewpoints, and I beleive that it is expecially valuable when the viewpoints differ in certain aspects. If a person is too irrational, it isn't worth much of an exchange. If the person is rational in most areas but we have a difference of opinion in one area, then it is worth exploring the possibility that this perosn has a valid and rational viewpoint. There have been many times that I have been wrong (although the occasions are fewer between, as they should be for anyone who learns over time) and it is a good thing when I learn something new or unlearn something that I had wrong.

To me, "enlightened" does not mean having to know everything or to be perpetually perfect, it means being versed in certain key points such as continual expansion of awareness, perpetual learning, and non-solidification of considerations.

In that quote Scott wrote:
I consider you caught up on gender differences, when you feel the need to defend yourself against the stupid and weak misogyny presented here.
I will admit that I frequently suck at getting the particulars of my sense of humor across, especially when I use sarcasm in type. I have made it obvious that I am not at the level that the "stupid and weak misogyny presented here" heralds, so I felt that I had enough latitude to use sarcastic humor to point out the obvious errors when such all-encompassing words such as all, no, none, or every are used. It is not self-defense but accuracy defense. There is a fine line between not talking down to people and not talking over their heads, and I am still learning how to walk (or should I say talk) that line.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

unwise wrote:
It is popular here to say that there is no 'self.' Sometimes I agree with this as there is no ego self. What people assume to be the self is a temporary manifestation that is NOT the self. However, there IS a universal subjective SELF that is not in the universe. It observes the universe. It is the necessary subjective state that observes all else. This is the 'Cosmic Self' which I define in many ways at many times. I AM this Self. As Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM."
I'll agree with that.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Trevor wrote to unwise:
you are hypocritical, insulting
Scott wrote to unwise:
Is this the conduct of an enlightened person? To throw a temper tantrum?

I think that sometimes you say some wise words, but often the way you say other things comes across as immature. Almost no one dices reality the way I do, so few people are going to see your wisdom past the moments of all-caps, insults, and mismatched statements (such as one moment claiming to be enlightened and another moment stating you never claimed to be enlightened [a little clarification is in order]). I think that not-seeing-past is what Trevor was referring to when he called you "a terrible teacher."
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Post by sschaula »

True, but a sage may come and go at will, and consider or reconsider at will.
No. A true sage is enlightened, and doesn't play mind games such as coming or going and considering or reconsidering.
I always do. This could all be a figment of my imagination, I could be a figment of someone else's imagination... "anything is possible" can be taken a lot of ways.
The fact that you question the truth of things shows that you're seeking. A sage doesn't seek, because they've found the truth. If you haven't found the truth, then why do you talk about what a sage does or doesn't do. You have no frame of reference...you're just guessing.
Because the consideration that one may never step back into the game once one is enlightened is a delusion.
No, it's not. It's a fact. If enlightenment is the dispelling of delusion and ignorance, then a person will have no game to step back into because the game is illusory.

Think about it before responding please.
Have you ever gotten caught up in a movie and really experienced that movie by laughing or allowing the movie to elicit some kind of emotional response? Well most people have, even though they sat down for the movie and knew that it was "only a movie" - a work of fiction. Maybe that person had to go to the bathroom and left a few moments, but got caught back up in the movie when returning. Did they forget it was a movie when they were toileting? No, but they went back anyway. The person may have even seen the movie again and still enjoyed it every time they saw it. If they had not chosen to suspend their objectivity (to an extent, "forgetting" that they were just watching a movie when they were watching), they would not have experienced the emotions.
These are games that the sage doesn't play.
If the emotions were unpleasant during the movie, they could remember that it was "just a movie" - thus stepping back. They did not mourn beyond the period of the movie when a main character died, nor were they traumatized by a movie murder in the same way they would have had the murder occurred in front of them in the parking lot because it was a different level of "reality."
These are games, too, which disappear for the sage.
The clarifying phrase can be removed without changing the grammatical structure, thus:
"The fun factor disappears for the enlightened."

and the clarifying phrase extrapolated into its own sentance while interpreting "versus":
"The not fun factor does not disappear for the enlightened."

