Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

David wrote:
Well, they do say that the philosopher's life is one of comedy and paradox!

Are you asserting that achievement should only be recognized within the economic realm?
No, I don't think Mother Theresa had any money, but I do think she achieved some things. And she didn't have to bash anybody to achieve them.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

se wrote:
quoting EI:This is coming from a guy who has successfully achieved existance off of government handouts to spend his life bashing women for non-achievements.

se wrote: Really? So... the guy can't have a successful relationship with a woman, he can't hold down a job... It's all starting to add up as a rather sad tale of woe, isn't it?

It's understandable then that his own ego-driven needs would compensate by fabricating an elaborate tale of sageful enlightenment and doing what he can to bring in others around him who will reinforce and strengthen that delusion, i.e., someone like Sue Hindmarsh who by her own admission has always had a "masculine" mind and no doubt, has felt the sting of being different. Sue is praised for reflecting David's "teachings" while someone like Pye, who is clearly, an exeedingly intelligent and rational woman who likely presents a personal threat on multiple levels, is ridiculed.

The ego is fascinating in its bends and twists to seek personal gratification, no?
to which Kevin responded:
So your measure of success is being in a relationship with women and having a job. Is that right?
Success is being successful at something.
One could measure success at, only to name a few: finances, romantic relationships, friendships, other interpersonal relationships, logic, artistic endeavors (you can break that category down into its composite parts), environmental restoration, invention, animal breeding...

I think a number of people are looking to see what exactly it is that the "enlightened" on this board are successful at. I see some literary output, but what a number of us are challenging is the basic premise of that literary output and noting parts that lack logic. Without a valid premise, one can not make a logical argument.

Instead I see manipulation (both frank and se being accused of putting on a "knight in shining armor" act for disagreeing with the premise that women are essentially incapable of enlightenment), rewording (oh, I was just exaggerating - logic does not exaggerate, it is precise), and purported "knowledge" based on limited information (David supposing he can get all he needs to know about women by labeling 90% of himself womanly and looking at that, and Kevin supposing that he learned all he needed to know about women because he had a girlfriend for a year when he was 10. Since the brain does not finish developing until age 25, there is hardly any woman in a little girl - supposing that Kevin's girlfriend was about his age. If in fact she was a woman, she would have been a child molester. Most child molesters are male, so judging all women on one child molester is not great data collection).
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Post by Shardrol »

Nick wrote:You are nit-picking in vain.
It's not nits, it's an important point.
The thing is, I think you realize noone needs your help to understand what I or Kevin, has said, if they contemplate it with an open mind.
I'm afraid I disagree. What I think happened is that you made a mental mistake, equating 'all [biological] women' in your mind with 'unconscious', revealing your true feelings about [biological] women, which are not what you claim them to be. This is called hypocrisy.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

Shardrol wrote:
What I think happened is that you made a mental mistake, equating 'all [biological] women' in your mind with 'unconscious', revealing your true feelings about [biological] women, which are not what you claim them to be.
I agree with that thought and add to it that people who have spent a great deal of their time (years) and much of their energy and reputation on sticking to a thought that no matter how wrong it is, they are going to have a very difficult time admitting that they are wrong.

Even if that is too difficult of a task, it is better to simply stop spouting wrong ideas (once they truly understand that they are wrong - I don't propose changing a stance until the individual has a change of mind), simply go on with the right ideas or right parts of ideas, and let the wrong thoughts quietly die off into history. Currently being right is far more important than any amount of being wrong in the past.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

nick wrote:
it's simply their biased state of mind that keeps them in the dark.
Very well said (when taken out of context like that).
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David Quinn
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Post by David Quinn »

DQ: Are you asserting that achievement should only be recognized within the economic realm?

EI: No, I don't think Mother Theresa had any money, but I do think she achieved some things. And she didn't have to bash anybody to achieve them.
Alas, she constantly bashed up sages and obliterated Truth for the sake of her addiction to "helping others". The way she intertwined her "help" with deluded Christian fantasies, and tacitly undermined any desire people might have had to use their reasoning powers and seek the Truth in their minds, showed that she was essentially a force for evil - albeit unwittingly so.

She was basically just a pretty girl. Whereas young beautiful women dress prettily and sexily and distact people's minds that way, Mother Teresa wore a pretty little ethical dress in her behaviour and distracted people's minds even more.

