The Face of YOU is the Uni-Verse of YOU

Discussion of the nature of Ultimate Reality and the path to Enlightenment.
Pam Seeback
Posts: 2619
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:40 pm

The Face of YOU is the Uni-Verse of YOU

Post by Pam Seeback »

You are purposed to come into the flesh to comprehend the living metaphor "universe" for what it IS within your own relativity of you, and that is, (MY) UNI-VERSE. One I of One Verse, One I of One Song, One I of One Law, expressed always as an expression of the relativity of YOU. The Singularity of You being expressed as the Plurality of You in every thought of you: every thought of you as being a whole, complete, perfect and pure expression of you, whether this thought of you is of pure relativity of subject-object union or whether this thought of you is of being an impure relativity of subject-object division.

The key to seeing YOU as the UNI-VERSE of you from the view of the perfect harmony of you is to begin to realize that the reality of your seeking is the reality of "that which you seek, you already are." You are out of harmony of you when the relativity of you seems as if the UNI-VERSE of you is the DUAL-VERSE of you, or the MULTI-VERSE of you. Always the Spirit of Righteousness, the Spirit of UNI-VERSE, is the Spirit of One I, One Verse in perfect subject-object union ~ The Singularity of the Plurality of I AM, which is YOU!

All the seeking of God and of you through myth and metaphor is purposed so as to awaken you to the nature of God and of you, of I and the Father are One, which is thought relativity, so that you can come to realize that that which is temporary and relative of you (the experience of bringing to life temporal-spatial thoughts of you - the illusion of you) also applies to that which is permanent and relative of you (the you that is infinite and eternal and beyond the temporal-spatial metaphorical ("dream") appearance of you).

Einstein revealed an important moment of awakening: the theory of relativity. What he failed to do within his living as "Einstein" was to realize, within the depth of his being, that what was presented to him as a theory was presented to as a theory because it was the living truth of who he was/is. The arrival of Einstein into flesh was key to awakening man to the awareness of relativity; what the flesh mentality of Einstein could not step beyond was his experience of wonder and awe (sense of being separate from) his revelation of thought relativity. In other words, Einstein failed to become realized of "That which he was seeking, he already was/is."

Every man is purposed to go beyond Einstein's great awakening of the theory of relativity so as to hear the living song or living law of the relativity of "I and the Father are One." The question I put to you today while you are living within the appearance of the divided relativity of you is: do you hear your song of Christ, which is your song of the undivided relativity of you, and if you do, what are you to do about the appearance of the divided human relativity of you?
Posts: 262
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Re: The Face of YOU is the Uni-Verse of YOU

Post by IJesusChrist »

how does einstein have anything to do with any of what you just said lol. Relativity has to do with space & time, not philosophy or psychology...
To think or not to think.
Pam Seeback
Posts: 2619
Joined: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:40 pm

Re: The Face of YOU is the Uni-Verse of YOU

Post by Pam Seeback »

IJC, I explained the relation of Einstein's theory of relativity to the permanent and temporal awareness of thought relativity in every man. I did not mention philosophy, nor did I mention psychology.

You have not explained your statement: "Relativity has to do with space & time, not philosophy or psychology.." As I have stated several times on this forum: making a statement without giving evidence (relating it to your unconditional comprehension of you) will do nothing to expand the awareness of either the writer, you, or of the reader, whoever.

Can you expand, for the readers, the relatedness within you, of space and time and of Einstein and of philosophy and of psychology?
Posts: 262
Joined: Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:42 am

Re: The Face of YOU is the Uni-Verse of YOU

Post by IJesusChrist »

ALL relativity has to do with, is the change of our 3-dimensional space and time.

It has nothing to do with who I am, who you are, who you think you are, or who I think you want to be.
Every man is purposed to go beyond Einstein's great awakening of the theory of relativity so as to hear the living song or living law of the relativity of "I and the Father are One." The question I put to you today while you are living within the appearance of the divided relativity of you is: do you hear your song of Christ, which is your song of the undivided relativity of you, and if you do, what are you to do about the appearance of the divided human relativity of you?
This, if I am getting what you are trying to get across correctly, states that Einstein's theory has something to do with God, or a unity.

Einsteins theory had to do with acceleration, and the observation of space & time, and how they are not constant in all states of motion or accelerations.

I think euler's theory might be more appropriate, however, it may be that I am, just as most of us are, extremely ignorant to it's true geometrical meaning... which could be very simple, but paradigm shift..ish.

You also are talking about psychology and neurology when you speak of subject-object relativity. Which isn't about einstein's theory - it's psychology; how YOU think about the not-you and the you.

And yes I think I have heard what you are calling the Song of Christ, it's pretty euphoric, and can be enhanced with a bit of MDMA. Woo! Drugs and god.
To think or not to think.