That is the grammatical translation, but the meaning is illogical.
Oh, good you pointed that miscommunication out. I think that I meant fun and not-fun disappear. I didn't meant that when you become enlightened nothing is fun.
I accept your right to consider whatever you choose, but the above pretense is like saying that a person who is not caught up in cars would not notice if one ran over his dog.
This makes no sense.
I feel that it is a fair exchange to consider other people's viewpoints and share my viewpoints, and I beleive that it is expecially valuable when the viewpoints differ in certain aspects.
If a person is too irrational, it isn't worth much of an exchange.
It may have come across in my "tone" towards you, that I consider you irrational. The reason why I continue to type back and forth to you is that I'm trying to understand why you're irrational...just so you're clear about what I think of you and why we're still discussing things.
If the person is rational in most areas but we have a difference of opinion in one area, then it is worth exploring the possibility that this perosn has a valid and rational viewpoint. There have been many times that I have been wrong (although the occasions are fewer between, as they should be for anyone who learns over time) and it is a good thing when I learn something new or unlearn something that I had wrong.
This is a good way to be.
To me, "enlightened" does not mean having to know everything or to be perpetually perfect, it means being versed in certain key points such as continual expansion of awareness, perpetual learning, and non-solidification of considerations.
Then you're wrong. Don't make up definitions for things that already have definitions.
I will admit that I frequently suck at getting the particulars of my sense of humor across, especially when I use sarcasm in type.
So then don't use sarcasm. I have a thing I use for when I have to teach someone something. Have you ever heard of the K.I.S.S. idea? "Keep it simple stupid"? Well I like M.I.S.S..."Make it stupid, smartass". That means always talk to someone at their level, which you should assume is the lowest level of intelligence. If you're a smart person, you will find a way to communicate complicated points in a very simple fashion.

So make it stupid, Elizabeth. Don't try to talk over people's heads, because you'll be ignored by people..and when someone actually reads what you wrote, they will assume you're stupid for trying to be so smart.
I have made it obvious that I am not at the level that the "stupid and weak misogyny presented here" heralds, so I felt that I had enough latitude to use sarcastic humor to point out the obvious errors when such all-encompassing words such as all, no, none, or every are used.
I think you've made it obvious that you fit into the category of woman, judging from the posts I've seen from you. And me saying this is not a challenge. I'm not trying to get something out of you...I really just think you don't have the capacity for thought. You and all of the other females here are all the same. And I don't even believe that all women are unconscious...it's mainly just the ones that come to this forum that seem unconscious to me. I know quite a few other level headed females in "real life" outside of the internet.

I suspect it takes a pretty unconscious person to want to stay at this forum and defend themselves against the indirect attacks of the resident "sages".
It is not self-defense but accuracy defense. There is a fine line between not talking down to people and not talking over their heads, and I am still learning how to walk (or should I say talk) that line.
That's just a mind game you're playing with yourself. You think people have a hard time understanding you because you're smart? I think it's because your thoughts are too unclear. When I read your posts in depth I find nothing intelligent. All I see is the same thing I see from all of the other women that come to this forum...you all just fake it.

I hope no one takes that as a challenge to become more philosophical. I really don't mean it as such...I'm just being honest with you...which is probably impossible for you to process.

Enlightened people, or at least the ones closest to it, are honest people. With themselves first and foremost. It's obvious to see when someone lies to themselves. It seems to me like you do it constantly.

Anyway..I'm having kind of a shitty day..and it probably showed through. I'm sure my comments will just sluff off of you, though, Elizabeth.
- Scott
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Post by brokenhead »

I accept your right to consider whatever you choose, but the above pretense is like saying that a person who is not caught up in cars would not notice if one ran over his dog.
This makes no sense.
I think she's saying her karma ran over her dogma....
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

brokenhead wrote:
I accept your right to consider whatever you choose, but the above pretense is like saying that a person who is not caught up in cars would not notice if one ran over his dog.
This makes no sense.
I think she's saying her karma ran over her dogma....
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Scott wrote:
I consider you irrational. The reason why I continue to type back and forth to you is that I'm trying to understand why you're irrational...just so you're clear about what I think of you and why we're still discussing things.

You state that you consider that I am irrational, rather than stating that you consider some particular thought of mine irrational. I am willing to debate thoughts, but it would be irrational for me to debate myself. Since you have already made up your mind that I am irrational, you will not hear my rational words.

You are entitled to think how you please, but I will not waste effort explaining things to someone who refuses to actually hear my meaning because he is too narrow-mindedly focused on looking for a way to prove his preconceived notions.