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Post by Nick »

Shardrol wrote:It's not nits, it's an important point.
What is this oh so important point? You have no problem trying to pick apart what I have said, but you are too cowardly to put yourself out there with your own more enlightened perspective. Instead you would rather sit in the background and throw mud at what others say. Just admit you want something to nit-pick about, for the sake of nit-picking.
Shardrol wrote:I'm afraid I disagree. What I think happened is that you made a mental mistake, equating 'all [biological] women' in your mind with 'unconscious', revealing your true feelings about [biological] women, which are not what you claim them to be. This is called hypocrisy.
How is using, what I consider, an extremely accurate generalisation, hypocrisy? Hypocrisy would require me to say one thing and deomstrate the opposite. Please, show me where you think I have demonstrated this behavior and I would be obliged to clarify my thoughts for you. There is simply not one hypocritical bone in my body. Again I believe it is your biased state of mind that causes you to make these irrational assumptions about me.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

David wrote:
The way she intertwined her "help" with deluded Christian fantasies, and tacitly undermined any desire people might have had to use their reasoning powers and seek the Truth in their minds, showed that she was essentially a force for evil - albeit unwittingly so.
I'll take that one. I agree that much of what Christian missionaries do is harmful to indigenous cultures, at least. (Although if you think Mother Theresa was sexy, I'm begining to think you have been celibate a bit too long...)

How about Nikola Tesla? He's my favorite scientist, yet he didn't do well financially, and much credit for much of what he did was stolen by others. I would still consider him successful due to his many great contributions to science.
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Post by Cory Duchesne »

"India has no reason to be grateful to Mother Teresa"

by Sanal Edamaruku

"India, especially Calcutta, is seen as the main beneficiary of Mother Teresa's legendary 'good work' for the poor that made her the most famous Catholic of our times, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and a living saint. Evaluating what she has actually done here, I think, India has no reason to be grateful to her", said Sanal Edamaruku, Secretary General of the Indian Rationalist Association and President of Rationalist International in a statement on the occasion of her beatification today. The statement continues:

Mother Teresa has given a bad name to Calcutta, painting the beautiful, interesting, lively and culturally rich Indian metropolis in the colors of dirt, misery, hopelessness and death. Styled into the big gutter, it became the famous backdrop for her very special charitable work. Her order is only one among more than 200 charitable organizations, which try to help the slum-dwellers of Calcutta to build a better future. It is locally not very visible or active. But tall claims like the absolutely baseless story of her slum school for 5000 children have brought enormous international publicity to her institutions. And enormous donations!

Mother Teresa has collected many, many millions (some say: billions) of Dollars in the name of India's paupers (and many, many more in the name of paupers in the other "gutters" of the world). Where did all this money go? It is surely not used to improve the lot of those, for whom it was meant. The nuns would hand out some bowls of soup to them and offer shelter and care to some of the sick and suffering. The richest order in the world is not very generous, as it wants to teach them the charm of poverty. "The suffering of the poor is something very beautiful and the world is being very much helped by the nobility of this example of misery and suffering," said Mother Teresa. Do we have to be grateful for this lecture of an eccentric billionaire?

The legend of her Homes for the Dying has moved the world to tears. Reality, however, is scandalous: In the overcrowded and primitive little homes, many patients have to share a bed with others. Though there are many suffering from tuberculosis, AIDS and other highly infectious illnesses, hygiene is no concern. The patients are treated with good words and insufficient (sometimes outdated) medicines, applied with old needles, washed in lukewarm water. One can hear the screams of people having maggots tweezered from their open wounds without pain relief. On principle, strong painkillers are even in hard cases not given. According to Mother Teresa's bizarre philosophy, it is "the most beautiful gift for a person that he can participate in the sufferings of Christ". Once she tried to comfort a screaming sufferer: "You are suffering, that means Jesus is kissing you!" The man got furious and screamed back: "Then tell your Jesus that he should stop kissing me!" Do we have to be grateful to be the victims of this very special kind of charity? Do we have to tolerate that ignorant and helpless people are used as extras in the inhumane and cruel religious drama of the beauty of suffering in Christ?

When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Price, she used the opportunity of her worldwide telecast speech in Oslo to declare abortion the greatest evil in the world and to launch a fiery call against population control. Her charitable work, she admitted, was only part of her big fight against abortion and population control. This fundamentalist position is a slap in the face of India and other Third World Countries, where population control is one of the main keys for development and progress and social transformation. Do we have to be grateful to Mother Teresa for leading this worldwide propagandist fight against us with the money she collected in our name?