Scott wrote:
Anyway..I'm having kind of a shitty day..and it probably showed through.

I'm sorry you're having a bad day. I had previously considered you open-minded, so I will take your shitty day into consideration and wait for you to re-ask questions that do not appear worth my effort to explain at the moment.
That means always talk to someone at their level, which you should assume is the lowest level of intelligence.
Sounds insulting to always assume the lowest level of intelligence, but I do try to talk to people at their level. I'm still working on that skill, and that is probably the biggest reason I'm still here.
Don't try to talk over people's heads, because you'll be ignored by people..and when someone actually reads what you wrote, they will assume you're stupid for trying to be so smart.
I'm not trying to talk over their heads, I just overestimate people's intelligence. I don't feel particularly intelligent, so I feel like most people will understand what I'm talking about. One thing that I like about this board is that people don't seem to hold back their opinions out of politeness. The best way I'm going to recognize what people are or are not understanding is by hearing people speak their opinions.

I am also learning more about myself here. I never realized that I can get impatient when people don't understand what I think is obvious. IRL people tend to not challenge what I say or tell me when they don't understand. I get to grow, too.
I think you've made it obvious that you fit into the category of woman
Well, I never claimed to be a man.
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Post by sschaula »

You state that you consider that I am irrational, rather than stating that you consider some particular thought of mine irrational. I am willing to debate thoughts, but it would be irrational for me to debate myself. Since you have already made up your mind that I am irrational, you will not hear my rational words.
Talking about enlightenment when you're not enlightened is irrational.
- Scott
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Post by Carl G »

sschaula wrote: Talking about enlightenment when you're not enlightened is irrational.
Scott, so why do you do it in nearly every one of your posts?
Good Citizen Carl
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Post by sky »

enlightenment is inevitable
Last edited by sky on Thu Oct 05, 2006 5:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Matt Gregory
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Post by Matt Gregory »

God can only desire something if God is finite. Desire requires the desirer to change, like when the desire is fulfilled. But an infinite God cannot change because being infinite there is nothing for such a God to change into.
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Post by sky »

ok is there another word that is not finite making

i used the quote in spite of the word desire because something resonated true or very close to

or a repharsing
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Post by unwise »

God can only desire something if God is finite. Desire requires the desirer to change, like when the desire is fulfilled. But an infinite God cannot change because being infinite there is nothing for such a God to change into.
Yes, the only 'god' I know of has no desire at all. No thinking, no information to hand out, no concern, does not inhabit time or space - and sees itself as alone in the universe. It does not know your name or care, nor does it think you are real. This I call the 'Cosmic Self' or 'Universal Self.'

Now, there may indeed be 'gods' or higher type ego entities with more or less greater power and information. Most likely true here on the relative plane. There are also 'gods' within one's own psyche who come from a level of the subconscious and are known as the 'higher self.' I sometimes call it the 'dream weaver.' This entity does respond to prayer and emotion and can bless or curse. It can even make an appearance as an actual angelic being - or demon. Magic also works on this level.
Kevin Solway
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Post by Kevin Solway »

sky wrote:enlightenment is inevitable
"God desires" can be a poetic way of saying, "if Nature determines", or "if cause and effect determine".

But why do you think enlightenment is inevitable? And for who?
unwise wrote:Now, there may indeed be 'gods' or higher type ego entities with more or less greater power and information. Most likely true here on the relative plane. There are also 'gods' within one's own psyche who come from a level of the subconscious and are known as the 'higher self.' I sometimes call it the 'dream weaver.' This entity does respond to prayer and emotion and can bless or curse. It can even make an appearance as an actual angelic being - or demon. Magic also works on this level.
Since none of those things are real I wouldn't bother wasting your time with them.
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Post by sschaula »

Yes, the only 'god' I know of has no desire at all.
Yet, you said that God desires us to be free.


You say it's that simple yet you then go on to complicate it with your beliefs, which are loaded. When I originally said "If God desires..." I wasn't having a stance on it. I don't know if God exists or doesn't exist. If God does, then I don't know if he desires or not....I could go on and on...

The point is: I am a stupid human. Yet it's even more stupid to be a stupid human that doesn't recognize their own stupidity.
- Scott
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Post by sky »

fine i will phrase it in my own words

i think enlightenment is part of the program of cause and effect that some people will always be inclined toward philosophy

that it is natural to become a thinker

i think that Bodhisattva's are concerned with every sentient being and that one way or another anyone can have this inclination and be carried or bring themselves to enlightenment

now as i said i do not know if this is something which one can strive for or is taoist as in 'part of the flow'

since it is all cause and effect

@scott -you are free to look for the stupid but someone who is actually enlightened might look for that not stupid in what anyone might have to say about what they think

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Post by unwise »

Since none of those things are real I wouldn't bother wasting your time with them
Those things are as real as your toothbrush - assuming you have one.

In fact, an in-depth study of the levels of the psyche may be the most productive of all searches in terms of enlightenment/reality etc. It avoids all sorts of religious baggage. One would see, if examined closely, that the ego/name attachment hovers very near the tip of the consciousness 'ice berg.' There is much below that. At the root is pure 'unwavering' or 'untainted' or 'unmodified' consciousness or 'god.'
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Post by brokenhead »

I think sky is correct in that God's Will ultimately prevails. Enlightenment can only be accord with that Will. The sage is always active, always learning. That's how one gets to be sage. Open your heart to God. That's all He wants you to do. The rest will happen, it has to happen. unwise, jump in, the water's fine.
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Post by brokenhead »

And take little steps first!!!

"Everybodywants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die."

Little steps, like try going one (1) day without thinking an evil thought about another person.

It's not so easy, is it? Be honest.

It gets easy.

Practice makes perfect.
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Post by sky »

And take little steps first!!!

"Everybodywants to get to heaven but nobody wants to die."

Little steps, like try going one (1) day without thinking an evil thought about another person.

It's not so easy, is it? Be honest.

It gets easy.

Practice makes perfect.
yes i know what you mean about being honest in watching one's thoughts

no matter how grievous the cause of evil thoughts

they are a waste of everything

and highly unpleasant

certainly they obscure the light

the light of reason

the light of creativity

the lightness of being
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Post by Carl G »

Kevin Solway wrote:
unwise wrote:Now, there may indeed be 'gods' or higher type ego entities with more or less greater power and information. Most likely true here on the relative plane. There are also 'gods' within one's own psyche who come from a level of the subconscious and are known as the 'higher self.' I sometimes call it the 'dream weaver.' This entity does respond to prayer and emotion and can bless or curse. It can even make an appearance as an actual angelic being - or demon. Magic also works on this level.
Since none of those things are real I wouldn't bother wasting your time with them.
Kevin, I'd be really interested how you could possibly know that "none of those things are real."
Good Citizen Carl
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Post by Kevin Solway »

Carl G wrote:Kevin, I'd be really interested how you could possibly know that "none of those things are real."
They're "not real" only in the sense that they're made up.

For example, my little finger nail could qualify as a "god", since what we choose to call a "god" is totally arbitrary.

Similarly, I could call my ego my "higher self" or "dream weaver"

I could also say that my imagination is a higher plane of existence where magic works.
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Post by unwise »

You are only saying I am making it all up. But I am not alone. Many have experienced a 'self' that seems to exist independently of the ego 'self.' Some experience a different self when they are lying unconscious on an operating table, for example. -Or when they are in the middle of a car accident and seem to view the whole thing from the side of the road instead of behind the wheel. Some sense a 'higher self' in an episode of sychronicity when the moment seems guided and directed from a higher, divine hand.

Freud, Jung and others experienced, observed, analyzed and wrote of other non-ego divisions of the psyche. Are you saying that they, too, were simply making up words?
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Post by Carl G »

Unwise wrote [words bolded by Carl G]: Now, there may indeed be 'gods' or higher type ego entities with more or less greater power and information. Most likely true here on the relative plane. There are also 'gods' within one's own psyche who come from a level of the subconscious and are known as the 'higher self.' I sometimes call it the 'dream weaver.' This entity does respond to prayer and emotion and can bless or curse. It can even make an appearance as an actual angelic being - or demon. Magic also works on this level.
Ksolway replied: Since none of those things are real I wouldn't bother wasting your time with them.
Carl G queried: Kevin, I'd be really interested how you could possibly know that "none of those things are real."
Ksolway replied: They're "not real" only in the sense that they're made up.
You repeated your previous statement, but did not answer the question.

How could you possibly know that the following are not real: gods, higher entities, higher self, dream weaver, gods within one's own psyche, angelic being, demon, and magic.

How do you surmise this?
Good Citizen Carl