Mother Teresa did not serve the poor in Calcutta, she served the rich in the West. She helped them to overcome their bad conscience by taking billions of Dollars from them. Some of her donors were dictators and criminals, who tried to white wash their dirty vests. Mother Teresa revered them for a price. Most of her supporters, however, were honest people with good intentions and a warm heart, who fall for the illusion that the "Saint of the Gutter" was there to wipe away all tears and end all misery and undo all injustice in the world. Those in love with an illusion often refuse to see reality.
Elizabeth Isabelle
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Post by Elizabeth Isabelle »

So Mother Theresa was a successful fundraiser.

I wrote:
I don't think Mother Theresa had any money, but I do think she achieved some things. And she didn't have to bash anybody to achieve them.
I take back "And she didn't have to bash anybody to achieve them" and stand corrected on that part. Although the church provided for her upkeep, I believe that she did not have personal money, and did not lead a wealthy life herself. She did achieve some things. This would be an example of how someone can be sucessful in one area (fundraising) and unsuccessful in another (ethics).

This only exemplifies
DQ: Are you asserting that achievement should only be recognized within the economic realm?
The example (Mother Theresa and achievement) does not address the larger, and I agree much more important issue of ethics. Although this does kind of throw her into the financial realm, doesn't it?

Okay, as I asked, what about Tesla?
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Post by Shardrol »

Nick wrote:Hypocrisy would require me to say one thing and deomstrate the opposite. Please, show me where you think I have demonstrated this behavior and I would be obliged to clarify my thoughts for you.
I already did that in my 'slither/weasel' post on page 10 of this thread.
There is simply not one hypocritical bone in my body. Again I believe it is your biased state of mind that causes you to make these irrational assumptions about me.
It looks like we're going to have to agree to disagree. It seems futile to discuss it further.
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Post by Nick »

Shardrol wrote:I already did that in my 'slither/weasel' post on page 10 of this thread.
My guess is you are refering to this statement I made in my initial post; "Not to say this isn't the case with most men, but it is the case with all women", in reference to their absence of consciousness. Followed later by my statement that I don't consider all anatomical women unconscious. If I need to make anything more clear it is that in my initial post, I am refering to one's state of mind being one of masculine nature, or one of feminine nature. Not a characteristic I believe is definable by one's genitals or breasts, which was the point of the second statement. Truly there are many women I have met who happened to posess a penis and a pair of testicles.
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Post by s_e »

You are hoping there is a major flaw with David's argument, but you don't know what it is, so you are throwing mud indiscriminately in the hope that some will stick.

Oh, I know what it is Kevin, and that's not mud that you smell.

"Alas, she constantly bashed up sages and obliterated Truth for the sake of her addiction to "helping others". The way she intertwined her "help" with deluded Christian fantasies, and tacitly undermined any desire people might have had to use their reasoning powers and seek the Truth in their minds, showed that she was essentially a force for evil - albeit unwittingly so.

She was basically just a pretty girl. Whereas young beautiful women dress prettily and sexily and distact people's minds that way, Mother Teresa wore a pretty little ethical dress in her behaviour and distracted people's minds even more."

-- David

The narcissistic leader is the culmination and reification of his period, culture, and civilization. He is likely to rise to prominence in narcissistic societies.

The malignant narcissist invents and then projects a false, fictitious, self for the world to fear, or to admire. He maintains a tenuous grasp on reality to start with and this is further exacerbated by the trappings of power. The narcissist's grandiose self-delusions and fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience are supported by real life authority and the narcissist's predilection to surround himself with obsequious sycophants.

The narcissistic leader fosters and encourages a personality cult with all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology. The leader is this religion's ascetic saint. He monastically denies himself earthly pleasures (or so he claims) in order to be able to dedicate himself fully to his calling.

Narcissistic leadership often poses as a rebellion against the "old ways" - against the hegemonic culture, the upper classes, the established religions, the superpowers, the corrupt order. Narcissistic movements are puerile, a reaction to narcissistic injuries inflicted upon a narcissistic (and rather psychopathic) toddler nation-state, or group, or upon the leader.

Minorities or "others" - often arbitrarily selected - constitute a perfect, easily identifiable, embodiment of all that is "wrong". They are accused of being old, they are eerily disembodied, they are cosmopolitan, they are part of the establishment, they are "decadent", they are hated on religious and socio-economic grounds, or because of their race, sexual orientation, origin ... They are different, they are narcissistic (feel and act as morally superior), they are everywhere, they are defenceless, they are credulous, they are adaptable (and thus can be co-opted to collaborate in their own destruction). They are the perfect hate figure. Narcissists thrive on hatred and pathological envy.

The narcissistic leader prefers the sparkle and glamour of well-orchestrated illusions to the tedium and method of real accomplishments. His reign is all smoke and mirrors, devoid of substances, consisting of mere appearances and mass delusions.

Source: Malignant Self-Love
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Post by Kevin Solway »

s_e wrote:The narcissistic leader fosters and encourages a personality cult with all the hallmarks of an institutional religion: priesthood, rites, rituals, temples, worship, catechism, mythology.
I'm wondering who you think the "narcissistic leader" is, or whether you are writing your posts purely for your own entertainment.

Where are these rites, rituals, temples, worship and mythology?
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Post by s_e »

I'm wondering who you think the "narcissistic leader" is...

Yes, I can understand your need for self-mystification. You are probably the only one reading that post who finds it necessary to "wonder" at all. The rest of the readers are likely quite capable of seeing through the game with perfect clarity.
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Post by Kevin Solway »

This forum is run by David Quinn, Dan Rowden, and myself. So I'm interested to know who you think the leader is.

It's not usual for a cult to have at least three equal leaders is it?

And what about the rites, rituals, temples, worship and mythology? You'd think that after fifteen years there'd be some evidence of them.
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Post by Pye »


Nick writes:
My guess is you are refering to this statement I made in my initial post; "Not to say this isn't the case with most men, but it is the case with all women", in reference to their absence of consciousness. Followed later by my statement that I don't consider all anatomical women unconscious. If I need to make anything more clear it is that in my initial post
Myself, I did not have to "guess" this, as Shardrol's original exception to your reasoning makes this perfectly direct and clear. Of course, alert readers did not need Shardrol to see it, either.
Nick: I am refering to one's state of mind being one of masculine nature, or one of feminine nature. Not a characteristic I believe is definable by one's genitals or breasts
So, not definable by genitals, but then:
Truly there are many women I have met who happened to posess a penis and a pair of testicles.
-- definable by genitals.

And then you say:
It really gets boring having to explain this concept over and over again. It's not at all confusing
Well Nick, that's some impressive use of your physio-masculine edge in the process of reasoning. And an excellent illustration of how said reasoning on your part (and the part its other practitioners) is embedded in confusion to begin with.

At least you finally made it (only to lose it again). What do you think was/is standing in the way of your understanding in the first place?

Hubris? called out by a "woman"? pinched ego? clinging? Rotten foundations to the rationale to begin with? what?

[sarcasm code] . . . yeah, not a hypocritical bone in your body . . . . and certainly no evidence of interference to your reasoning process of an emotional nature at all. [/sarcasm code]

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Trevor Salyzyn
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Post by Trevor Salyzyn »

s_e, your post is entirely different than the one I read a few hours ago. You even pasted a completely different article from a different website.

Amusingly enough, this new article refers to the tactics of "smoke and mirrors" and "lack of substance"; at the moment, I can't think of anyone that applies more to than you.
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Post by Kevin Solway »

Nick wrote:Not to say this isn't the case with most men, but it is the case with all women [in reference to their absence of consciousness]
To me it did sound like the "women" in question were anatomical women.

However I sympathize with feeling the necessity to talk about all women, since if you referred to, say, "virtually all women" or "the vast majority of women" then every single woman on the planet will think that they personally are the exception. Likewise a lot of men will think that their girlfriend or wife is the exception. In this way all the power - and all the truth - is lost from the statement.

Shardrol feels it is dishonest. And I think it is dishonest if it is understood out of context.

It is a generalization to say that all women are, say, unconscious - in the same way that it is a generalization to say something like "all men are bastards". That is, it is not necessarily true in its full extent for every individual woman. And so long as it is understood as a generalization, then I don't believe it to be dishonest.

In Nick's case, he did say that he didn't consider all anatomical women unconscious, so in that context I think it is clear that he was using a generalization.
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Post by Pye »


btw, I do not possess a penis and testicles -- not physically, not psychically, not metaphorically, not at all (and no amount of your metaphorico-irrational insistence on this will put them there. Your iconic-dickhood is not the yardstick of my brain, nor of anyone's). But I do possess human consciousness, human reason, as does every one, to more or less degrees.

And as we all know, the more is everywhere rare . . . .

Situating your particular anatomical parts, maleness in general as definitive to human reasoning is so much adolescent dick-obession, bringing ever-new meaning to the "dick-headed" phrase.

Good thing you performed some triage for Nick, Kevin. He's one of your unconscious victims set-back by and stuck in this incoherent rationale.

[edit: additional phrase]
Last edited by Pye on Wed Sep 13, 2006 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Leyla Shen
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Post by Leyla Shen »

Man, talk about disingenous and/or memory failure.

Kevin wrote:
In Nick's case, he did say that he didn't consider all anatomical women unconscious, so in that context I think it is clear that he was using a generalization.
Rubbish, this is exactly how it went:
Kevin: Now, if I have a like discussion with any woman, no matter whether she is a thirteen year old girl or a 50 year-old professor, the discussion will vary little from one woman to the next, and they won't understand a word of it. They might repeat back to me what I'm saying, telling me how wise and lofty it is, but it doesn't even penetrate the outer layer of cells of their brain. The discussion will rarely influence their lives in any way whatsoever other than in possibly increasing their vocabulary.

Nick: I agree with Kevin. I live in a very populated area with people from many different walks of life, and like Kevin said; "They (women) might repeat back to me what I'm saying, telling me how wise and lofty it is, but it doesn't even penetrate the outer layer of cells of their brain". Not to say this isn't the case with most men, but it is the case with all women.

Shardrol: So would you say then that all the women on the forum do not understand the writing of those on the forum whom you consider wise?
And the rest is history.

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Post by Nick »

Pye wrote:.

btw, I do not possess a penis and testicles -- not physically, not psychically, not metaphorically, not at all (and no amount of your metaphorico-irrational insistence on this will put them there. Your iconic-dickhood is not the yardstick of my brain, nor of anyone's). But I do possess human consciousness, human reason, as does every one, to more or less degrees.
If you weren't so scared of your femininity you would understand that what I've said complies with this perfectly.

As far as women being unconscious, please, just look at the world around you. Go talk to some women, then talk to some men, tell me who you think is the more conscious and human of the two sexes. Anyone with a conscience will see that it is men who are vastly superior in consciousness. I don't need Kevin, nor anyone else to tell me anything in order for me to realize this.
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Post by David Quinn »

Pye wrote:
Good thing you performed some triage for Nick, Kevin. He's one of your unconscious victims set-back by and stuck in this incoherent rationale.
He's young, passionate and has an inkling of the world's bullshit. What more do you want? He may be a bit raw at the moment, but there is every chance that he will change and develop as time goes on.

Who knows? If you serve as a good example to him, Pye, he may even revise his views on women. Anything is possible.

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Post by David Quinn »

Nick wrote:
Anyone with a conscience will see that it is men who are vastly superior in consciousness.
Women are generally able to read social situations a lot better than men. They are more aware of social dynamics. They are better at reading body-language. They are more aware of the connections and bonds they share with other people. They are often more empathic to other people's suffering. They often have intuitive insights which can surprise and startle men. They tend to possess far more knowledge about practical matters. They can multi-task without too much trouble, meaning they can perform more than one complex task at a time, a feat which is beyond most men.

Surely, it is the case that women are far more conscious than men in many ways?

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Post by Nick »

DavidQuinn000 wrote:Nick wrote:
Anyone with a conscience will see that it is men who are vastly superior in consciousness.
Women are generally able to read social situations a lot better than men. They are more aware of social dynamics. They are better at reading body-language. They are more aware of the connections and bonds they share with other people. They are often more empathic to other people's suffering. They often have intuitive insights which can surprise and startle men. They tend to possess far more knowledge about practical matters. They can multi-task without too much trouble, meaning they can perform more than one complex task at a time, a feat which is beyond most men.

Surely, it is the case that women are far more conscious than men in many ways?

Certainly, but there are animals that are more conscious than me in certain instances. Take my pet dog for example, she can hear things that I can't, making her more conscious than I am in this aspect. And for all those characteristics you mentioned women might be more adept at than men, you didn't metion two traits that I value far, far above those; honesty and sincerity. Two traits which I find much more common in men.